my lordy, i have never even heard of that!! Please let me know what you find out..............? I may lose this thread in a day or so, or forget to look back at it. Will be real interested in hearing the results...........
I think in his gibberishy ay he was trying to say "muscle burns fat". Cardio helps also, and it helps get rid of those extra flabby bits and shows the muscle lying beneath. 3 days of resistance training is the best for building LEAN (not big and bulky) muscle, and the cardio will help with endurance and shedding extra fat.…
I totally agree!! Chalene Johnson all the way!! But dont just stop at Turbo Jam.................theres Turbo Fire and Chalean Extreme. I have them all, and although like you (little to lose), they provided me with losing that and toning!! She is so inspirational, motivating and full of helpful tips and knowledge the whole…
I have done the Turbo fire/CLX hybrid, (the FULL 20 weeks) then I started Insanity. I found Insanity waaaayyyy more challenging than TurboFire, less fun, less safety focused and harder to stick to. I only lasted 7 weeks on that, and I was bored, and disappointed at myself for giving it up. In saying that, I have gone back…
I hear you on the craving!! Especially when it comes to *that time of the month*..............I usually have a little choccie each day until the craving goes, and it usually doesnt last that long. If you cant have caffine, perhaps a nice hot mug of a low-fat hot chocolate drink? Im not much for those, more of a coffee…
TaaaaDaaa!! I copied the wrong one!! Woop woop! Im set now, Thanks!!
I can only see the typing too................... but thanks heaps guys for your help..............i'm the worst when it comes to that kind of stuff!!
I think Ive done it!! Thanks guys!! Sheeseh that was a brain drainer!! So the next question...............i want to add my goals in there as do i do that?
ummm, i see the tab, but i dont know my ticker code.............thats where i get stuck, how do i get it......? im a hopeless case at this stuff!
Maybe you are building muscle, and as we all know..............muscle is heavier than fat. :wink:
Veeerrrry interesting!! Looks like its off to the Health store on Monday for me...............