Are you addicted to food?

I think I am addicted to food. Most of the time I am not hungry at all. But if I start thinking about a specific food its like I have to have it. Food is like a drug to me. If I get my mind set on a certain food I HAVE to eat it. It's like my body doesn't give me a choice - I have to have it. And when I eat it, I eat a LOT of it. It also sucks because it literally takes me an hour to figure out what to have for dinner because I have to want it or I just won't eat dinner.

Too bad there aren't any meds for this right? haha a Detox for food addicts :)

I also want to add this - If I get my hopes up about a certain restaurant and then can't go, you dont want to me anywhere near me for a while. I get so upset and depressed and its all because of food. I hate it when I get that way but damn its just like I HAVE TO HAVE IT. I really do wish there was an easy fix to this :(


  • Bigmomma0u812
    I too feel like I am completely addicted to food. I have seen worse cases than I consider myself on television but I have all the classic symptoms. I eat when I'm not hungry just because I like the taste. I also crave things and think about how badly I want them. I do feel like its similar to other addictions. I'm sure drug addicts think about their drugs as much as I contemplate food. I'm doing pretty good right now. About 70 days into a diet and 22 lbs. down but I still crave things and when I do get off the wagon its double hard for me to get back on..... this is life though, what doesn't kill us has to make us stronger!!
  • kissenkate15
    Yes!!! I love all pasta, cheese and bread. Those are the things I always want. I am dying for some mac and cheese right now but I am being strong and not going anywhere near anything like that. I miss it though. And yes I am an over eater. I always over estimate how much I need on my plate and then I feel like since it is on my plate and I payed for it I should eat it. That is not the case. I am slowly learning it is ok to put food back in the fridge for another time. You just have to be as stong as possible and don't beat yourself up if you mess up. Its ok to have a slip up every once in awhile just don't make it a habit. Good luck!
  • Lizshouse88
    I too feel like I am completely addicted to food. I have seen worse cases than I consider myself on television but I have all the classic symptoms. I eat when I'm not hungry just because I like the taste. I also crave things and think about how badly I want them. I do feel like its similar to other addictions. I'm sure drug addicts think about their drugs as much as I contemplate food. I'm doing pretty good right now. About 70 days into a diet and 22 lbs. down but I still crave things and when I do get off the wagon its double hard for me to get back on..... this is life though, what doesn't kill us has to make us stronger!!

    My most recent craving came the other day - I went out Saturday night. I have a habit of getting a double quarter pounder from McDonalds EVERY night after i've gone out (my drunken craving I guess you can call it) It's such a habit that even though I havent gone out like that in almost a year I started the night out thinking about that burger. Lucky for me, McDonalds was already serving breakfast at 4am (lol) so I didn't get my burger that night. But the next morning I still wanted that burger. I went straight to McDonalds (couldnt help it) and bought a smaller version - a McDouble - and ate the whole thing.

    It's an addiction - I know it is!
  • Lizshouse88
    Yes!!! I love all pasta, cheese and bread. Those are the things I always want. I am dying for some mac and cheese right now but I am being strong and not going anywhere near anything like that. I miss it though. And yes I am an over eater. I always over estimate how much I need on my plate and then I feel like since it is on my plate and I payed for it I should eat it. That is not the case. I am slowly learning it is ok to put food back in the fridge for another time. You just have to be as stong as possible and don't beat yourself up if you mess up. Its ok to have a slip up every once in awhile just don't make it a habit. Good luck!

    I don't allow myself to go into Wades anymore (a grocery store in the area where I live). They have cheese bread and I can't hold myself back from it. All I have to do it smell it and I have to eat it. I'd eat the whole loaf in like 30 minutes! I am addicted to breads and most definitely CHEESE!
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    Scientist are just realizing that you can actually be addicted to food. Usually because sugars, fats, and sodium taste really good when made the right way. I eat for comfort and have to really discipline myself or I just go right back to gaining weight. I find eating really healthy foods, avoiding fast food and anything fried works the best. I let my body rest from junk food and it thanked me by craving healthy food. Instead of craving something like donuts, I crave salad and veggies. I use to eat alot of rice and noodles (not whole wheat or grain), and I never felt full. When I started eating a more balanced meal, less empty carbs and more protein and fruit, and veggies (plus whole grain and whole wheat carbs) my body didn't feel this way anymore. Your body knows what it wants but if you fill it full of junk then it needs more and more to get the nutrition (if possible) out of it and want you to eat more. When I started eating healthier I did not have this problem as much. I still enjoyed chips and donuts but now I'm not as hungry because I fill up on healthy food. This gives me the energy that junk food does not.

    This may not be the case for you, you may have a compulsion, and like any compulsion, you will have to get mental help as much as physical. Meaning a diet won't work until you figure out how to change the way you think about food. Over eaters anonymous is a great source for this, to name one way.

    Here is an article that can help you figure out what is going on with your body.
  • kissenkate15
    My most recent craving came the other day - I went out Saturday night. I have a habit of getting a double quarter pounder from McDonalds EVERY night after i've gone out (my drunken craving I guess you can call it) It's such a habit that even though I havent gone out like that in almost a year I started the night out thinking about that burger. Lucky for me, McDonalds was already serving breakfast at 4am (lol) so I didn't get my burger that night. But the next morning I still wanted that burger. I went straight to McDonalds (couldnt help it) and bought a smaller version - a McDouble - and ate the whole thing.

    It's an addiction - I know it is!

    My addiction after a night of drinking is a Hot and Spicy McChicken so I totally get where you are coming from about the McDouble. Trust me.
  • hunny1978
    hunny1978 Posts: 16
    I think I am addicted to food. Most of the time I am not hungry at all. But if I start thinking about a specific food its like I have to have it. Food is like a drug to me. If I get my mind set on a certain food I HAVE to eat it. It's like my body doesn't give me a choice - I have to have it. And when I eat it, I eat a LOT of it. It also sucks because it literally takes me an hour to figure out what to have for dinner because I have to want it or I just won't eat dinner.

    Too bad there aren't any meds for this right? haha a Detox for food addicts :)

    I am so addicted to food. A couple of months ago, I tried my first cleanse ever. It was so hard. the only thing that I could eat was fruit, veggies, and supplemental drinks. I started this under the watchful eye of my DOC. Oh man, it was ruff. The only thing I could think about was how many more day I had until I could eat everything again. I couldn't concentrate on anything but the food I couldn't have. The worst part about it was that I actually wasn't hungry, at all. The fruits and veggies were very filling.

    I suffer from IBS and while on the cleanse had no issues what so ever. After my 21 day cleanse, I had my first hamburger. I got so sick. And it tasted nasty.

    I am finally at a point where food doesn't rule my life anymore. Well most of the time. I still struggle, but I know what it feels like to eat bad and then to clean all of the bad stuff out and eat healthy, SOOOOO much better.

    One suggestion, weigh your food. It doesn't sound like alot, but I try not to have more than 3 oz of anything on my plate, 6oz total not including veggies. I fill my plate with salad, then I add everything else. If I tell myself I can't have something, then I want it even more. So I don't tell myself no, I tell myself how much.

    Also, I have bought smaller sized plates, so I can convince myself that I am not being deprived of anything.

    Good luck with the struggle.
  • mheightchew
    mheightchew Posts: 334
    I am addicted too! I am also an emotional eater. Most people lose weight when they are sick. not me! I keep shoving food down my throat thinking it'll make me feel better. How silly is that? I'm sitting here right now with strep throat and a sinus infection (so I can't tast anything anyway) trying to figure out what I am going to eat. Since I started eating healthy, it has gotten easier. A lot of times I crave fruit and healthy things, but I know my husband has some fudge rounds in this house somewhere and I'm thinking about going on a scavenger hunt!!