What was your final straw?

After all the times you "tried' to lose weight and went back into your old ways, what was it that finally made you say "this time I'm really doing it"?

I went to try on shorts yesterday because none of my ones fit...I went from a 4 to a 10 (at the same store, same style) in less than 6 months! That is when I said, enough is enough.


  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    i was pretty motivated last august when my 10s were really tight. then i saw a video of myself and realized i had to do something. i'm trying to maintain now but feeling a pull back towards my old ways. i am trying so hard to fight it.
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    When I could not find a pair of jeans in the store that fit...Had to order them. Buying off the rack now!!!
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    When after about a month of denying my pants didn't fit a friend called me "chubby".
  • zorylopez
    zorylopez Posts: 23
    When the Dr. said if you don't lose weight you are going to start on a diabetic pill. My sugar is cause i am overweight.
  • thelandofwin
    Similar to you, I went from a size 6 to a size 10 in about 6 months. When I hit my size 8 pants, I was a little depressed. When my size 10 pants were tight, I knew I had to change something. Then when I took pictures and compared them to my progress that I made last year, my mind was made up. I was not going to wallow in my self pity anymore. The pictures of me disgusted me and I was so angry with myself that I let myself lose all my hard earned progress from last year.
  • pogojr
    pogojr Posts: 83 Member
    When by doctor offered to write a letter of recomendation for gastric bypass. I didn't ask for it or was not even thinking about it.
  • ICEHatchet
    ICEHatchet Posts: 9
    The final straw was when I saw the obesity line for my age and height (236 pounds) on a U.S. Army fitness site and realized that I had crossed it... Step away from the line!! Most people told me I didn't look obese, but the numbers never lie. I am currently 13 pounds less than the obesity line, but I'd like to dip below 200 pounds and stay there.
  • HannahMarieMcDougald
    When I realized I was in a size 24'and 2-3XL shirt. And bras didn't look like they were holding the girls up...When people say you only take pictures holding your camera at angels to make you appear skinnier. A lot hit me all at once. Being 5'2 and 240 pounds at 28 years old. My niece telling me I was fat...Stress on my feet at work...
  • L00py_T0ucan
    L00py_T0ucan Posts: 1,378 Member
    I had to accept that not all of my pants shrank at the same time! :noway: :laugh:
    I had the classic 'same scale weight, more fluff' crisis that many people have at around age 40.

    I would have tried to put on more muscle mass earlier in life had I known then what I know now,
    but it's never too late and I have a lot, a lot of room for improvement... :blushing:
  • oddree80
    oddree80 Posts: 71 Member
    My daughter (5 at the time) said Mommy your tummy jiggles when you laugh.
  • determined2lose89
    determined2lose89 Posts: 342 Member
    I saw some pictures that had been taken on me last August and really sat there and looked at them. I was like "Do I REALLY look like that?" I hadn't stepped on a scale in almost a year. When I did, I was shocked to find that I weighed an even 200lbs. I was absolutely disgusted with myself. I started counting calories the same day.
  • mariacolumbus
    mariacolumbus Posts: 227 Member
    This is a good question!
    I convinced myself to dress creatively to hide my tummy pooch and my flabby arms. No real weight problem, but out of shape...I was middle aged, that's just what happens...right? WRONG!
    My loving hubby told me my arms were a little flabby....that did it! I ordered Ten Minute Trainer the same day and 3.5 years later have lost and kept off 20 pounds....lost many inches and am more toned than I was in high school!!!!
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    I think my straw broke two times. My first was when I was just tired of having to be "roped and choked" (taped and measured instead of being within weight standards) for the navy physical fitness assessment. Knowing that they were starting to really separate people for too many failures, I just wanted to be one of those who could get on the scale and not have to worry.

    That straw lasted for almost 2 years, then I ruptured my Achilles tendon, that injury and surgery took EVERYTHING away! I couldn't walk and I still can't run right now. Even though I only gained 8lbs back a majority had to be FAT! I know this because my clothes no longer fit the same way, and I refused to buy larger uniforms (since I had to purchase new ones in a smaller size).

    So, now I am slowly back to my old self with extremely limited abilities but not allowing it to control my journey anymore.
  • Arthemise1
    Arthemise1 Posts: 365 Member
    I decided to have weight loss surgery when I couldn't do things with my toddler. He went to daddy or granny, not me, because they could be active with him. I felt like I was losing his love because of my weight. I lost enough with the LapBand to be active again, and our relationship has gotten better. I didn't lose nearly enough, so I got back on the diet when I decided we should go on a Disney cruise. Who wants to be fat on vacation? This time I'm sticking to it, and MFP has helped tremendously. I even started exercising, which has never happened before.
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    I had lost and gained and lost and gained. I got down to 230 from 342 over the course of 5 years and stalled. Last October, I was just sick of being heavy. I was tired of being the "funny" fat girl. I was sick of having just a "great personality". I had heard for so many years from my parents and grandparents that I would be so pretty if I just lost weight. I got a divorce, because he said he didn't like me smaller and wanted to split up. So I started to lose again. I was 215 then, I am 160 now. I want to get down to 140 by September. (earlier if possible)
  • Heliox
    Heliox Posts: 5 Member
    I was ah, being intimate with my wife. At some point I almost passed out and had to stop. This was the point that I realized my health was out of control. I have since lost about 16 lbs, got in the gym at least 3 days a week and am in the process of choosing a smoking cessation program. Been about 2 months since that episode in the bedroom, but I feel like it while it was embarassing; it was a great wake up call. I will never let that happen again!
  • ladyfox1979
    ladyfox1979 Posts: 405 Member
    My last straw was when my 10 year old daughter who is the most honest, sweet and my biggest cheerleader said" Mommy please don't make me answer that!" I asked her "do you think mommy is fat"? I lost 15 lbs since that day so I asked her again last week and she said " NO!" Totally made me even more motivated to do more.
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    Well, first of all, I had lost all self confidence. Second, none of my clothes would fit, not even my underwear and rings. The rings were a real wake up call.
  • NaomiLyn15
    NaomiLyn15 Posts: 388 Member
    I was in a wedding and saw the pictures a few months after the wedding. I was humiliated with the way that I looked (the picture is in my profile - purple dress). Even still when I look at those pictures I have to hold back tears. I decided that day that I would get back to a size 10 (I was in a 16 at the time). So, I changed my diet and exercised religiously. Nothing happened. No change at all for three months. So, I saw a doctor, found out I have PCOS, significally changed my diet, and the weight started to come off. I got to 170, which looks great on me, and decided that I was happy where I was. So, for about 10 months I stopped trying. Then I saw a picture of me at a party, and didn't really like the way I looked, my face was still too round. So, I started again. Now I am 149 (the smallest I have EVER been) and probably need to actually gain a few lbs. But, those pictures keep me from getting back to where I was. I just never want to be uncomfortable in my skin again. I have been maintaining now for two months, but plan on sticking to 150 for the rest of my life now. :)

    We all have a breaking point, and until we hit it, we won't change. Good luck to all of you in your journey!!!
  • hbarney
    hbarney Posts: 434
    A co-worker wanted to start a Biggest Loser Challenge at work. Without even stepping on the scale I knew that I had the most to lose and so I thought WTH?? I was already in the biggest clothes that I owned and would NOT buy any bigger.....Not only did I win the challenge at work but I also gained so much more in my confidence and showing my beautiful girls how important a healthy lifestyle is.