itsmewendylee Member


  • Me too! Nov 2 is my first race. I will have just finished the program, but I feel the same way... even if I have to walk a little bit at some point to recover and resume running, that is okay, I just want to do it! If I make it all the way through at a run, that will be a HUGE accomplishment for me! I am in NE Ohio- not…
  • I love this. Thanks so much for posting it.
  • I cramped up so much in the beginning I thought I would have to quit. Over the past week and a half or so I've found wearing athletic compression socks while running made a HUGE difference! I wear them for about 30 min after too to help with recovery. I'd wear them longer but at that point I have to jump in the shower and…
  • Down 6.5 so far, but I'll weigh in again on Sunday.
  • Actually I just blogged about that a few days ago here: Looks like we have really different tastes though! Hey, whatever works, right?
  • I've read that breastfeeding burns about 500 cal a day. As most folks seem to be allotted the range of 1200-1400 a day, your 1700 is probably right but at the lower end, depending on how much you weigh and how active you are.
  • I hear ya! I recently blogged on this topic here: I'm going to try using 10 minute work outs and burst training to fit it in...
  • Well, to lose 18lbs in 13 days is very unusual. Perhaps some of that loss was water weight in the first place and your body just got back in balance. Any time weight loss happens that quickly the body says "holy crap" and makes some adjustments because it thinks you are under stress. Time of day does make big difference…
  • Definitely worthy of a doctor's visit. Could be a circulatory problem.
  • Oh, and gvt... I found the need to look up Michi's Ladder too... looks to be a useful tool! In case others haven't heard of it either, here's a link:
  • Wow didn't take long to get a few replies! Now I need to look up where to find Applegate Herb Turkey in my area. :-) I forgot what a great idea pasta can be... next time we use whole grain pasta as part of dinner, I'll set aside some for lunch for sue! Janna, your salad sounds wonderful, wish I had you here to pack it for…
  • Too true... the closer to nature a food is, the better it is for you. It is hard to find readily avaiable, affordable organic and unprocessed food in our area but I do go "whole foods" as much as possible.
  • I get set off by triggers like a fight with my hubby or a bad day at work too. I do try to cope in other ways like taking walk, talking to a friend, etc... but for some reason, nothing seems to soothe like an entire bag of chips followed by a dozen giant cookies, you know? Except it doesn't soothe. After a binge I am all…
  • You look awesome! You must be combining EXERCISE with diet, because you already look more toned! congratulations and keep up the hard work!
  • Always a battle, and I'm sure you've heard most of this advice before but it bears repeating... keep healthy snacks on hand! It's a hard one for me to follow, too- I am always hungry- not just having cravings but actual hunger pangs. It helps to keep veggies and lowfat popcorn on hand- and gum and fiber water. The better…
  • taz- That is frustrating. I have been there and usually that's when I start to slip off the wagon... but I learned that sometimes the change isn't on the scale. Are you measuring? Often there are inches lost even when you don't lose pounds, especially if you are exercising. As you lose fat and gain muscle, one offsets the…
  • I've lost 1lb since starting... which is good! Today I was off work, and it was a gray cold day out, so I spend time cooking ahead lighter healthier meals to make sticking to plan easier. A staple for me in cold weather is soup. I made Southwest Chicken Soup today. What do you do to stay on track?
  • Ok, what the heck, me too! Fell off the wagon all summer, looking for a way to stay motivated with fresh start! I'm a week behind y'all but I think I can still make a goal of 20lbs by Christmas! Let's do it!