

  • :( I'm so sorry about that little girl. What's worse is when grown/older people ask. A girl I work with who is very conscious of her weight has endured that question several times before. surprisingly, none of those people recoiled in embarrassment when she said she wasn't pregnant. It's such a rude thing for someone to…
  • K! Well I think that as long as you're over/at 1,200 calories per day you'll be fine, and you've been great with from what I can tell. Just don't go below that or your body may go into famine mode and hold everything in. At that point losing weight will seem impossible. :( So keep on doin' what you're doin'. if you're not…
  • You seem to be pretty consistently below your caloric goal for the day. Are you used to having 1500+ calories per day and you're limiting yourself now, or did you previously intake more calories?
  • Does your work have a fridge or microwave? Pack some smart ones or lean cuisines for lunch/dinner. Bringing some fruit or crackers to snack on would also work I think. If you like cheese I'd recommend weight watchers' 50 calorie string cheese things, those are delicious. Other than that, just figure out the calories before…
  • I've been wondering about these..I'll have to try them out! Have you tried the oreo-looking ones? Do they taste just as good?
  • Welcome! I think that this site will definitely help you. And I wouldn't be surprised if most of that weight turned out to be muscle. Just keep working out and eating right!
  • Welcome! :) I know MFP has helped me reach my weight goals and I'm sure you'll find that out yourself. You can do it!