

  • I have been on oral contraceptives off and on for almost 18 years. I didn't start gaining weight until I hit my 30s. I did try OTC and hated it, extremely emotional and ate everything that wasn't nailed down. I have been on Kariva (generic for Mircette) for probably the last 8 yrs or so. It is very low levels of hormones,…
  • I want to make sure I understand this and have a question. My BMR is 1247 and my maintenance calories according to MFP sedentary (sit at work most all the time) is 1560. If I burn more than 687, I need to eat back calories. I set my calorie goal to 1560 and make sure to eat at least 1247 each day. Where I am getting…
  • I want to make sure I understand this and have a question. My BMR is 1247 and my maintenance calories according to MFP sedentary (sit at work most all the time) is 1560. If I burn more than 687, I need to eat back calories. I set my calorie goal to 1560 and make sure to eat at least 1247 each day. Where I am getting…
  • I am a runner and was dealing with plantar fasciitis for close to a year (I was stubborn and didn't cut down on my running). The thing I found that finally gave me the most relief was wearing a night splint. I was amazed when the first night I wore it, I got out of bed the next morning with no pain for the first time in 8…
  • I don't usually eat before I run if it is early in the morning. If I am going 6+ miles, I will eat a spoonful of peanut butter but usually try not to eat within a couple of hours of running. I live near the downtown area of a small town with lots of sidewalks so I almost always run from home. I have several different…
  • I agree with the restaurant salads...Zaxby's buffaloed blue salad made me very sad. It weighs in at 1140 calories and 80 grams of fat. Holy moly! Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • I have the Garmin 305 as well and have since May 2009. I love it and have had no problems. I read a lot of reviews and lots of people reported problems w/ the bezel on the 405. My 305 has a HRM and while it is a bit bulky it is not nearly as bad as you would think. I am pretty petite and it works great for me. I cannot…
  • I usually wear a running hat or visor w/ hair in a ponytail. Sweaty bands and Chica Bands are also good if you do not want to wear a hat. I have very fine hair and even the no-slip headbands slide out of my hair but the Sweaty Bands don't because they are ribbon with a band of velvet that goes against your hair which grips…
  • I run almost exclusively outside. At my school, there is an indoor track and treadmills at the gym but the only time I use them is if the sidewalks are covered in snow and ice. I get so bored running inside. I agree that running on the treadmill is probably kinder to your joints but I just cannot tolerate the monotony. I…
  • I have been running for a few years and have run 3 half-marathons and many shorter races and this is my biggest fear is being out and needing to go with no place to go! I will usually take Immodium prior to races and usually will go 5-6 times prior to a race due to nerves. For my long runs, I will usually run in the…
  • Mine is about that length and I always wear a running hat. Even when my hair was longer I wore one because it works to keep the sweat out of my eyes.
  • Congrats on quitting smoking! I quit 7 years ago and I think it was the hardest thing I ever did :smile: Nicotine is a stimulant so I would think if you were used to what your HR was when you were smoking, it would make sense for it to be lower now if you do not have that stimulant in your system. Good luck!
  • I have been on a zucchini kick lately and have made baked zucchini chips and "crab" zucchini cakes which were both delicious. I am a big fan of allrecipes.com. I get a daily recipe from them and while some are not so good others are fabulous (like the zucchini chips). Also a big fan of hummus, both plain and black…
  • I'm a runner and have been for a long time but consistently for the last 3 years. Most of what I have read indicates you can figure on burning at least 100 calories per mile no matter your speed when running. I have found with my HRM that I usually burn 110-125/mile. So, I guess if you are using the treadmill/elliptical…
  • Glad you are ok! I always wear my helmet and get so frustrated when the only people I see wearing helmets are the adult "serious" riders and none of the kids. So thanks to all of you loving parents on here who are actually taking care of your kids by keeping them as safe as possible. Parents in my sleepy town must think…
  • I have the Garmin Forerunner 305 since May 2009. I have logged close to 2,000 miles running since then and lots biking as well. I LOVE it! It makes me want to run/bike more. One of my favorites aspects is you can build workouts on the computer and download them to the Garmin for interval training, etc. I always run on the…