Fruit sugar is the best for you, like anything in moderation Don't go for added sugar foods
I weigh 3 times a week when I visit the gym That way it's the same scale
I had to increase my exercise to increase my calorie count. doesn't necesarily mean gym just walking can help. Check out the excercise section to see the number of calories by exercise Works both ways, not starving yourself but body feels better all around Best to you
I do the YMCA/YWCA also and find there is no pressure to look the skinniest or bulkiest My original trainer motivated me by saying that most people working out are into themselves and don't even notice other people. That helped me at the beggining. Now that I am at a good weight if I should see overweight people I applaud…
Don't go there Do it naturally The weight your friend has lost is unhealthy dieting, losing that much weight in that short a time won't last
Ottawa formely Toronto
Jim I agree with engineman have been up and down most of my life Loosing slower is better as it stays off, if you go fast you feel great about yourself but it'll go on faster i've been on a few diet plans they worked but didn't last Have strted going to a nutritioist and am learning about food and myself, not just…
There is a limit that your body will say you are at the correct weight Unless you starve yourself which is not a good idea
Congratulations, bet you feel great about yourself Thanks for posting
Took me about 4 weeks before I felt any change in my weight and clothes sizes reduction
Laura For me it's one day at atime If I am feeling heavy then I do damage control i.e. eat lower cal foods that fill ( lots of cooked veggies) I am not looking at the pounds on this programme but overall better health and feeling and find the pounds look after themselves Best of luck
we are not all skinny winnies as many of us have larger bones and muscle Just be the best you can be As long as your eating healthy and exercising properly, accept that
I would suggest talking to an expert nutritionist, they are educated in all of this Hopefully your medical coverage will cover all or part Best of luck
Try some Motown I work out to a cd of Frankie Valie. Some fast and some a little slower bus enaough to keep you going The supremes are good also Enjoy
Keeping a list of EVERYTHING you put in your mouth works s we sometimes forget through the day. Also portion sizes are important By working out you maybe building up muscle mass which weighs more than fat I gave up looking at the scale all the time and concentrated more on how my body feels. Not every person is a skinny…
Try no white starchy foods i.e bread, pasta.rice Substitute with multigrain products instead Try having no starch at dinner time but double up on veggies
Thanks Boy do I know about the maintenance thing, itv IS the hardest part Now that i'm working with nutritionist am sure it will be a lot easier in the maintaining department One great thing that I learned was no white bread or starches, after just 2 days I felt a lot better and no bloated feeling Next was no starcheds at…
Good for you Keep going
Hi I just started with nutritionist to learn about food has given me tools so I do not overeat or have any cravings and lost 5 lbs in 3 weeks A nutritionist is maybe something you may want to think about instead of all those diet companies