

  • I smoked for 3 years. I just quit one day and never looked back. I didn't need any of the gum, patches or meds. Everyone is different I guess. I have friends who "quit" for a week or so and then go right back to it. For me it was mind over matter. If i did want a cig I just did something else with my time. But again not…
  • OMG I miss hot and spicy mc chickens and the fries. Drool
  • Thanks I will try that.
  • It should be open for y'all to view now. :D
  • To the person who said don't add salt to anything. I don't do that. I don't even have salt in my apt. Just Mrs. Dash and it the salt free kind. I never add salt to anything even when I am out to eat.
  • Example yesterday's lunch was really high but that was because I had to buy lunch. I couldn't make my own.
  • I will open my food diary up for y'all. I will say though I do have days where I have to buy lunch or I am out to eat with friends and those days are usually rare so please take that into consideration. I normally try to stick to veggies that I either steam myself or buy frozen and then steam. I try to eat fruits as much…
  • I am also looking for friends in the 1200 calorie range. I am currently 180 pounds at a height of 5 foot 4. I started out weighting 191 about 6 weeks ago. I have however stopped worrying about the scale because I have now started doing weight training so I know I have probably lost more weight than what the scale says but…
  • My boyfriend has told me over and over that he thinks I am perfect the way I am. However, I don't agree and I don't care what he thinks. (I do about most everything but this) If I want to lose weight and tone my body that is my choice. He loves me and he will get over it. He has actually come around to the new 10 pounds…
  • I'm down! I was on this site awhile back and I managed to lose about 10lbs in 2 months and then I got really busy at school and work and never had time to eat right or work out so I gained the 10lbs back plus another 5lbs. Starting in Jan though I am committed to eating right and working out once again and sticking with…
  • Everyday I take a nap no matter how much I slept the night before. I fall asleep easily. hahahaha!
  • Dr Pepper! I miss it so much but i only have it on special occasions. I gave up most sweets too. Again I only eat them on special occasions.
  • AWESOME! I laughed so hard!
  • Thanks!!!! I have a long way to go still but I am finally getting myself motivated to do the work that needs to be done! I have always gone on a diet and work out for a week or 2 and then gave up. This site has really motived me to stick with it. I have lost 4 inches from my waist in a month and that's pretty amazing to…
  • Enjoy the Silence by Anberlin is my go to song right now. Also as lame as it sounds I love all the Glee music. I could work out to Glee all day long. I know I'm a loser. hahahahahaha! oh well! Whatever gets me through my work out!
  • Single!!! Been single for 3 years after being in a long term relationship for 3 years and engaged. I love being young, single and in college. Its great!
  • ME TOO!!!!! I used to not be able to go a day with out 2 or 3 of them. Now I don't care if I have them or not. I did have one last weekend and not going to lie I loved every sip but once it was gone and it was the next day I didn't care again. WIN! As for food. Pizza was my fave thing to eat esp after a night of drinking.…
  • OMG me too!!!!!! Everything has slimmed down and toned up except my stomach! I am at a loss right now. I do the elliptical daily and everything is shaping up except for my tummy. I wish it would because honestly that is the area I am most worried about. Not that my thinner thighs has not made me very happy, it has but I…
  • Cool! Thank you. I wish i had a scale but I don't so I am just going to have to wait till my pants get loose I suppose. hahaha! Thanks for answering. :D
  • My addiction after a night of drinking is a Hot and Spicy McChicken so I totally get where you are coming from about the McDouble. Trust me.
  • Yes!!! I love all pasta, cheese and bread. Those are the things I always want. I am dying for some mac and cheese right now but I am being strong and not going anywhere near anything like that. I miss it though. And yes I am an over eater. I always over estimate how much I need on my plate and then I feel like since it is…