

  • I've found that if I eat less starchy food at dinner l don't get many cravings. I also add in after dinner snack calories at the beginning of the day so I know I have some room at night. If you're not actually hungry than I've found intermittent fasting to really help me with night binging. The opposite of what I thought!…
  • This is a great idea! I'm on week 5. I'm down about 6 lbs and about 4% BF. Nobody has noticed except my boyfriend when he grabbed me the other day and was like woah, I can tell you're losing weight! Maybe I should just ask random people to grab me so they can notice the loss! Haha
  • I completely understand where you are coming from. I moved far from my hometown last year and I work from home...and I'm not exactly an extrovert! I second the idea to try I've met some great people who have the same hobbies, etc... that I have.
  • I do 5-10 min treadmill fast walk and then the warm-up suggested in the book. Sometimes I even do a little foam rolling before too. I've learned that you can make muscle imbalances/weaknesses worse by not doing a proper functional warm-up. I've been pain free for the first time ever while doing a consistent strength…
  • Those are great results! I wish my skin looked that amazing after I lost weight!!
  • I want to get that done too. I have that at home calipers but they only take the measurement from one place so its not as accurate. I really want to get the hydrostatic fat testing done but they don't offer where I live. I have to wait until I visit the mainland. Just more time to lose fat before testing! By the way, have…
  • I feel you on that one. I'm on stage 4 and struggling with planks at 2 min. I'm only at 1:45... past that and my arms give out, not my core!!
  • So, I'm half way through Stage 3. I have a love/hate thing going for workout A. The body matrix is intense but I feel very accomplished when I'm done. I feel workout B is much easier but after doing workout A, I'm quite happy with that (lol) and just push harder on the intervals. As far as measurements/weight. I've been…
    in Stage 3 Comment by aripak January 2012
  • SW - 168 lbs (Thursday Dec 1) Week 1 - 165.4 lbs (Thursday Dec 8 ) Week 2 - 164.4 lbs (Thursday Dec 15) Week 3 - 165.4 lbs (Thursday Dec 22) Week 4 - 163.8 lbs (Thursday Dec 29) Total lost - xx lbs (Sunday Jan 1) Pretty surprised I'm down. I did try to workout to make up for enjoying all the holiday food!
  • I finished workout A from Stage 2 yesterday and I was surprised how it wiped me out! I'm loving the new routine. I feel a little awkward doing the wood chop still. I've started doing the step-ups in the squat rack so I can use the Olympic bar w/o fear of hurting anybody...or myself!
    in Stage 2 Comment by aripak December 2011
  • SW - 168 lbs (Thursday Dec 1) Week 1 – 165.4 lbs (Thursday Dec 8 ) Week 2 - 164.4 lbs (Thursday Dec 15) Week 3 - 165.4 lbs (Thursday Dec 22) Week 4 - xxx lbs (Thursday Dec 29) Total lost - xx lbs (Sunday Jan 1)
  • SW - 168 lbs (Thursday Dec 1) Week 1 – 165.4 lbs (Thursday Dec 8 ) Week 2 - 164.4 lbs (Thursday Dec 15) Week 3 - xxx lbs (Thursday Dec 22) Week 4 - xxx lbs (Thursday Dec 29) Total lost - xx lbs (Sunday Jan 1) One more pound down!
  • We met at the local dive bar...which my girlfriend reluctantly dragged me to. I still thank her to this day!!
  • When the night feels my song - Bedouin Soundclash Stir it up & Three little birds - Bob Marley I can't help but feel happy when I hear these songs!!
  • That is so awesome. I can totally relate. I had one brother who was relentless and really helped to screw up my self-esteem. Now he is way more out of shape than I am...I love messing with him, I'm always telling him we need to go workout
  • Hi everybody, Here are my results for this week. SW - 168 lbs (Thursday Dec 1) Week 1 – 165.4 lbs (Thursday Dec 8 ) Week 2 - xxx lbs (Thursday Dec 15) Week 3 - xxx lbs (Thursday Dec 22) Week 4 - xxx lbs (Thursday Dec 29) Total lost - xx lbs (Sunday Jan 1) 2.6 lbs down. I know some of it was water weight but,yay! Now to…
  • Hi everyone :) I'm Ariana. I'm happy to find some others who enjoy weight lifting/the NROL4W program. I started stage 1 last year but injured myself I believe due to some postural issues stemming from sitting at a computer all day (I'm a graphic designer). Anyways, I'm almost done with stage 1, no injuries (yay) and making…
  • Thanks so much for the graphs. I'm really horrible with excel. I'm so excited to have a visual! Now, to try to figure out how to modify
    in Stage 1 Comment by aripak December 2011
  • Thanks again for doing this!!
  • This is the first challenge I've ever done! SW - 168 lbs (Thursday Dec 1) Week 1 - xxx lbs (Thursday Dec 8 ) Week 2 - xxx lbs (Thursday Dec 15) Week 3 - xxx lbs (Thursday Dec 22) Week 4 - xxx lbs (Thursday Dec 29) Total lost - xx lbs (Sunday Jan 1)
  • Turbo Fire. The only dvds I never get sick of!
  • I'm so glad you posted this! I find it so frustrating that people just don't get that it is really hard to build muscle and even harder to build *too much*. When I was at my fittest and lifting heavy 4 days a week I had 13 more pounds of muscle than I do now. I weighed the same as I do now...and I was at least 2 sizes…
  • I'm in...I need accountability. Thanks for doing this!!
  • Once you warm up during your next workout the aches and pains won't be as noticeable. Keep moving, it will actually make you feel better in the long run...just don't overdo it :)
  • Great idea. I am starting my second round of TurboFire on 8/29. I finished one round about a year ago and tried to start again in May but I only lasted a month...sigh... This time I'm going to finish...Count me in!!
  • least I'm not :) btw, love your avatar...
  • That is an awesome story. Thanks for the post, just what I needed :smile:
  • My weight goes down right before my TOM also. I have always wondered why, but I am not complaining :)
  • Hi everybody, I want to join the group, I will need the motivation :) I should be getting mine Tuesday or Wednesday. I'm am really excited for something new. I finished P90x a few weeks ago and can't wait to start a new program. I have a body bugg and I am interested to see how many calories these workouts burn.
  • Here is another good visual... 5 pounds of a FAT VS. 5 pounds of MUSCLE! Motivates me to keep lifting weights and not focus on the scale too much!