MissSpuggz Member


  • My mum always says. "If you get any slimmer you'll fall down a drain!" Um...cheers? She seems to think it's a compliment but it sounds like I'm stupidly thin which I'm not!
  • I tried this last summer, but completely failed on day one as I couldn't run after the second minute of jogging. Made me feel ridiculously unfit and disheartened but I've said I was going to try again this year after doing Insanity and see how I go. Just waiting for the weather to cool down!
  • Interesting. I missed the "a" from the title so thought this was going to be an interesting debate :P Anyway, the study consisted of 60 people, so what, 20 organic people? Hardly a good representative of every organic food eater. The statistics from the "study" could be due to many other unseen/unaccounted factors. This…
  • Well, firstly rest. Don't try to do anything strenuous which you probably won't do because of the pain. For relief you need to ice for 15-20 minutes leaving at least an hour between icing. Take some ibuprofen or something to help with the inflammation. If the pain last for more than a few days after resting, I'd go see the…
  • :( Oh man, I really want to get going on these workouts. I wish I had Insane Abs so I could do it with the other ab workout until I can get back into the schedule. Getting really frustrated with not being able to workout for a week.
  • I burn 450 calories for month one. Being 145 pounds and 5 foot 7 and working my butt off. Month two is more like 600-800 calories. The number they have you eating takes into account your exercise calories from doing Insanity so don't worry that it looks high. Always try to eat at least 1300-1400 calories minimum each day.…
  • I've been planning my next step since I finished week 1. Plan is to save up the next month and get P90X. So after the end of month two I'll do a week or two of recovery (core cardio & Balance, yoga, walking) and a rest day every other day/every third day then start up P90X. I wish we had Asylum over here because I'd love…
  • That was a nightmare for me! Struggling with a slight injury but pushed through both workouts and iced up. Actually enjoyed what I could do even if I was panting and wishing it would end at the time!
  • Didn't see this thread last week. Great idea! I need to keep in check so I don't give up. Struggling with Shin Splints but if I rest I'll end up getting stupidly lazy... Weekly Goal: 3500 Mon: 777 (Insanity Fit Test + Max Interval Training) Tues: Wed: Thur: Fri: Sat: Sun: Total: 777 Left to go: 2223
  • Week # 2 -- May 7th -- Goal 300 minutes: Mon: Insanity Fit Test + MAX Interval Training (77 Minutes) Tue: Wed: Thur: Fri: Sat: Sun: Total / min left: 77/ 223 Ended up 277 last week due to suffering from Shin Splints from the Saturday on. Trying to ice and rest around workouts, hate getting behind on a schedule!
  • Week # 1 -- April 30th -- Goal 300 minutes: Mon: Insanity (37mins) - Gardening (60 mins) *hacking out pesky weeds! Tue: Insanity (37 mins) Wed: Insanity (37 mins) - Fast Walking (40 mins) Thur: Insanity (37 mins) Fri: Insanity (37 mins) Sat: Sun: Rest Day Total / min left: 285 / 15
  • Week # 1 -- April 30th -- Goal 300 minutes: Mon: Insanity (37mins) - Gardening (60 mins) *hacking out pesky weeds! Tue: Insanity (37 mins) Wed: Inanity (37 mins) - Fast Walking (40 mins) Thur: Fri: Sat: Sun: Total / min left: 211 / 89
  • Week # 1 -- April 30th -- Goal 300 minutes: Mon: Insanity (37mins) - Gardening (60 mins) *hacking out pesky weeds! Tue: Insanity (37 mins) Wed: Thur: Fri: Sat: Sun: Total / min left: 134 / 166
  • Well, I figured I could just edit the post but it doesn't seem to give me the option any more...
  • Does the book not tell you how to create a deficit? You usually take off 500 calories for weight loss.
  • I'm in. I do about 250 at the minute. All be it I'm sort of cheating by doing set workouts that are about 50 minutes a day but still, I have to do them right? :P If I reach 300 in the first week I'll pump the target up! Week # 1 -- April 30th -- Goal 300 minutes: Mon: Tue: Wed: Thur: Fri: Sat: Sun: Total / min left: 0 / 300
  • If they look fine now then yes, they'll look okay when you've done. You shouldn't lose weight from the breast themselves, more what is stored around them and considering you'll work out your pectoral muscles, that should give them a lift and make them look firmer.
  • Yes, unfortunately...As much as I hate Call of Duty I'm still hooked on it. Mostly because I play with some amazing people, we end up making each other laugh when we get mad. Don't have a single girl gamer on my friends though... I do play other games from time to time on both the PS3 and PC, just not as much. Single…
  • Thank god that's over with. My triceps are burning from those dips and push-ups! Went extra hard knowing this was the last time I'd do it but I bet the month 2 alternative is going to even worse.
  • You can try icing and stretching your shin area to see if that helps. Elevate your foot and ice for 10 to 15 minutes, several times a day if you can and if the pain continues. To stretch, lie down flat on your back, bend one leg so it's either at a 90 degree angle to the floor or bend your leg, keeping your foot on the…
  • As long as you always do as much as you can, you'll see improvements with both your ability to do more exercise and in your body. I wouldn't necessarily pause the video as then you won't know how you're improving each week. If you can, print off the P90X worksheets from beachbody and jot down the amount of reps you manage…
  • I know someone who had several injections over a few years. Worked lovely for about a month but the pain/inflammation kicked back in. He had tendinitis at the time but after two years and consulting specialists he had to have surgery which sorted it out. Obviously that's a last resort and I think the surgery is only…
  • Fit Test Results - Switch Kicks 70 --> 72 Power Jacks 35 --> 59 Power Knees 69 --> 89 Power Jumps 27 --> 41 (doing Tonya's technique this time!) Globe Jumps 6 --> 10 Suicide Jumps 11 --> 15 Push-up Jacks 15 --> 22 Low Plank Oblique 47 --> 60 Measurements on the other hand aren't good. Gained 2 pounds since last week and a…
  • You could have done both and burned even MORE calories :P I have my fit test tomorrow, might do some more cardio abs afterwards depending on how I feel.
  • I can't do pushups either but when I was watching the guys do it in the insanity video I saw one guy doing it with one foot on top of the other and he was pumping them out. I tried that and I could do them with better form so got more done. Apparently I find one foot push ups easier! Weird...
  • I think that's why the meal plan has you eating 5 meals a day so you'll be eating another small meal by the time you reach that hunger stage again. I have a protein shake with instant oats in the morning, another shake after my workout and one before bed and I'm going fine so far. Protein is supposed to make you feel…
  • What if you're doing a 30/60 day programme? That and I'll be on the second month by the end of April.
  • Hey, I saw this on a Shaun T chat the other day. To help with the pain, Ice for 20 minutes, then take 20 minutes off and repeat 3 times if you can a day. Also lie on your back, bending the opposition knee and putting your leg with the shin splints across it. So your ankle will be resting on the side of the knee facing you,…
  • If you're going to take measurements do it the morning following your rest day. I gained water weight during the week but weighing in on the Monday morning after resting on Sunday I had lost weight from my starting point. And ALWAYS take pictures and body measurements, you'll see better results from them.
  • Yep. I usually do the first and third sets circuits and grab a drink in the second so I can get through the rest of the workout! I'll be very happy when I can get through the whole of it without stopping too long. I find the stretching part more annoying with the stupid bit where you're on one leg and do the in and outs.…
    in warm up Comment by MissSpuggz April 2012