msiamjan Member


  • Try checking out smart BMI-it factors in more variables. Whether you’re at the weight you want is up to you, but the standard BMI calculators sometimes put you overweight even when you’re at a healthy weight, especially if you are fit.
  • Jitterbug class. No, really.
  • Look up the Adventure Bus. They have trips within your stated budget and are super fun.
  • I just use 300 calories for a normal cross fit session. If there's a lot of standing around, I drop it down a little. That was my take away after reading a bunch of stuff and comparing it to other activities.
  • As a short female I count 300 calories for 50 minutes of cross-fit. If I run steadily for 50 minutes, that's around 400, according to my fitness tracker. No idea how close that is though. Just guessing.
  • Some thoughts: Increase veggies (a lot) and decrease breads and fruits. Avoid the bagels. You know they are dangerous for you. Some people do great with moderation. I, on the other hand, do much better if I just completely avoid the things I find hard to control. Figure out if you're better off just eliminating certain…
  • I had a physical therapist work with me on strengthening butt muscles to alleviate knee pain, and it worked. She explained that it helped proper alignment. Do get it evaluated so that you don't do more harm than good in your exercise program.
  • Hiya. I work in Chula Vista and live in Bankers Hill. We should trade jobs or houses (JK).
  • When I started I thought 130 would be a good goal, but the counselor I was working with thought 120 was better. But, when I got to 130, she and my doctor agreed that I didn't need to lose any more. I think 120 would be too hard to maintain and I feel healthy, which is what I want. I've been maintaining since December. I…
  • A nutritionist I took a class from recommended every meal include protein, produce and some healthy fat. It seems to be a decent rule of thumb. It might help you get through the hungry day.
  • 5'2", maintaining between 125-130. I have my maintenance calories set at 1400 (which is what MFP recommended), but do add back exercise calories by being linked to fitbit. I do crossfit 5/week and walk a minimum of 10,000 steps per day. So far I'm holding steady, but still pretty new to maintenance and still quite nervous.…
  • Can do pull ups, hand stand pushup (sorta) and climb a rope; all things I have never been able to do before--ever.
  • But, if you've linked the two, isn't it better to set your activity level at sedentary and then let your fitbit make all the needed adjustments?
  • Changing the goal. If the goal is to get to a certain weight, then when you get there, it feels like you should be done, and thus begins the slide. If the goal has more to do with overall health and wellbeing, well that doesn't have a done point. FWIW
  • Don't have an answer to your query, but major congratulations on what you have achieved so far. Very impressive. Best of luck with those pesky especially hard to lose last few.
  • Most likely it is due to a government conspiracy.
  • I make do with thrift store cheapies, until I'm at goal and stabilized. Then I'll buy new. But, I do buy a few things as treats--and I buy one bra that fits and wear it all the time until it's too big.
  • No cheating exists in eating. It's not a morality issue. You cheat on your spouse, your taxes, a test. No moral judgment on what you eat. Just that some things are healthier for your body than others. Some things will work against a weight loss goal. But it doesn't make you "bad." IMHO
  • Try updating your dashboard then checking MFP.
  • Yes, but, as someone who has had a weight problem all my life, I felt that teaching my kids that sweets and such are for a rare treat, not something to keep around for snacking, would help them more in the long run. It's not necessary to keep thing like that around the house--my point is that not having them at home would…
  • Definitely get the cookies and such out of the house. Truly, the kids don't need them and they are not healthy for them either.
  • Present :)
  • Doesn't holding down the button start a workout?
  • Thank heybales. Most of the lifting is within the WOD, which is also got a lot of high intensity cardio components. Like today's WOD included kettle bell swings, which seem to me to combine both lifting and cardio. Although sometimes there is a separate lifting section for 10-15 minutes. It's showing up as less than what I…
  • Yes, you can edit it. But I was wondering about it, and apparently it determines that you've gone to sleep when your heart rate is low and you're not moving for an continuous hour. I generally go to bed around 11, but it never seems to think I've gone to sleep until after 1 a.m. I was guessing that during those earlier…
  • Yikes, now I'm a bit confused. I have an HR. My most common exercise session is crossfit, which is a combo of cardio and lifting. So, is it overestimating the burn and therefore making too big an adjustment because of the HR increase from the lifting?
  • If the trajectory is down, then you're successful. Slow and steady does win this race. You want to be doing something sustainable for the long haul. Keep on keepin on!
  • I so hear you. I hate it when people comment, though I know that for the most part they are trying to be encouraging. The one I hate the most--"Wow, you've lost a ton of weight." Truly, at my very heaviest, I never weighed anything close to a ton. :tongue:
  • I once lost about 30lb over the summer in college and when I got back, several people asked me if I had cut my hair. They knew something was different. :laugh:
  • This is what I do as well. I mix some steam veggies in, and then put sauce on top of it all. For me it makes the pasta go much further.