

  • How do you save calories? Is that allowed?
  • Thanks, all. I sent her a Private message on FB. I haven't heard back from her yet, but I won't take it personally if I don't hear from her. She's a good person, but she has a life too.
  • Smashburger is a fast food chain here in Nevada. I guess they "smash" herbs & seasoning into the burgers & chicken patties. The patties are very thin, but they taste heavenly! They also serve french fries baked with garlic & olive oil and they have sweet potato fries too. So Damn good!
  • WW worked for me in the past, and I reached my goal and made Lifetime.......then I got pregnant. I found out the day I made Lifetime that I was pregnant. Can you believe that Sh#t? ha ha. Anyway, I can't do it anymore. Too expensive. I know the program, so if I still want to do it I can, but not now.
  • My guess is she already knows I quit. However, there were a couple of really nice women at my meeting. One older lady who was always happy to see me & my baby. She mentioned buying a birthday gift for him which was 2 weeks ago. I would hate to think of her showing up at the meeting with a gift and me never going back. I do…
  • Some of you are mentioning making up calories, or saving calories. How exactly does that work? Can you under eat your calories and then save them for a big *eating* day?
  • I can't eat too many acidic fruits (oranges, stawberries, etc) they make my mouth have sores. Maybe I have a bit of an allergy to them? Not sure.
  • I do LOVE avocados.
  • What is my Workout routine? I don't really have one. However, I do go hiking 2 - 3 times a week for 30 -60 minutes. Sometimes with my baby in the back pack and other times without. I belong to the gym, but with 3 little ones at home it's hard to get there. When I do go to the gym I either hit the treadmill or swim. Like to…
  • I had my baby in June, he just turned 1, but I'm still trying to lose the last 9 lbs. I was on WW, but I was at a plateau for 7 months!!! Thought I'd try MFP to see how I would do. So far I've lost about 2.5 lbs. in 3 weeks, so it's going slow but I'm not complaining!
  • How is MFP working for you? I've been doing it for 3 week and have lost about 2.5 lbs. Heck, I'm not gonna complain though because that's 2.5 lbs more than when I was on WW.
  • Wow. How interesting to hear that a lot of you had the same problem on WW. On the old system I was able to drop 30 lbs. in a year and I made lifetime. I became pregnant and when I came back, it was the new program. I dropped 15 lbs. pretty quickly but after that I hit a plateau for 7 months!!!! I was between 166 and 170…
  • If I'm correct, you have 499 calories left in your day. Eat them! Don't starve yourself. Chicken breast thrown in with some salad is a great low cal. meal. Plus, the protein will help fill you up. Drink some water, maybe try a sugar free ice tea. Cheese, some more fruit. Try that.
  • Great ideas, all. Thank you. It's only 3:21 and we usually eat at 5pm. I'm sooo hungry, I hope 5pm comes soon.
  • Sorry to tell you this, but for some people, surgery might be the only answer. I've had 3 children and I've been able to lose the wight with all of them, but my body has never been the same. Good luck.
  • I've been trying to lose the last 10 lbs. after my baby was born. He'll be a year on the 24th. I've been trying to lose it for 7 months on Weight watchers. It's not working for me!!!! So, signed up for MFP....hope this helps me get past my plateau and lost the last 10!