paperpusher3 Member


  • I go food shopping every three weeks and I do log the walking and the lifting but usually at half the amount.
  • Please get a second opinion!! I had a podiatrist who told me to keep exercising with shin splints and ill fitting orthotics purchased from his office. I finally went to another dr who discovered I had tears in the muscles and I had to take it easy for a YEAR! And new custom orthotics. You should have to let your feet…
  • My diary is open. I've lost 19 lbs so far and still have about 25 to go. I'm going for slow, steady weight loss. I lost 20 lbs two years ago for my HS reunion and put most of it back once it was over. This time I'm losing it for me. I try not to use most of my exercise calories to help me stay on goal. Some days are better…
  • Your ex making fun of you in front of friends is emotional abuse. My husband used to do the same thing and it was embarrassing and painful. I even told him that it hurt me and he kept it up saying that he was only teasing and that I couldn't take a joke. Well, I got the chance to turn the tables on him and it stopped…
  • Hello, I'm also back again for a month now. I lost 20lbs for my HS reunion 3 years ago. When I got back home most of it went back on. I'm now on diabetes medication and my doctor is waving cholesterol meds in my face. I even let my muscle tone go so the clothes that fit me last summer didn't this year. I losing the weight…
  • Hi Michael, You have taken the first step to a new life by admitting that you need some help. I've not been in your shoes as far as the amount of weight you have to lose but as you've seen, you're not alone. You received a lot of great advice here. I wish I had logged EVERYTHING I was eating for a week before I started…
  • I'm so happy for you. I only know a small part of your journey. I'm really happy for you. I remain amazed at your tenacity and fight to get where you want to be. .
  • I happen to like the button. I find it motivates me to stay on track. I can also see the difference that exercise makes.
  • MY NSV this week was resisting buying a candy bar at assorted check-out counters. I wanted it but it wasn't worth the calories to me. :smile:
  • Thanks for posting this. I usually eat oatmeal every morning but the once the heat hit, I just didn't want to eat something hot. These are perfect. Can't wait to try them.
  • My weaknesses are potato chips, ice cream and dark chocolate. Oh and peanut M&Ms.
  • I would qualify as emotionally sucked dry also but for different reasons that I won't go into. About you... Have you considered that the half pound weight gain, which I personally wouldn't worry about, might be muscle gain which weighs more. If your having trouble getting the calories in because of not being able large…
  • Carolyn, how did you do the before and future models? I love that and think it would be inspirational for a lot of people to be able to visualize their future selves. Seal, I think Carolyn suggestion is a good one. I take it that you cut your crusts off or maybe use the crusts to make croutons?
  • My scale is also digital and it changes weight by where I put it on the floor. It's in my basement-no room upstairs. I finally drew a line around it so at least, I'm being consistant. Different scale are going to give you different readings. Just be consistent about the one you use. And if you're concerned about the…
  • When you see your physio(not quite sure if that a dr or a phyical therapist) have the gait analysis done. Also check to see if you're wearing the right kind of shoes/sneakers. I had a long term problem with shin splints and went through three doctors before a physical therapist told me that I shouldn't be wearing running…
  • Ok, you need to see a dr. The fact that you're thirsty and going to the bathroom a lot is symptomatic of Type I diabetes BUT it usually ialso has constant hunger while LOSING weight. But type II diabetes is usually associated with weight gain. I have insulin resistance and if I eat too many carbs my blood sugar spikes, my…
  • Oh, I have been there too. I felt really good about the way that I felt and looked at my sons wedding in 2007. If anyone had told me then that I would put on 45lbs and have creases where I never had them before, I would have laughed in their faces. But that's exactly what happened. I was also disgusted with the weight and…
  • Oh, that would have made not only my day but my whole month. :flowerforyou: Haven't been whistled at since I was 7 month pregnant with my daughter and she's will be 31 next month. And Country Devil is right-if that's your behind in your profile photo, you should be getting lots of complements. Can't wait till mine looks…
  • I don't know how old you are. When I was younger, I used to plow through every cold, sinus infection, etc because I had small children. I found it would take me twice as long to recover as my hubby and kids because of it. Now, at 57, if I'm sick, I take it easy, If I find myself falling asleep sitting up in a chair, I…
  • I think it's great that you like cleaning. I like the satisfaction of looking around at my neat and clean house afterward. And I do log the calories but I don't eat them. I feel better that I've gotten some type of exercise.:wink:
  • Just what you're experiencing is why most weight loss people suggest that you only weigh in once a week. I can gain 5lbs overnight. If I eat a lot of carbs or salt I pack on the water weight and I can see it around my ankles and feel it in my legs. May be just me or a female thing. Also, as someone else mentioned, muscle…
  • I have that with my right great toe. My dr discovered that my foot was sliding forward on my orthotics because they were only 3/4 length. I put an insole over them that was non-slip and no more problems untll it wears down. The others may be right about you needing a longer shoe also. I've had to go up a whole size and…
  • I can't find Zumba anywhere. Any ideas? :huh:
  • I want to get back to the weight that I was 4 years ago for my son's wedding which is about a 55lb loss. I felt really good about the way I looked then and my docs agree that that is a good goal. I've lost about 10lbs and with a few more, I will go under the obese marker which will make me very happy. I also want to have…
  • I went over too even with exercise allowance. Darn kettle cooked jalapeno chips! As someone else said, tomorrow is another day!!
  • I'm only a little over two weeks with MFP. That said, I'm finding it helpful to see exactly what I'm eating and where all the calories are coming from. I'll admit that it is a pain to leave my computer up until days end since I'm not one of those people who stays "plugged in" all day. I even like writing down how much of…
  • Thanks! Apples and baby carrots are my go-to foods when I just want to munch. Apples fill me up and the baby carrots are great because they take longer to eat. I'm also finding that a cup of tea is helping. Started back walking, too and I'm getting landscape ideas along the way. I'm also finding just getting out of the…
  • Thanks amaczu, I look for it the next time I go to S&S. :bigsmile:
  • To Bropark2 - where do you buy the Ezekiel Sprouted whole grain bread. That sounds like it would be good for me. I don't like most whole wheat breads because I find them too sweet.
  • I like Weight Watchers Rye bread which is 90 cal for 2 slices but I'm having a hard time finding their products in my area now.