grk_tigris Member


  • Sure I'm up for a June Challenge. My goal is to lose 80-90lb but to minimize muscle loss.
  • Hello, I'm Lena Gentile-Small. I was diagnosed in 2010. I just turned 38 and am TTC.. I just got married this past Nov. Since my diagnosis I had gotten myself down from 260 (weight at diagnosis) to 203 but this past year and half have been tough and I gained a fair amount back. :( I know a lot of the weight gain is due to…
  • I have heard the same thing and am still trying to figure out what works most effectively.
  • Is it to late to join the challenge?
  • I have strap for the link (my unit took a dunk in the pool by accident). I have a working BM core but both my straps have broken housings. During the day I find tucking it in my bra under my left arm works but looking for straps or a solution for use during workouts. I sweat a bit much and am worried about shorting it out.…
  • i've done a couple Spartan's as part of the Biggest Loser Challenge. Also finished the Rugged Maniac in Atlanta last month. Hoping to volunteer and complete a sprint in November in Columbia, SC.
  • Can someone explain how the spreadsheet works (ie what am I responsible for updating)?
  • This will be my first time taking this challenge so I will aim for 30 miles (walking) as a start.
  • I had my eval session with a personal trainer. Figured it was time to change things up when I keep gaining and losing the same 4lbs in the last 2 months. Tomorrow's goal is to continue with my 5K training.
  • Did Day 2 of week 3 of C25K again (didn't finish it last time). I also signed up for a trainer and have my first session on Monday night. Eeeek! The rest of the evening tonite will be hanging at the drive-in. The goal for tomorrow is to get some gardening done. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
  • We went back to full time this week so on the one hand woohoo back to a full paycheck, on the other hand have to get used to working longer hours again. so this week has been up and down for the gym. did an hour of bollywood dance dvd today. goal for tomorrow is to make it to the gym. My goal this week is to actually eat…
  • I've had some ups and downs this past month. Stress at work hasn't helped. I'm planning on starting the physique 57 dvd that i got on the mail over the weekend. Hopefully next week will be better. To all our vets thank you for your service. Week One - 4/21/2013 (Weigh In) 207.4 Week Two - 4/28/2013 206.2 Week Three -…
  • Walk DONE! I DARE YOU: 50 plie squats (advanced if possible) including a link with a picture below.
  • Completed day 3 of C25K. walked/ran 1.51 miles in 28 minutes.
  • Completed day 3 of C25K. walked/ran 1.51 miles in 28 minutes.
  • Looking at MFP weekly Net Calories my average intake is about 1300. where I think MFP has me set to 1600 for my daily intake. I just don't know how to eat more because I'm just not as hungry. I might just have to force feed myself protein shakes. Any suggestions?
  • 4/21 - 207.4 lbs 4/28 - 206.2 lbs 5/5 - 204.4 lbs 5/12 - 205. 6 lbs 5/19 - 206.8 lbs Last week - Now Waist= 39.25 - 40 Hips= 48.5 - 48.5 Not sure why it seems that the scale has been going in the opposite direction, especially since I've been working out more. Gotta talk to the doc this week and see if its because I'm not…
  • Does it count if I did double the crunches since I can't do the jumping jacks due to injury?
  • I apologize for not posting till monday for my weigh-in this week. Went home for Easter (Greek Orthodox). 1. Your Current Weight (as of this morning) or tomorrow morning is fine: 204.2 2. The # of total lbs you are down since you started this group: 2 3. The hardest part so far: Avoiding excuses to work out, Im busy and…
  • I will be starting week 2 of the couch to 5K program. i will also be doing strength training , today is back and arms.
  • Today i had PT. Afterwards I went to the gym completed a strength workout and Day 3 of the C25K program. My leg is getting better everyday. :smile:
  • I'm happy with my progress this week. Hopefully I can keep it going. :happy: W3 (5/5): 204.4 W2: 206.2 W1: 207.4
  • I had no real workout commitment other than to get thru my physical therapy appointment and enjoying my birthday today. Still managed to get in 9000 steps since i had to do a walkdown of a facility at work.
  • Hello everyone. Here are my results. Wk2: Weight: 206.6 Neck: 14 3/8 Waist: 40 Hips: 49 Not as much as I was hoping but at least some progress.
  • So not only did i get in a short workout at the gym, I completed Day 1 of the C25K program (was worried my leg wouldn't hold up but it did, yea!), and mowed most of the back yard. So active day for me. Tomorrow is a rest day for me then back to the grindstone. :smile: Hope everyone is having a great weekend. :wink:
  • My goal for today is to go to the gym and finish cleaning house. I'm going to keep my cheat date for tomorrow.
  • I think pretty much happens to all of us. I think the weight gain/loss difference depends on the type of birth control you're on. Due to PCOS my doc took me off any hormone type birth control, he's got me on just progesterone to regulate. i've noticed that means my weight change only varies by a couple pounds. My…
  • My goal for today is to do a double workout since i didn't make it to the gym yesterday (fell asleep as soon as i got home from work). I will complete the first day of C25K training plan and then meet up with a friend for a strength training workout.
  • Not sure if this was for yesterday or today but i will do it today. i will do 100 squats today and aim to get 100 grams of protein in today.
  • My goal for today was to get in some exercise as I am going to a Southern Pleasures Party at a friends tonight. I got up a bit early this morning and completed the 20 minute Diamond Dozen Energy DVD. Hopefully will get some more in tonite when i get back. My goal for tomorrow. Day 1 of C25K.