need support!!

Okay -maybe it isn't a huge loss like some people have had on here, but since the middle of may I have lost 27 pounds and dropped two pant sizes. But only 3 people have noticed any change. it is so disheartening. One of those people is my mom and she would probably say that she could tell that I have lost weight just to try to motivate me and make me feel better. the other 2 were former students (I teach high school).

oh trust me I know I have a LOOOONG way to go. but it would be nice if somebody noticed. That made me start thinking - what if I lose down to my goal weight and all I see is the fat girl still?

sorry feeling really bummed right now


  • Shelby814
    Shelby814 Posts: 273 Member
    Don't beat yourself up. They may notice, but just don't know what to say. Weight is a sensitive issue for a lot of people & a lot of people are just plain haters. LOL. Feel good about your success & stick with it.
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    27 is awesome! They will say something in good time. A lot of people are afraid to say something just because some people are sensitive about those type of things. Give it a little time and the right people will complement you. Keep up the great progress!
  • MandyMarie01
    MandyMarie01 Posts: 448 Member
    you can look at your before pictures and compare them with now.

    i'm sorry no one but those few people have noticed, I am sure there is a difference, maybe someone does notice but doesnt know how you will react if they say something to you.
  • hatravers
    hatravers Posts: 159 Member
    27 pounds is huge weight loss u are doing really well, keep it up. i Know how u are fealing my 12 pound loss to me is a big achievment and know one has noticed. i feal the diference in my clothes so i guess thats all the matters
  • Oh wow! 27lbs thats a huge step toward your goal! I am just beginning my journey and I am down 12lbs, I cany wait to be able to say I am down 27lbs....Keep up the good work, and remember that you are doing this for you.....Soo if you are seeing the results that is really all that matters. Keep logging in and watching your ticker get closer to that finish line and regardless if anyone says you look good or they can see the change you'll know you reached your goal....AND we on MFP will be right along side of you cheering you on!!!

    Good Luck!!
  • auntied
    auntied Posts: 113 Member
    AWWWW poor thing! Hang in there. No one noticed me either. My family lives in Utah and I live in Vegas. When I went to Utah a month ago NO ONE SAID a word! I was PO'D .... I've gone from size 16 to a 10 then and now in a 8. My Dad tells me how great I'm doing becasue he knows how hard I'm trying. And of course my husband. But even now people don't say anything... Go figure!
    You are doing GREAT Keep it UP!
  • ThaiKaren
    ThaiKaren Posts: 341 Member
    Well done on what you have achieved, you are doing really well. Are you still wearing your big tops? because sometimes if people are seeing you in the clothes you have always worn they won't notice at all. It will be when you treat yourself to a new outfit in a smaller size I bet you will have lots of people making comments. You'll get there so don't lose heart x
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    Do people know you're trying? If not - they probably won't say anything until they are 500% sure that you have lost weight. I'm sure they don't want to say anything just in case you really haven't lost anything. It took a long time before people started to tell me they notice too. Don't let it discourage you!

    PS - GREAT JOB, by the way!!!!
  • RobertaKR
    RobertaKR Posts: 22 Member
    27lbs is amazing!! Keep it up, you're not doing it for the others, you are doing it for you. You'll feel better, healthier, sexier!

    I see a lot of other people giving themselves incentive treats once they meet mini-goals. Go shopping, or go have your hair done, everytime I get my hair cut people think I've lost weight even when I haven't.
  • PrincessMorticia
    PrincessMorticia Posts: 96 Member
    Are you wearing clothes that compliment your current figure? A lot of heavier people try to wear baggier clothes to hide their figure, and when they lose weight they don't dress differently to reflect it. If you're wearing clothes that don't fit properly, that could play a part in why. Keep up the good work, and don't let these thoughts get you off track! :)
  • sunvin
    sunvin Posts: 30 Member
    Congrats! 27 lbs. Is a lot. I am sure people have noticed, but I find most people find it awkward to make weight related comments for fear of being offensive. Great job!
  • I totally understand. I feel like the same thing is happening to me. My husband has dropped fifty pounds and everyone is raving about how he looks. I estimate that I have lost about twenty pounds and it seems no one has noticed. The only person who has said anything is my physical therapist, so at least she noticed! I have to remind myself that I can tell in the way my clothes fit, and I'm seeing the progress if no one else is. I'm doing this for my health but it would be nice if someone besides me and my husband and doctor would notice. I hope you feel better tomorrow, and I suggest you keep reminding yourself of the concrete, measurable progress you have made. The scale tells you, your clothes tell you, how you feel tells you. You should be super proud of all your hard work. Everyday, every pound, every time you have to choose the veggie over the fries, or turn down the cookie, is a triumph. Keep up the GREAT (and hard) work!
  • crr7
    crr7 Posts: 17
    Thanks everyone for your encouragement. And yes, for the most part, I am wearing the same clothes. I cleaned my closets all out in February because i told myself i was never going to get motivated enough to lose the weight anyway. for some reason, i kept a few of my "skinnier" clothes. then in May, I decided enough was enough. I am a smart, educated person I KNOW how to do this and what to do and from there it was mid over matter and I am not that weak - minded. So I began making changes in my lifestyle - I will not say dieting. And yes there are times that I eat unhealthy stuff but I don't let myself "quit" and give-up because it isn't a diet.

    anyway, I am able to wear a few of the skinnier clothes that I kept (some i haven't even tried on again, yet). but for the most part it is the big clothes that are now even bigger.
  • PrincessMorticia
    PrincessMorticia Posts: 96 Member
    Well there ya go....go to a clothing store (If you're still in "plus" sizes, fashion bug is a great store. I like them a lot more than lane bryant because the clothes are just as classy and well-made but about 1/2 the price) and have an associate help you find something to compliment your figure. Or maybe even take a friend along with you that has a good eye for fashion. Buy yourself a new outfit or two...maybe one that fits well now and one that's just one size smaller, as an incentive...and I bet that will make a world of difference. :)
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Are you wearing clothes that compliment your current figure? A lot of heavier people try to wear baggier clothes to hide their figure, and when they lose weight they don't dress differently to reflect it. If you're wearing clothes that don't fit properly, that could play a part in why. Keep up the good work, and don't let these thoughts get you off track! :)

    I know I have that problem! My original starting weight was 273. I am down to 248 (loss two pounds and a total of 6 inchessince starting MFP). Some days when I come home from work my SO has me undress by the trash can! :laugh: He says my clothes are so big they are an embarrassment to the household :tongue: However, when I go shopping I still try to buy size 20 when I am wearing 18s and some 16s now. I'm still seeing the weight but am trying to retrain my brain since I've worked so hard. Go Figure!
  • crr7
    crr7 Posts: 17
  • Wow! I can definately see a big difference! Great job and keep up the great work.