bert16 Member


  • ^^^ This is it for me!!! I'm a homebody, so not attending any holiday parties aside from a holiday tea with a friend and her 11 yo daughter. So I ate what I wanted to on Thanksgiving; I'll eat what I want to for Christmas dinner; and I'll be targeting loss for the rest of the time. I totally think your plan is a good idea…
  • I'm down 28 lb (of a total ~50 lb to lose) and not a single person has said a thing. That being said, I wouldn't really expect anyone to... might just be my personality, but they didn't say anything as I gained it, and don't know they should say anything as I lose it. What size I am isn't really a topic of conversation!
  • I heart this so much, Doug!!!
  • Is a rebel... with or without a cause (TBD)
  • I'm taking the contrary position to everyone else: just go for it! Leave the stitches in and go for a LSR or bust out some intervals. What's the worst thing that happens? (just figured you should have some support, since Carson was totally right, but way to get some attention for your owwie!)
  • That sounds just about right to me... that gives you ~0.75 miles to eat a couple chews and drink a Coke, in case you need more carbs. Do you do this during the work day, too, or just on the long runs?
    in Gels Comment by bert16 May 2014
  • I've absolutely been able to lose weight while marathon training... I just recommend 1) not setting your deficit at anything too crazy (for me, 1 lb/week max seemed to work), and 2) switch to maintenance ~4 weeks out from race day, 'cause it'll sure make a difference in performance (well, it does for me, anyway). Happy…
  • Well, Pete - aside from your general known status as a complete slacker who's just unwilling to put in the mileage (yeah, right!) - your 3:50 is waaayyy soft. If memory serves, that was accomplished while pushing an IV pole with an antibiotic drip for bronchitis and/or Legionnaire's. You've got no business having a 3:50 PR…
  • I don't have any direct personal experience with this myself, but was recently using one of those with my exercise physiologist and, while we were happily floating (post-run recovery), he told me he worked with a female elite marathoner who did a huge portion of her training in the pool because of injuries. I don't know if…
  • Well, I have boobs and lady bits, so am not your target audience here, but would say just run in a shirt in which you've run long before, just to avoid discovering chafing issues on race day!
  • Same here... I'm a slave to my plan. :-) I used to need to nail the mileage exactly (due to my OCD tendencies); but I've broken myself out of that now and will run at least what is in my plan, but if it's an extra 0.02 to get to the end of my driveway, so be it!
  • Moving Comfort Fiona - I must own at least 15 of them. They're the best!
  • You are amazing!!! What an incredible milestone to stop and reflect upon. Such an inspiration!!! :drinker:
  • That is FANTASTIC news!!!! So happy to read this.
  • This may sound like I'm kidding, but I'm not: SLOW DOWN. If you're quickly getting out of breath, you're running too quickly; even if you think it feels really slow, just run at a pace that allows you to sustain a conversation. Though I've never done the program, many here swear by the Couch to 5K program; as @shoelover78…
  • I use The Organic Whey ( - it's organic with no artificial ingredients or additives; it's un-flavored.
  • Fantastic!!! Congrats on a great race. Don't you love it when a plan comes together?!?
  • I'm guessing you've already got most of the stuff I'd be thinking of! My mind goes to gear... like a hydration belt or Gu/race bib holder, or a head lamp, or reflective bands / flashing lights, maybe compression sleeves or new running sunglasses. At this point, I'm also thinking of getting a foot pod for my Garmin, so that…
  • You bet it is... I lost >20 lb over 4 months training for my last full. Just eat less than you burn and you'll do it, too! For what it's worth, I prefer to use the TDEE method so that I eat generally the same amount every day... I just found it easier than gorging on long run days (when I'm rarely hungry) and eating way…
  • There are a bunch of calculators out there to help determine your TDEE; one popular one (and the one I used as my starting point) is Scooby's Workshop: I used that as my initial estimate; if I was losing too rapidly or feeling a lack of energy, I adjusted my target upwards; if…
  • ^^^What he said. Aside from the fact that I'm a marathoner (not a cyclist) and I use TDEE (instead of eating back exercise calories each day), this is my experience. I use my Garmin to track my calorie burn, I use a food scale to weigh most of my food, and I use MFP to track my calories to ensure I'm eating at a deficit;…
  • That orange colour is obnoxious, which I kind of love about it. I would never, ever buy a jacket that looked like that, but since it's from the Boston Marathon, I'd totally wear it with pride. Unclear why that's the case. Now if I could just get my damn BQ... :laugh:
  • I use the TDEE method for precisely this reason... some days I run long (up to 20 mi, when in full marathon training mode) and burn crazy amounts of calories; while on my rest day, I'm a completely sedentary desk jockey. Then there are days in between that run that full range. Because I find it difficult to build a plan…
  • And here's a similar vote from the DC race (Dec 2011)... it was, without a doubt, the most poorly organized event I've ever run. Ever. They just had no idea what they were doing. The race started >45 minutes late since there was an enormous traffic jam to even get into the parking lots; then the course was waaaaayyyy short…
  • A stair treadmill is not the same thing as a treadmill; it's a stairclimber / stepmill (like a mini flight of stairs), rather than a flat belt that runs at whatever incline you set. So, assuming you were on a treadmill, as others have suggested, you should select "walking" or "running" based on whatever speed you were…
  • Hahahaha... I heart your ticker!!! And congrats on the weight loss - amazing!!!!
  • Totally agree with Carson here. I'm two marathons in and have yet to make the wall's acquaintance. This is why race nutrition is important; and why I said don't be afraid to take on calories/carbs early and often (consistent with your long runs, but remembering you've got an extra 4-6 miles (assuming you ran 20-22 in your…
  • OK... I'll leave it to @arc918 to swoop in with his top three tips, but will give you a hint: they all involve not going out too fast!!! Develop a pace plan that gradually picks up the pace throughout the race... which means starting out SLOW. I'd also say don't be afraid to take on calories/carbs in whatever form you've…
  • I've only worn compression sleeves, not socks, so no help with your question re: Morton's neuroma. And I've only worn the sleeves once during a run; didn't notice any difference, but it was just your average long training run, so not really sure I'd notice a big difference. I did wear them after (not during!) my last…