Too much cardio?



  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member

    I have zero trust in ''personal trainers'' or the gym etc, all they want is for you to buy into their BS extra cost training sessions. Whats wrong with honest hard work and eating right? The mfp community has given me infinitely more sound advice about nutrition and exercise than any ''free'' personal training consultation and a million times more motivation.

    Amen to that!

    I agree with people - "too much" cardio for who? What are your goals? If it's just to be a skinny size zero, as you said in your OP (and honestly, chasing goals set by the media doesn't really lead to long term personal fulfillment or emotional stability...), then throw in some weight training, and try different things for like two weeks at a time to see what your body reacts to best.

    I like to think healthy, strong, and able to set new physical challenges and overcome them are really better goals than a number on the scale or a dress size, though.
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    I will add that I'm now training for a half marathon, 13 miles. So I have started running outside more. My first shot at it I managed 10 miles over 1 hour 36 minutes. i was amazed by the calorie burn compared to the same time in the gym.

    I just worry my calves are going to get even bigger, as they are already quite muscly.

    So I will be spending less time in the gym itself and more outdoors
  • lily4u2
    lily4u2 Posts: 15 Member
    I think in his gibberishy ay he was trying to say "muscle burns fat". Cardio helps also, and it helps get rid of those extra flabby bits and shows the muscle lying beneath. 3 days of resistance training is the best for building LEAN (not big and bulky) muscle, and the cardio will help with endurance and shedding extra fat. Naturally, this wont happen if you are not fuelling your body with the right fuel.................nutrients.............