

  • Are u drinking regular soda? If so it has alot of empty calories, also try taking a 10 minute walk 2x a day 4-5x a week. U will get more calories from exercise. If u like seafood at all it is fat free and can be your friend! I have salmon lightly covered in olive oil 2x per week and it has made a big differance. Also light…
  • Try to wash and dry your feet before u exercise and wear all white cotton socks. My daughter has the same problem and we also put some insoles in her tennis shoes for a better fit. If that doesn't help it is most likely time for a new pair and repeat the process. Good Luck :)
  • I made apple cider pork in the crockpot 2 years ago and it tasted like poison! We ended up starting a tradition on trick or treat by ordering pizza every year!
  • Bump sounds delicious
  • I'm a diabetic and drink strictly flavored premium vodkas or premium tequila w/ any diet pop or crystal light. The body processes these very differantly than other alcoholic drinks. Hope it helps :)
  • My daughter went a week ago and is 5'4 weighs 240lbs, there was only one ride she couldn't fit in because her legs were too big. She is pear shaped. Go have fun, you should be fine :) :happy:
  • Hey I checked out your food for the last couple of days, and it looks like to me fruit and veggies and lack of water could be the culperate! Try to eat a small amount of something every 2 hrs fruit or veggies for snacks and a serving of water. Hope it helps I wish u luck on your journey :)
  • That is exactly how I go about my routine! I don't ponder on yesterday or my failures, I just move on w/ each day freshly. So glad to hear someone else understands this way of thinking. Thanks for sharing
  • I feel for your situation and it also sounds dangerous! I find prayer helps and venting of course, I usually have a cheater day every week so that 6 days of the week I'm able to continue w/ my long journey. Take care and thanks for sharing!
  • Protein is your beast bet for after workouts! I like raw almonds, but anything low fat low calorie will work. Protein shakes are a good choice also. Keep up the good work :):smooched: :smooched:
  • I hear you loud and clear! I had a buddy suggest this website to me and it may also help you! Go to they have exercises and other advice for free. I wish you the best