

  • Green and white teas have very little caffeine in them, so unless you are going to drink a gallon a day, getting them decaffeinated is a waste. Black tea has somewhat more, because it was allowed to mature on the stem for longer, but still only about 1/4 the caffeine of a cup of coffee. Green and white teas are wonderfully…
  • Egad-10 minutes? Yikes! That would be one bitter and cold cup of tea! For a first steeping of green, 2 minutes. For a secong steeping, 4 minutes, and a 3rd steeping of the same leaves, 6-8 minutes. I can't imagine the person who said 10 minutes has ever actually drunk a cup of tea!
  • Also if you want really good tea, buy it loose. Tea bags are basically floor sweepings in a bag.
  • Green, white and black tea are actually all the same thing. White tea is picked very young and barely processed, green tea is picked a little later and lightly processed (usually steamed and rolled) and black tea is picked later still and slightly fermented. Green and white have greater antioxidants because they are…
  • The only thing I've realized is that those addictive cravings are short lived; I can wait them out most of the time. If I can just sit with the craving for a half hour or so, it begins to diminish. Before I know it, I'm over it. That works most of the time, at least when I allow myself the headspace to realize that the…
  • It is actually Ball, not Bell. Damn you, Sylvia Plath!!!
    in Canning Comment by chartel June 2011
  • Hi! Sounds like you're on the right road! Welcome to the forum :)
    in Hi people. Comment by chartel June 2011
  • I agree with Jarrettd. Bell Blue book is the way to go.
    in Canning Comment by chartel June 2011
  • I'm a vegan. So's my wife, and she's the best vegan chef I know. We have recipes :)
  • I was misdiagnosed with celiac three years ago. Staying off gluten did make me feel better, but the same thing happened that you are describing. I went to a naturopath (though any Dr. would do as well) and had a comprehensive dietary allergy screening done. It turns out the real culprit was dairy. Becoming a vegan has…
  • Hey there! We have similar stories (except that I didn't get pregnant) and similar goals. I'd be happy to be an ear and a boost on crappy days. Click on my name and I'll friend you :)
  • Thanks for the advice! I added a recipe for Vegan Eggplant Parmigiana and it worked! It was a bit time consuming to enter, but nothing's perfect :)
  • Nevermind. I just figured it out.
    in Hi Comment by chartel June 2011
  • Silly question: How do I add you?
    in Hi Comment by chartel June 2011