Addicted to Food

Hi, everyone.

I am a foodaholic. All day, every day:

I want to read recipes...
I want to make beautiful healthy meals...
I want to simply look at fantastic, colourful dishes full of wholesome foodie goodness...
I want to shop for new and interesting foods, kitchen utensils and anything remotely related to food.

(That last one is the killer. I spend SO MUCH MONEY feeding my habit! I seriously need to keep myself in check or I will just keep buying things.)

Now, I'm pretty in-tune with my inner self and I realize that what I'm doing is replacing my obsessive thoughts about eating, poor food choices and weight GAIN with an obsession on healthy food. Before anyone suggests it, I *am* in therapy. :P

I just wonder if anyone else here can identify.


  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I can identify!!
  • lee3978
    lee3978 Posts: 274
    Raising hand.

    Yup. I dream of lavish meals. I hate when I'm interrupted eating. I hate when I crave something and it just does not meet my expectations (i.e. soggy ice cream at baskin robbin's the other day that I should not have had!)

    I found myself eating almond after almond in the Rite Aid today and 24 almonds later I was like urgh.

    I'd rather stay home and eat then go out with friends. I am not comfortable now unless I'm at home eating. I fear everyone is watching me eat now since I'm on a diet.

    I look at food commericals and I'm scared to leave the house.

    Yeah I'm addicted to food.
  • chartel
    chartel Posts: 16
    The only thing I've realized is that those addictive cravings are short lived; I can wait them out most of the time. If I can just sit with the craving for a half hour or so, it begins to diminish. Before I know it, I'm over it. That works most of the time, at least when I allow myself the headspace to realize that the craving's got hold of me.
  • farfalledibaciodinotte
    farfalledibaciodinotte Posts: 181 Member
    I totally agreee.. I love looking at beautifully set up food, watching cooking shows, looking at recipe magazines ... in my head I know I have to eat healthy or I wont reach my goals, but FOR REAL who doesn't wish they had the freedom to eat like 20 little debbie snacks, or salt and vinegar chips... or a huge *kitten* bowl of mashed potatoes... UGH. lol

    now back to reality... I agree hahaa
  • justimogen
    justimogen Posts: 76
    Oh thank you! I am not alone!

    lee3978: I also like to eat in private when I can and hate it when food does not meet my expectations or when someone interrupts my meals. My meals are small and, although they are more frequent now than ever before, I want to enjoy each delicate little morsel.

    I actually have bookmarked "food porn" sites and thoroughly enjoy browsing through pictures of meals. I've even considered pursuing a career in food photography or styling.

    Just to clarify: This is sort of the opposite of where I was before committing to a healthy lifestyle. Before, I was afraid of food and it brought with it all sorts of bad emotions such as immense shame and sadness. I felt helpless over cravings - for the BAD stuff - all the time. I hated food but I needed it. I starved myself for hours and then ate everything I could get my grubby little hands on and almost none of that was nourishing to my body.

    I realize that it's benefiting me right now to be so absolutely intrigued by my new way of eating and mesmerized by all of the pretty vegetables on shiny plates, but at some point I've got to get a life, right? I mean, I know life can't be all about food and dieting forever.

    For now, is it bad that I'm kind of enjoying this even though I know that it's kind of...well...wrong?
  • meldaniel
    meldaniel Posts: 111
    I am a big foodie too. I love eating, cooking, trying restaurants, recipes, etc. Food addiction is hard to can't just quit "using" or you would die! That makes it different from any other addiction. We have to learn how to eat and how to be creative and responsible I suppose. In my perfect dream world I would be a girl who can't gain weight and needs to eat all day! I have some friends like that..those *****es! LOL!
  • liveskinnyxo
    liveskinnyxo Posts: 259 Member
    i agree, im obsessed & part of me thinks i'll always be obsessed with something. at least this wont make me fat...just broke
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    I just go through (long) periods of time where I think about food almost constantly. Even while I'm eating, I'm thinking about how soon I can eat again and how much I can have and what it will be and what time I can start getting it ready. Ugh, I suck.
  • justimogen
    justimogen Posts: 76
    I would be a girl who can't gain weight and needs to eat all day! I have some friends like that..those *****es! LOL!

    Haha my ex was like that - No matter what he ate he was actually somewhat underweight. He'd go to the grocery store and get Doritos and ice cream and just eat it like it was nothing. I would try so hard to lose weight and would gain while he LOST weight eating the foods I made plus his snacks and fast food.

    i agree, im obsessed & part of me thinks i'll always be obsessed with something. at least this wont make me fat...just broke

    I'm right with you!

    For me, weight loss was a matter of life and death. I guess I'd rather be broke and alive than rich and dead. I guess I have to take the bad with the good. :)
  • TooFine4MFP
    TooFine4MFP Posts: 134 Member
    I can totally relate, I just can't say no to food. I give into my cravings almost everytime. I love large portions, I have to finish my food and I dont like to share.....ever. Pray for me as I need deliverance in this area! I think about the next meal almost constantly!
  • skinnyhopes
    skinnyhopes Posts: 402 Member
    This is the story of my life. :(
  • Xandralexa
    Xandralexa Posts: 87
    I'm like this also. I just like eating good food & I love trying new recipes.
    Thankfully a lot of the recipes I've become obsessed with (and have tried) are from, which is a great site for tasty, healthy recipes.
  • justimogen
    justimogen Posts: 76
    Awww TooFine4MFP and Skinnyhopes...I am sending positive thoughts in your direction, as well as anyone else who suffers with constant thoughts of food.

    As serious and disheartening as this subject is, I have to try to put a positive spin on it. It's one of those "if I don't laugh, I'll cry" things.

    We are here. We're in the right place doing the right thing. We're taking our lemons and trying to make the best darn lemonade anyone's ever tasted.

    If the worst I have to deal with for the rest of my life is the nagging obsession with food BUT I stick to healthy things that feed my body and mind, so be it.

    We just all need to know that we're not alone in this.
  • justimogen
    justimogen Posts: 76
    Xandralexa: I'd not heard of that site. Thanks! I've added it to my list. They've got some fantastic-looking recipes, especially the Italian section.

    Note to self: Do not look at these while hungry. Vietnamese-Style Chilled Maine Shrimp with Cabbage & Peanuts?!! Ohhh...
  • Xandralexa
    Xandralexa Posts: 87
    Xandralexa: I'd not heard of that site. Thanks! I've added it to my list. They've got some fantastic-looking recipes, especially the Italian section.

    Note to self: Do not look at these while hungry. Vietnamese-Style Chilled Maine Shrimp with Cabbage & Peanuts?!! Ohhh...

    Haha! Yes, the site is amazing. I discovered it 2 years ago, but I didn't start trying some of the recipes until last year. I like the Italian section too, as well as the Asian. In fact, I'm always in their ethnic foods section lol !! I'm kinda picky too, but so far I've enjoyed most of the recipes I've tried. Hope you try some of them.
  • lee3978
    lee3978 Posts: 274
    OMG I HATE SHARING, TOO! Especially when I'm dieting hardcore and I have my food measured. And I hate sharing desserts!!! Get your own! My friends think I'm stingy and then they ask Oh aren't you on a diet? urgh.
    I can totally relate, I just can't say no to food. I give into my cravings almost everytime. I love large portions, I have to finish my food and I dont like to share.....ever. Pray for me as I need deliverance in this area! I think about the next meal almost constantly!