WTG! I'm so jealous that you got to keep your boobs.
I have three new cavities in the last 6 months and I have already spent over $2,000 on fillings so far (prior to the 3 new ones). I blame it all on soda, diet or regular. The acids in soda eat away at the tooth enamel and cause decay. Those same acids can make your blood slightly more acidic (metabolic acidosis) and cause…
I love sweet tea but obviously I don't want the sugar calories. I was drinking a ton of diet soda trying to avoid sweet tea but I now have three cavities since my last cleaning only 6 months ago. So for the past two weeks I've been drinking iced green tea sweetened with splenda. I too was bothered by using artificial…
Wow! Your belly looks amazing. My son just turned 11 months and I have been seriously slacking. I hope to have a belly like that when my baby is 20 months.
That picture is a collage. In 2004 I gained 30lbs when I went to LPN school so the top pics are my before and after from my first major weight loss. I maintained my lower weight until I got pregnant with my son and used pregnancy as an excuse to overeat.
I'm between 5'2-5'3 and I'm starting from 145 (which was around Thankgiving) and I'm now about 133. My next baby step goal is to get under 130 and then 120. I think I'll be happy at 115. I have a small frame and before I had my son last year I was a very fit 109lb.
I'm so glad I opened this thread. I'm not diabetic right now but I suffered severe gestational diabetes with my son last year and I expect I will have it again in future pregnancies and most likely go on to develop type 2 later in life. Knowing how to adjust the carb goals will be a useful tool. Thanks to those who posted…
I would wake up before the sun rises and eat breakfast and then workout. Are you allowed to drink juices or other nutritional liquids to supplement? If it's clear liquids only, there are protein supplements that are clear although I don't know if any of the ingregients may conflict with your beliefs. I get insomnia if I…
Yup... my 1500 calorie dinner at Moe's on Monday. Seeing it motivated me to exercise more this week.
Because I used pregnancy as an excuse to binge on my every craving.
Hopefully i shrunk it enough to see the whole thing
Can someone help me post my pic? I'm new here.
In 2004 I went to LPN school and gained over 30lbs. It took over a year to lose it all. In December 2010 at the same time that I graduated RN school I got pregnant with my son. The top photos are of my first weight loss. The bottom photos are of my progress after having a baby. I did it once so I know I can do it again.
I hate exercise too. I just played Wii tonight for my exercise. I have a recumbant stationary bike that sometimes I pedal while watching TV, when a comercial comes on I pedal as hard and fast as I can until my show comes back. I also just wanted to tell you that a few years ago I had a back injury that required physical…
The first time I did it, I could hardly walk the next day. I tried too hard to keep up and that was on level 1. Jillian will push you hard.