

  • I agree that I would love to see healthy models however when statements like "Twenty years ago the average fashion model weighed 8% less than the average woman. Today, she weighs 23% less. " are made it makes me mad. Logically this could be true because the average American woman is larger today, and the model has remained…
  • Bake a cake( or cupcakes!) at home, so you can control what goes in there. Try using half whole wheat pastry flour with half All Purpose. Using real ingredients, instead of the stuff in the box. If you check out the have some great and easy cake recipes!
  • I use Organic Valley half and half ( like a previous poster mentioned). It tastes great and you only have to use a tiny bit. They are just starting to roll out flavored half and half, their French Vanilla is fantastic. Sometimes, I'll add a vanilla bean to my half and half (overnight) for a punch of flavor.
  • I tried it but it made me crave sugar ):
    in Slimfast Comment by kw2s July 2011
  • I use a Whole Foods Vitamins. If I take the GNC or Centrium ones I vomit. I found out that I need to take plant based vitamins.
  • There was a thread about this a couple days ao. I would try searching to Message Boards.
  • I have I'm Henry the VIII I am on my Ipod too! Yes, I am not alone!
  • Yes! It was a bit hard at first but a non-GMO lifestyle is becoming more maintream. Honestly, the GMO frankencrops scare me a bit... I even grew up on a farm and I am terrified of them.
  • Your a man. Why are you commenting on women's foundation garments? I realize that yes they do make Spanx for men, but this is a ladies discussion. Spanx aren't noramlly used for everyday use, they are a special occasion item for that extra smoothness under clothing. A lot of celebrities wear them on the red carpet to make…
    in Fat suckers? Comment by kw2s July 2011
  • Try to coupon a bit. Driscoll's offeres coupons on their berries, Cascadian Farm has coupons for frozen fruit and veg, and Whole Foods has some great coupons for pantry items.
  • I go to the gym afterwork and all the treadmills are always full. There isone lady dressed to the 9s standing ON the treadmill without the belt going for twenty minutes texting.... it seriously irriates me bc shes not getting a proper work out and two other people want to machines... tho she does have incredible outfits.
  • The taste of greek yogurt caries by brand. I really like Fage or Cabot. Try mixing in some fruit preserves or almonds and honey. I also like a dab spread on toast with jam.
    in Greek Yogurt Comment by kw2s June 2011
  • The ADA is in the diabetes buisness, if you no longer have diabetes they are out of buisness. I used to work at ADA processing thier charitable gifts ( from Tour de Cure etc..) and they recieve MILLIONS of dollars from companys like Smuckers, Mars, Coke etc. They also used to hold 'ice cream and pizza parties for thier…
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