

  • Ann pretty much sums it up in her post! P90X is the #1 selling in-home fitness program in the country! My wife and I have been doing the P90X rotations for a year now, and cannot believe how far we have come! If you would like more information, my wife and I are coaches with Beachbody, and can help you pick the right…
  • dmbelt- Congratulations on your decision to not wait any longer! You're right, it's NEVER too late to get started. Let me introduce myself. My name is Craig, I'm 44 years old, a father of 4. I started working out/exercising a year ago after having had enough of what my life had given me. I used to be a residential building…
    in Here I am! Comment by csnook2 April 2009
  • It is true that P90X is not a beginners program. However, people have started it from a zero level of fitness. Considering that you have been doing different cardio and strength training, you could start . Know that very few people have the ability to keep up with the "kids" in the videos straight out of the box.If you…
  • We have a Horizon treadmill that folds up to about 2 feet thick. It is VERY sturdy, as my wife and I run on it quite frequently. I have had others that aren't as sturdy. You need to do your homework. Best of luck
  • I agree 100% with Helkat. Do what works for you, your body, and your schedule. My wife and I have done MOST of our workouts in the morning. Through the past few winter months that has been harder, and we tried to work out in the evening. Our intensity and amount of times exercising suffered tremendously, so we have now…
  • My wife an I are in Phase 2 of our 2nd Round. We still have muscle groups that are sore. That is the beauty of muscle confusion. Some of the workouts we hadn't seen in 6-8 weeks and our bodies need to get used to the rigors again. It is a wonderful program, you will like the results, if you Bring It!, and if you keep your…
    in P90X Comment by csnook2 January 2009
  • Did Legs/Back/ARX yesterday....All I can say is BOOTY! OWWWWW! How can an exercise that seems so simple, work the muscles into that much prolonged burn? Gotta love it! Some type of major cardio burn for us today. Craig
  • I know I go against the grain, when I say that Yoga is now my favorite workout. One thing to keep in mind. Tony incorporates yoga into EVERY phase of EVERY round, in EVERY rotation. So I believe that someone thinks it's awful important to your overall fitness gains. Tony himself admits that he can do the thngs he does, not…
  • Hi Jackie, No dumb questions are ever asked! :happy: Power90 is an in-home 90 day exercise program ,"Boot Camp" from BeachBody. It uses a technique known as "Sectional Progression" You start at level 1-2 doing cardio 3days a week, then strength/circuit training the opposite 3 days, using the 7th as your rest day. As you…
  • HI Guys, Got Chest/Back/ARX in yesterday, going to do TJ Cardio Party3 today on place of Plyo. This shuld be a little less brutal on my old guy knees, yet still allow for a great calorie burn! Anderson- Your hike sounds like fun! When we lived in So. Cal, we'd spend all winter hiking the mountain trails behind our home.…
  • Jeffery- I modify alot of the workouts due to necessity. I had spinal fusion surgery at the lumbar base 5 years ago, flexibility has been an issue, but it is getting better. The beauty of the programs, from my point, is that T.H. shows you the various ways to complete the exercises (normal, extreme, something in between).…
  • Howdy groupies, Last night was Shoulders/Arms/AbRipper! Next to Yoga, it is my favorite!!!! I upped my weights on 90% of the moves and totally brought it. I'm still feeling it this morning. Gonna kick some bootay today with KenpoX! letiamae- The cost of Beachbody programs may 'seem' expensive, and yes, I agree that $120…
  • For a person that weighs 170 lbs, such as myself, the caloric burn is approx. 390 cal/hr. There are a few caloric burn websites available that might be able to help you figure the burn for you. Hope this helps. Craig
  • Greetings, I spent most of last week battling off the sickness that my youngest brought home from school. Missed a few of the scheduled workouts, but I needed rest more than anything. Did Legs/Back Saturday, that plus CardioX for our double. Did YogaX last night. Apparently didn't get enough of a nutrition boost afterward,…
  • Way to go gang! P90X is the greatest home fitness product available. My wife and I are in our second round. We got gung-ho and are doing DOUBLES!!!! Sweating off 1100+ calories 3 of the days, another 500-600 the other days! Man, all I can say is Bring It! Craig
  • Hello Again, Teach- We took about 3 weeks and mixed in some Slim in 6 and Turbo Jam, but after being abused by Tony for 90 days, we felt the need to get back at the X. I feel I'm going against the grain on this one, but, Yoga is my absolute favorite day now. I HATED it when we first started, but the peace and invigoration…
  • LadyHawk- The program, I believe, comes with a resistance band. You can do ALL of the circuit training moves with the band. Instead of pull-ups/chin-ups, you can do Lat pull downs. (My wife does these because she doesn't have the strength for a pull-up) Every exercise can be modified to work for you. It is just making the…
  • My wife and I are in our second round of X. We absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it til my daddy takes my T-Bird away! (Thank You Mr. Horton) The workouts are intense, but you get the different stages on the DVD's so ANYBODY can do it. Teach; I agree with you on the Legs/Back! That one is a major muscle workout! Unfortunately,…
  • The main thing to remember when doing ANY Yoga pose, is to monitor your breathing, and let your breathe work with the move. The harder poses take time to get muscle memory. Remembering to control your breathe at first while learning the poses will help immensely. My wife and I are doing the Yoga routine form the P90X…