Mbishop7684 Member


  • I agree with this. The concept is VERY simple. Calories in vs calories out. Eat less than your TDEE and you lose weight. But there's so much more! I worked out everyday since Monday (HIIT, spin and running), never went over calories, drank all of my water and I"m up 1lb. Easy? No. Simple concept? Yes. *edited for…
  • Holy sweet Jesus... You're HOT!
  • Hmm...that's a load of bull judgy mcjudge. I see you fall into the category you are criticizing because you TOOK THE TIME TO POST IN THE CHIT-CHAT FUN AND GAMES SECTION! (I thought we would be on the same communication page if I used all CAPS!) :-)
  • I am 233lbs and I love my body and am not ashamed of it, never have been. That does not mean that I am ignoring what being obese is doing to my body and my relationships. There is a cost to every decision. To be in shape and healthy (notice I did NOT say skinny or thin) you have to WORK at it. To be unhealthy and out of…
  • I have dieted my whole life and had the same mindset. Less food = more weightloss. While the concept is true (caloric deficit), you can do more harm than good if you do not consume enough. I have since learned that the 1200 calories MFP sets for 2lbs a weeks is not the best calorie goal for ALL but a small portion of…
  • I LOVE this post!
  • For me- I look at women that have something I desire and wonder how I can get that! Like muscular toned thighs, or a flat tummy in a bikini, or non-jiggly arms. I don't necessarily get jealous, but I do envy that they have desirable attributes that I lack. My reaction can come off as cattiness if a hot *kitten* girl is…
  • I LOVE SHARK WEEK! I also want to go diving in South Africa and see them fly in person! Its totally on my bucket list!!! I only wish, they would have more documentaries on other shark species as well...not just Great Whites. Bull sharks, tiger sharks, lemon sharks- they are ALL FASCINATING!
  • Kudos to her for being so supportive and CONGRATS to you! You like great!
  • Holy cow! You are stunning! You were beautiful before but you are drop dead gorgeous now! GREAT JOB!
  • I eat 1500 calories a day and breakfast is typically around 400 calories. I do two eggs over hard, two slices of tomato, and 2-4 slices of bacon depending on how hungry I am that morning!
  • Day 1 DONE and it felt GOOD!
  • LMAO! This in context of all the innuendos of what "diary" means and I couldn't HELP but laugh out loud at work!! (not at the poster's intent)
  • My name is Morgan, I'm 29 and need to get myself MOVING! There are days- like today and tomorrow that I am VERY busy where I can't make the gym. But the beautiful thing about squats? On my lunch break I can go to a private area and pound out these squats! So here's to doing them everyday no excuses!
    in Welcome Comment by Mbishop7684 July 2013
  • Everyone has their thing. I can't do a 16 hr fast because I wake up and become nauseous. I usually don't consume calories after dinner so I don't eat for approximately 10-12 hrs because I sleep for 8 of those and eat bfast when I get to work; its not an intentional fast though, ie I don't plan or strictly adhere to it, it…
  • This is totally on my list for next weeks snacks! SOUNDS DELICIOUS!
    in snacker Comment by Mbishop7684 June 2013
  • Carrots & Hummus Soup Iced Coffee Cottage cheese w/ pineapple Mango Banana w/ pb Celery, pb and raisins Plain Greek yogurt with blueberries Green drinks/smoothies (seconding AnisaMG w/the smoothies!)
    in snacker Comment by Mbishop7684 June 2013
  • THIS^^^ Your not really getting a lot of bang for your buck. Think about adding some eggs for protein to your breakfast- they are about 60-70 cals each and provide pretty solid protein. My go-to morning is 2 eggs, 4 pieces of bacon and a iced coffee with skim milk- that gets you about 12 grams of protein for 360 cals.
  • I was a former WW as well, from high school until the age of 26 I yo-yoed to and from WW. My reason are the same as everyone else, and I found the workout points VERY frustrating. What kind of system gives you points based on "perceived" exertion? I perceived myself working VERY hard so I am going to give myself the MAX…
  • What awesome inspiration! I needed this today as I have a number that I just CAN'T get past. THANK YOU! CONGRATULATIONS! You are beautiful inside and out. Keep that positive and amazing attitude!
  • Holy cow that's inspiring! Great job!
  • I AGREE! I used to always compare myself to my friends who were a size 6 and wonder why I look so much HEAVIER at a size 10? For me it is not entirely about a number on the scale or entirely about the size I wear because quite frankly the size is never the same in any store and the scale can lie as well. For me "looking…
  • Good god I hope mine don't shrink! They are barely a B now! I'm sticking with the hope that my boobs stay the same and the rest of me shrinks in proportion they will look bigger!
  • Last August I had just finished a round of Insanity and lost 20lbs! I started my second round and injured my big toe, "turf toe" is what they call it. I was out for a month! I gained ALL of my weight back and then some...not the best story I guess. BUT it was a learning experience, so its not SO bad! I learned at that time…
  • I don't pay too much attention because my cart/bag is all over the place!! I will have 6 bottles of wine, chips, burgers, buns, quinoa, romaine lettuce, fish, hummus, broccoli etc. Some is for me and some is for my fiance. You never know who the person shopping is buying for. There are times when I look at someones cart…
  • WOW! JUST WOW! That is such an inspiration! Considering you've battled thyroid issues as well you should be BEYOND excited for yourself! Thank you for posting and JOB WELL DONE!
  • I know exactly how you feel! I had this issue yesterday! I would have eaten ANYTHING I could have gotten my hands on. I didn't fare well with this situation so I'm eager to other's responses! Thanks for posting!
  • THIS^^^ I'm the SAME way! I weigh in Friday mornings bc I am a weekend drinker. I ALWAYS gain weight when I drink bc my body loves the water weight. After a particularly rough weekend it will take my body 4 days to get back to what is was PRIOR that Friday/Sat drink fest. GOOD LUCK!
  • 1984- 1) USSR performed nuclear tests underwater 2) First documented case of a robot killing a person 3) Vanessa Williams resigns from being Miss America for posing nude
  • I started the couch to 5 k treadmill program 5 weeks ago and I am almost done with week 5! (tomorrow I run for 20 mins straight) The biggest advice that the program and every other runner I've ever met is, START SLOW. Running is hard. At first I tried running a straight out mile at a 10mn a mile pace. I did it, but then I…