

  • would just like to add that I did not go out in public looking like that (either time) I have a cute blouse that is too low cut for me to wear to work that I wear over this. and yes you can probably guess it is longer and flares out ( a BIG shirt).... but I thought it would tell more if I wore the same clothes both times.
  • Thanks, everyone. I was afraid that I was the only one that could see a difference just because I could feel the difference.
  • wow! great job. you should be very proud of yourself. Your hard work is paying off!
  • Thanks everyone for your encouragement. And yes, for the most part, I am wearing the same clothes. I cleaned my closets all out in February because i told myself i was never going to get motivated enough to lose the weight anyway. for some reason, i kept a few of my "skinnier" clothes. then in May, I decided enough was…
  • great job!!! you look amazing - :)
  • CW --203 GW -- 198 (**** this will help finally to be UNDER 200 pounds) Best wishes to all!!
  • *** First Challenge*** I am in and thanks for all the motivation you are giving everyone by setting an attainable goal for all of us!
  • I think many of us have problems with staying motivated. MFP helps just by logging what you eat and your exercise BUT of course getting support of "friends" helps even more. I tried to get some of my friends and family (who were making life changes as well) to join MFP but they would not :( but I will do this!
  • You will love MFP! I DO! I started using it in january but did not friend anyone or post on any blogs. I just used it for the calorie counter. That was great but now I have found that it is so much better to "friend" people and use the support system that you can get on here. BTW, I too am a teacher - high school math!…
  • this sounds really good! I think I might make it tomorrow. THANKS!! (but w/o the sugar) maybe on the george foreman grill??
  • Thanks, you guys for your comments. I know that it is best to ignore some people/comments. I guess I just don't understand why they think they and their opinions are so much superior to others. But, whatever, I guess... they do not determine my success.....
    in Question? Comment by crr7 June 2011