

  • Hello and welcome! You can add me too :) ♥
  • I completely agree! I used to have cheat days too but it did make me feel like I was on just another diet. Now, it's about eating smart. Two days ago I had an Oreo milkshake which had an obscene amount of calories. Couldnt remember the last time I had one. But so what? I felt a little guilty and naughty but I moved on! The…
  • This is just messed up! :( The goal is to be healthy, not skinny or obese. I hope none of the other children have developed body dysmorphic issues.
  • Hello there! Welcome to MFP! I've been here for 6 months and have lost some weight, simply by being more aware of what I eat. You can add me! I love the MFP community. All, if not most, are extremely supportive. :) ♥
  • Where I am, in Singapore, I don't think many have heard of MFP. I had simply wanted to find an app that will help me keep track of everything I put in my mouth. I had gained 10kg in 3 years, purely by eating and I'm 27. It was not fun. I came across MFP purely by chance 6 months ago! And how it has changed my life (I have…
  • Hello! Welcome to MFP! I've been here about 3-4 months and the people I have met have been so friendly and unconditionally supportive. No crazy diets, no mad exercise routines, the culture here is to eat well and live well. :) You have my support! :)
  • @Bridget28152723: hmm what time of gluten would you/she recommend? And no, I don't take a multivitamin, actually! Would that help? @Rachaelluvszipped: I must admit I used to get gut-wrenching cramps too. The can't move/can't walk/can't sleep kind but it has really improved! Still, jogging or running or doing any sort of…
  • @acbeenblossom: Jumping jacks! Really! Okay, I shall try that the next time. Oh wow, Bodyrock looks intense but I am going to try that out! Thanks so much! I hope the next time it comes around, I manage it better. Been doing a pretty bad job! @ShrinkingMG: I put on about 2lbs too! But that is because my exercise level…
  • heehee i laughed reading this thread. I would actually like to trade with myself- my butt for a nice chest! The first thing I lose is a cup size but not my thunder thighs!
  • oh my goodness! this is just so awesome and so very inspirational- thank you for sharing! :) i have the 30D lying around here but I'm a little afraid to start! 0.o can i fit my thrice weekly runs whilst on this routine too? p.s.: you look so darn amazing!