P90X - Starting Dec 12 -

Hi All

My name is Melissa, I am a 43 year old female, fairly fit but looking to be the best me I can at 44 in 09.
Would love to get a group together that is on the same timeline with P90x - This website is awesome and is unbelievable holding me accountable for my pre- X nutrition program.

Everyone - any age or fitness level welcome. :happy:


  • mleppin
    Hi All

    My name is Melissa, I am a 43 year old female, fairly fit but looking to be the best me I can at 44 in 09.
    Would love to get a group together that is on the same timeline with P90x - This website is awesome and is unbelievable holding me accountable for my pre- X nutrition program.

    Everyone - any age or fitness level welcome. :happy:
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    Sounds like a plan, I want to be 150lbs by Xmas'09.
    Been 240-251lbs for far too many years to count, it's time I stopped feeling sorry for myself, and got on with the rest of my life - I'm 36 in January, and really don't wanna be fat at 40!
  • gaiello750
    That sounds great! I am about to finish my first round of P90x - count me in to join you as I start my 2nd round. :happy:
  • all4me
    Started and finished round 1 of P90X loved it but then got sick and fell off for the 4th week ect...But will be starting it all over again 12/08/08 > I must admit my hopes are pretty high and I am excited to see what I can accomplish! I will help cheer you on too!:smile:
  • afchisholm

    I just got the p90x package in the mail. I will be starting very soon, (the 8th perhaps). It will be nice to have a few people around the same place and help each other along. This will be my first experience with p90x, many friends have tried and loved it. From what I hear, the first 30 days are all about form and getting the moves down.

    Lets Bring It
  • csnook2
    Way to go gang! P90X is the greatest home fitness product available. My wife and I are in our second round. We got gung-ho and are doing DOUBLES!!!! Sweating off 1100+ calories 3 of the days, another 500-600 the other days! Man, all I can say is Bring It!

  • mleppin
    OK Gang

    I started this blog for p90x but I admit I am the new girl to this program. SO I want to ask one of the 3nd rounders to take the lead on the forum and I am sure , like me, all of the new x'ers could use your imput

    X on gang - Melissa 43 and ready to be fit.
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Just wanted to stop by and wish you all the best.

    My name is Tena and I am currently in Round 6 of P90X. I will be 47 in a couple weeks. In 6 months, with P90X and complete clean eating, I went from a size 14 to a size 5. I went from 178 lbs to 140 lbs. It was strange cause now I have to eat 1800 calories per day or my workout suffers. Not enough calories (good ones) and you will crash.

    Be prepared to be really sore the first week! Just work through the soreness and do not skip any workouts. I am in Round 6 and still have sore days. I went from not able to do one unassisted pull-ups to all unassisted now. In Round 6 I do the classic version and the regular weight workouts but incorporate some of the P90X+, and 1 on 1 workouts in it too! I won $1000 in beachbody for the April transformation and up for the $250,000.00 in March. So I continue to push play every day.

    You can and will succeed. The best to all of you.

  • mleppin
    Melissa Here

    Ups has come through and I am getting p90x today. I hope to post my before measurements and stats before wednesday.

    Ok all you 2nd rounders... ANy advice on starting would be greatly appreciated.

    Also, would love to know a little about everyone