This might be just want I need!! I have been struggling to get back to where I was and keep thinking this is the week...THanks!
HOLY CRAP!!! You look like a completely different person. I am sure people don't even recognize you. Great, great job!!!!!
SCARY!! But it sounds like the issues are HIS and not yours. Easy for me to say I know but regardless of how much you weigh (or anyone else for that matter) this is just not right!
I drink Swiss Miss diet hot choc-25 calories a packet so I have two. Already added mine for later tonight!
Congrats!!! You did it!!! I completed my first 1/2 marathonn on 10/07/12 and said I would never do another one.....well I am now thinking about what I would change for the next one to beat my time.... :)
I have heard of this but can't find it where I live...... :(
A co-worker wanted to start a Biggest Loser Challenge at work. Without even stepping on the scale I knew that I had the most to lose and so I thought WTH?? I was already in the biggest clothes that I owned and would NOT buy any bigger.....Not only did I win the challenge at work but I also gained so much more in my…
Look at the BIG smile on your face in the 2nd picture!!! Way to go!!!!!!
I actually set a new one........I hit the weight I had as my goal when I first started and then decided to lose a bit more. When I hit the next one I will buy myself a little red dress!!! I have already been looking but have not found the "perfect" one yet.
I didn't read all of the post so I am sorry if this is a repeat but, "What did you do to lose so much weight? What diet are you on?" I smile-"It isn't a diet. I am counting my calories and exercising. It really is true that it works."
I hit it and decided to keep I am going for about 10 more pounds but I will be buying a little RED dress.... :)
Monday, April 9 Akjenn89 - 2 Alicelms - 2 bcw660816 (Beverly) - 5 bigmama (Linda) - 1 Colleen (Smudjie) - 3 Doc - 3 (cat had kittens on treadmill yesterday-couldn't W/O) ;) Dounia - 8 Eschwab855 - 8 Evelynandchris - 5 gutterball - 7 hbarney (Hallie) - 6 Helen/mrshoneybear1014 - 6 iamKim73 - 6 j6l3a1m3 - 7 Jill (PJilly) - 6…
Thursday, April 5 Akjenn89 - 2 Alicelms - 2 bcw660816 (Beverly) - 3 bigmama (Linda) - 1 Colleen (Smudjie) - 2 Doc - 3 (cat had kittens on treadmill yesterday-couldn't W/O) ;) Best. Excuse. Ever. laugh Eschwab855 - 5 ^^^^^^^^lol Evelynandchris - 3 gutterball - 3 hbarney (Hallie) - 4 Helen/mrshoneybear1014 - 4 iamKim73 - 3…