Cedar Point....Super worried I might be too big?!

Help! I am asking if you guys have been to Cedar Point? I've been on their website read that if you are over 200 pounds (check...I'm 290 and 5'6") and wear greater than a size 18, you will have issues riding their rides. I completely understand that people carry weight differently, but has anyone ridden there that is a size 18/20? Did you have issues with rides? I wear a size 18 comfortably right now. I dont want to drive 8 hours and not be able to ride anything. It would make for one miserable vacation. I routinely go to Hershey Park and have no issues with their rides. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!


  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    I've never been to Cedar Point, but one of my friends goes there every summer and didn't have a problem riding the rides. She's a 20/22, but then I've heard other people (especially with bigger thighs/tummy area) say that the lap bars barely fit for the roller coasters.

    I understand your worries, though. That's why I haven't gone to Cedar Point yet. Don't want to waste the time for the drive...
  • mdayishere
    mdayishere Posts: 14
    My daughter went a week ago and is 5'4 weighs 240lbs, there was only one ride she couldn't fit in because her legs were too big. She is pear shaped. Go have fun, you should be fine :):happy:
  • rjs3455
    rjs3455 Posts: 67 Member
    I am originally from Cleveland and have been to Cedar point several times.. before I started MFP i was 250 and wore an 18. I had trouble once at Cedar point.. riding the the Millenium Force in the front seat. That was 4 years ago. I have been back several times since then at the same size and have been fine. All the other rides are much much more comfortable. You should be fine! Have a great time! Cedar point rocks!
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    I recently went to Kings Island which pretty much have similar rides as Cedar Point and Im a 16 but depending on brands wear some 18-anyways two of the people I were with were even bigger than me and they rode everything they got in line for and thats besides seeing alot of other plus sized people standing in lines and getting on them-I think maybe the rides may have been uncomfortable for them though Im sure
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    Keep in mind that it may not only be size retriction but it may also be weight. Rollercoasters and stuff have limited weight capacities. I have no idea if you will be able to enjoy these rides in particular, I have never been to Ceader Point, but I know in universal studios the limits are pretty strict.
  • GingerSnark
    GingerSnark Posts: 153
    A couple years ago I went & the only ride I had trouble with was Top Thrill Dragster. I still fit, but barely. The left side of the cars have a smaller seat-belt is what a ride operator told me. Once I switched to the right side it clicked shut. Still pretty embarrassing though. One girl told me I couldnt ride & another girl said try this side & told me why.

    No other rides gave me any issues.

    Millennium Force sometimes has people stop you outside the line to sit in the trial seat to make sure you fit. I did but that's another embarrassing situation. Your pretty much tagged the fat one of your group & everyone has to wait. They wont let you get in line till you try the seat.

    I wasn't 290, I was around 250 give or take but people carry weight differently.
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    i have not been there, but my HONEST opinion is, unless you have spoken to someone who has been and says its ok, don't go. You are almost half as heavy again as the weight they mention will have issues, and bigger than the clothes size too. Although I don't think 200lbs is that heavy, they are basically saying anyone who is MORE tthan averagely overweight might have issues. I would not chance it and have a miserable time, how about you make it your weight loss goal to go there and ride the rides? No one wants a miserable vacation< thats no good to anyone xxx
  • GingerSnark
    GingerSnark Posts: 153
    Keep in mind that it may not only be size retriction but it may also be weight. Rollercoasters and stuff have limited weight capacities. I have no idea if you will be able to enjoy these rides in particular, I have never been to Ceader Point, but I know in universal studios the limits are pretty strict.

    I've been to CP dozens of times in my life & have never seen a weight restriction on any adult ride. Just FYI...
  • paul1969
    paul1969 Posts: 8 Member
    I can assure you the rides at Cedar Point (ok well perhaps the kiddie stuff) dont have weight restrictions, these rides are designed be rode at capacity day in day out all season long. Some rides weigh the trains as they go up the lift but this is merely to judge how much power is required on the lift to get the train over the edge.

    The rides also have brakes in allot of places and if for some reason the rides are running fast due to weight or wet weather they trim the speed of the ride as its going around.

    Rides like dragster weigh the cars at loading as this is required to calculate the speed at which the ride launches.

    The majority of the rides at CP have tester seats at the exits and theres normally an operator there to assist you. I seem to struggle with my chest which is 46 inches, the over the shoulder restraints are very tight but they do lock. Rides like dragster and millenium force use lap belts as well as lap bars and these can be a bit tight.

    The operators are generally good at judging sizes before you board the rides and will do there upmost to assist you.

  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    Keep in mind that it may not only be size retriction but it may also be weight. Rollercoasters and stuff have limited weight capacities. I have no idea if you will be able to enjoy these rides in particular, I have never been to Ceader Point, but I know in universal studios the limits are pretty strict.

    I've been to CP dozens of times in my life & have never seen a weight restriction on any adult ride. Just FYI...

    Cool. Thanks for sharing. Like I said, I have never been, so I was only extrapolating!
  • Dottie27
    Dottie27 Posts: 159 Member
    I'll be going to Cedar Point with my family next week and am worried about the same issue. My neighbor, 210 lbs., size 18/20 didn't fit on a ride and took the walk of shame after being in line for over an hour. She never had issues in the past and thinks newer restrictions may be in place due to lawsuits in other parks. FYI-Cedar Point makes everyone pay the admission price even if you don't plan to go on any of the rides.
  • chrisc31
    chrisc31 Posts: 137 Member
    We have season passes to Kings Island which is owned by Cedar Point....I tried the test seat with the over the shoulder harness and it wouldn't lock. It was close but just not there yet. I was about 35 pounds heavier than you are now. It might work for you!
  • TwinMom12409
    Hi. We go to CP every year. This year I fit into everything just fine at 205 and size 14 but there were a few- Top Thrill and Millennium Force that were tight for me. I am 5'7.5". I did the walk of shame ONE TIME a few years ago and it was awful. That was on the Mean Streak. There are some forgiving rides- iron dragon, raptor, maverick and some that are difficult if you are at the top end of the weight recommendations- Millennium, Top Thrill, Magnum.

    I hope that helps.
  • DonaGail
    DonaGail Posts: 190 Member
    I live about 2 hours from CP and have been scared to attempt it!
    Since Ive lost a nice chunk of junk, Im closer to fitting and could now handle the walking but
    lord, I hate to think about queezing my carcas into a small seat/brace.
    Maybe end of summer or next year..
  • cwillett0704
    Top Thrill and Millenium Force will be the ones to worry about. I just got back from CP and I could not ride those two rides. It is not necessarily your weight and it isn't whether you will fit in the seat that matters. It is the seat belts on those two particular rides. If you are large in your hips and thighs you will probably not be able to ride either of these two. If you are just top heavy but have smaller legs you will be just fine. I weigh 219 and wear a size 18 pants. I have lost 11 pounds and I am continuing to move forward with my weight loss, so I am very proud of myself so far in my weightloss journey. However, I carry most of my weight in my bottom half so even though I fit perfectly in the seat for these two rides I could not latch the seat belt (which is very tight and does not adjust hardly at all). I hope this helps anyone who reads this. My suggestion is try the seat and latch the seatbelt first before getting in line. It isn't that you are embarassed to get asked to step aside, because you most likely will not be alone (the seatbelts are extremely small), but it is the let down of getting excited about the ride.
  • alaina216
    Im from Cleveland (living in NY) and have been to Cedar Point many times. If you are a wide hip, big butt kinda girl you may have some problems. When I was around 280(I am wide hip, big big booty kinda girl) I couldnt get the belt to fasten on like 2 of the rides. Just to make sure I would sit in the trial seat they have before you actually wait in line...that way u will know before you wait for over an hour :/ Good luck and stay positive becuase Guess what??!! You stick with us and next year this wont even be an issue :)))
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    I haven't been to Cedar Point in a while so I'm not sure about the "fit"--what I will say is I did do Six Flags a cpl years back (by the way I'm pear shaped) and the fit was extremely uncomfortable for me STILL that was Six Flags and if you're tall and wear 18/20, I'd think you'd be just fine (I'm 5'4 and not sure how much I weighed at that time but I was definitely heavier than I am now). The first chance I get I'm headed to an amusement park--go for it!
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    It depends on how you're shaped.

    The last time I went to Cedar Point, I weighed 225 pounds. I'm 5'6", and I wore size 20 jeans, but could wear a size 18 in some brands. I'm a pear shape, though, so I couldn't fasten the seat belt on several rides. This was back in 2001. I heard they made some seat belts smaller, so I don't even want to try again until I'm under 200. I never had any issues when I was 165-175 pounds (size 14/16).

    Rides like The Raptor were fine, though, since they have a shoulder harness and I'm small(er) on top. I could also ride Corkscrew, Iron Dragon, and so on. Even some of the rides with lap restraints were okay. Magnum was okay, Mine Ride was okay, Gemini was okay. Millennium Force had me freaked out because we stood in line for two hours (it was new), and the seat width and lap restraint were fine, but the belt was about an inch from closing. I was really upset, but the girl checking restraints saw me and said, "Oh, honey. You'll fit. Squeeze your legs together really tight and lean to the right a little so I have room." She grabbed that belt, yanked it like a corset, clicked it shut, and gave me a little pat. It was awesome. :)

    I had to do the Walk of Shame from Blue Streak (I couldn't even fit in the seat) and Mean Streak (seat belt wasn't even close).

    I think anyone with doubts should go. Even if you only fit in half of the rides, it's worth it. Plus, they have test seats now, so you can avoid standing in line forever, only to be turned away. I'd rather have people watch me sit in a test seat than wait in line and have everyone watch me wrestle with the belt, get up, and walk away.
  • kem215
    kem215 Posts: 1
    Hi, I was kust at Cedar Point yesterday. I weigh 268lbs and wear a size 18/20 I am also 5'6''.
    Out of the rollercoasters I went on these are the.ones I fit
    Iron dragon
    They were all a tight fit.
    I waited in line for all of the coasters and these are the.ones I could not fit in.
    Millenium force
    Ect. No need to go on. If.i did.not fit I would just act like I chickened out.
    They do offer.seats before most of the coasters
    I also carry most of my weight in my legs.and back end
  • Weezoh
    Weezoh Posts: 171 Member
    I am 5'10" approx 260 right now with a 46" waist and 50" chest. I'm currently at cedar point and was concerned about fitting. So far the only thing that was a definite no-go was the wicked Twister. No way can I get that side belt clasped

    Wrt the new Gatekeeper - I was close and the attendant at the test seat told me to make sure to tell the gate attendant row four. That row's belts are about 1" longer.

    No problems on iron dragon, raptor, blue streak (although the divided seat was very tight on my hips)

    Ill try to update the list over the next couple days.