

  • What helps me is having someone to run with. Running on my own is very challenging. Lately I have had a hard time breathing in the afternoon and I am thinking it has something to do with all the allergens in the air because I can run the same route in the morning before everything is stirred up into the air without a…
  • GiGi A lot of us have that same problem, if you just go to the search box on the message board and type in Too Much Sugar you with see recent post from the rest of us with this same problem. I hope this helps Nina
  • I am going to try to join the group but I'm not sure if 10lbs will come off of me in one month but Im going to work my little heart out. So do we all just come back to this post and add to it to keep each other imformed of our progress?
  • Thats awesome, in three months? Now I know I can take off these 15 before the end of June.
  • They are on the same aisle as the salad dressings in the supermarket.
  • Thanks for the information, I'm headed to the commissary right now for an educational lunch.
  • No Ma'am YOU ARE AWESOME. From your last post I really dont think you are doing that bad. If you cut out everything you love you are truly going to be miserable.
  • Thanks for the tip Natalie. I think tracking my calories will definitely help a lot. I just started last night and I am already become more conscious of what I eat and drink. Had a glass of ruby red grapefruit juice with breakfast this morning and I realize immediately that I need to buy a different juice the sugar content…
    in Hello Comment by washingtonn March 2010
  • Thanks Mary Beth and CONGRATULATIONS on quitting smoking that is awesome!!!
    in Hello Comment by washingtonn March 2010