Working HARDER, Burning LESS question?

I am pretty sure that I know the answer to this... but I'm gonna ask anyway, because there is a little confusion in my brain (haha... not unusual!)

It seems that the stronger I get ---> the harder I workout ---> the FEWER calories I burn.

(I mean, I really PUSH harder every time!!)

Could someone please explain this? Is my :heart: getting stronger?? requring less effort, therefore decreased heart rate?

Also... I quit :smokin: (<---smoking) on Sunday,,,
Could smoking have increased my calorie burn by increasing my heart rate due to my body having to work harder?? (Dont worry Im not going to smoke just to increase my heart rate haha) & if so, could I tell a difference in 4 days??

I have been noticing smaller HRM numbers this week.. I'd like to be excited about it rather than disappointed!
Thanks for your Help!


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i think you should be excited that you are becoming a lot fitter so your body can do these workouts with less effort... i'm sure someone will give you a more technical explanation, but its just your body getting better at doing the workouts as your muscles get stronger etc.

    I have a similar thing, as i've found that my 25 min jogging route i can now do in 20 mins!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    plus, as you lose weight you burn less calories, as you're carrying less weight!
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    your body becomes more efficient, and the lower your weight, generally speaking, you burn less
  • jkuhn71
    jkuhn71 Posts: 199
    I've had the same thing! I had asked my trainer about it when I noticed my calorie burns dropping (using Polar HRM). She put it to me in a way that was really easy to follow. As you get smaller, you're carrying less weight through the same workouts AND your body has gotten fitter and more efficient with performing that work! It takes a lot more work to do the same exercises carrying extra weight (especially when you're not as fit). So yes - as frustrating as it is to see those burn numbers decrease - you have to look at the positives - your body is fitter and more efficient AND you're moving around a lot less weight these days! :)
  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
    Your body is carrying less weight, thus, it is easier to move.
    Your body is a more efficient machine, stronger muscles and more stamina, mean that your body doesn't need as many calories to complete the same tasks. Use the BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) Calculator on the Tools tab, you'll see your body doesn't need as many calories to "just exist" any more, so adjust your diet accordingly, if you haven't already.

  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    You are correct...the more fit you are, the less hard your body has to work to do the same activity. For example, in the beginning of the summer/spring, when I first got back into tennis, I would burn upwards of 1200 calories playing tennis for 1 1/2 hours....Now, I'm lucky to burn 600 calories in the same time frame several months later. It sucks because your calories go down, but your should be patting yourself on the back for the AWESOME changes going on in your body!
  • turnerjh
    turnerjh Posts: 17
    Congrats on quitting smoking! I quit 7 years ago and I think it was the hardest thing I ever did :smile:
    Nicotine is a stimulant so I would think if you were used to what your HR was when you were smoking, it would make sense for it to be lower now if you do not have that stimulant in your system. Good luck!
  • RagtimeLady
    RagtimeLady Posts: 172 Member
    Unfortunately, when I quit smoking my metabolism TANKED big time! In desperation, after a substantial weight gain, I started up again. BIG mistake - it didn't fix my metabolism and now I'm smoking again. Congrats on your quitting - please stay quit!
  • Keefypoos
    Keefypoos Posts: 231 Member
    Your hearts capacity to pump blood will improve very quickly so the same exercise routine will require less beats for the same effort

    Your lungs will improve their capacity to supply oxygen so your muscles are fuelled more efficiently

    Your muscle fibres will, with use, contract as a collective group better there by be more efficient and require less fuel and give you muscle tone

    Your weight reduction will mean you don’t have to use as much energy for a given task as the load is less.
  • Dean31
    Dean31 Posts: 38 Member
    I agree with everyone, but what I've not seen is a possible solution-change your workout routine! You've become very efficient in that particular exercise, so you have to do it harder to get the same burn. Challenge your body in a new way and you'll see your numbers go up again.