What is a cheat day?

Is a cheat day you don't excercise and eat whatever you want? I still eat what i want but try portion control..

Also do you think I should do a cheat day?


  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 926 Member
    Cheat days are for people who aren't 100% dedicated and need to have something for an excuse.. In my opinion.

    EDIT: I don't take that back one bit. I eat junky things in moderation and account for them in my calories. I don't deprive myself of ANYTHING so everyone can stop assuming that. You know what happens when you assume, right? ;)
  • muitobem
    muitobem Posts: 436 Member
    That's a "to each his own" kind of thing. Some have cheat days...some have a cheat meal once or twice a week...some just cheat a little bit each day to not feel deprived.
    However you do it, it still takes will power not to overdo.....
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    I personally haven't had one yet... I'm going on 105 days at this... I went over my 1500 calorie limit once in those 105 days, I was over by 5 calories on my anniversary and I still lost weight! ;-) You could give it a go, I did cheat days back in 2008 but never went over 2000 when doing one. It's all about self control! :-)
  • dreamgurl2324
    dreamgurl2324 Posts: 191 Member
    i try to not get too much in a routine so my matabalism is always guessing. i feel like it keeps you from slowing down too much
  • rita27ny
    rita27ny Posts: 820 Member
    LOL i cheat everyday I try to do portion size. Guess I'ma a bad girl.
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,066 Member
    Cheat days are for people who aren't 100% dedicated and need to have something for an excuse.. In my opinion.
    I stopped reading responses when I say this.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Everyone has their own opinion/definition of a cheat day. For me, I don't do cheat meals or cheat days. I eat what I want, when I want it. I account for it in my daily calories, log it and move on. I found that a "cheat day" seemed too much like I was on a 'diet'. This isn't a diet for me, it's a lifestyle change. If I want a Reese's Peanut butter cup NOW - I don't want to wait until a specific day to enjoy that Reese's. I'd rather eat it now. I've learned to just enjoy the things I love in moderation. I've also learned what things are worth spending the calories on and what things aren't worth it.

    I don't think that people who have "cheat" days aren't 100% dedicated or in this for the long haul. I think part of being successful in this journey is learning to manage the foods you used to eat in large quantities. I know that I won't go the rest of my life without eating cake, ice cream or other "unhealthy" things. Better to learn to consume them in reasonable amounts than to deny yourself and end up binge eating.
  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    Cheat days are for people who aren't 100% dedicated and need to have something for an excuse.. In my opinion.

    I bet your friends just love you.
  • futiledevices
    futiledevices Posts: 309 Member
    I don't do "cheat" days, but I do eat things in moderation. I haven't cut things out of my diet completely, but that doesn't mean I won't lose weight. It just means I eat smaller amounts of so called "bad" foods. I don't see the point in cutting things out when I know I'll end up eating them again once I lose the weight.
  • cniskasari
    cniskasari Posts: 4 Member
    when you restrict or lower your calories you also lower your metabolism, which is not what we want in order to loose fat. to rev your metabolism back up again you eat only 500 cals more for one day each week and then lower back down again for the rest of the week. there is science behind this. i do it once a week and it actually feels good to add a few healthy extra calories in my meal planning. the trick is not to go overboard. you can't just eat anything and everything on a cheat day. :)
  • rita27ny
    rita27ny Posts: 820 Member
    Sometimes doing the portion sizes is so hard and taste sooo good I just over eat it because I love it
  • Ctorj
    Ctorj Posts: 19 Member
    For myself, I allow myself 3 cheat meals a week though I rarely use all 2 of them. Unless there's a special occasion coming up (like a camping trip where it's tough to eat healthy), I use them when I can, but try to stay under my calorie limit anyways. Otherwise, I pump it up and exercise harder when I do a big cheat meal so I don't feel guilty about it.
  • Cheat days are for people who aren't 100% dedicated and need to have something for an excuse.. In my opinion.
    You should like such a happy person.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Sometimes doing the portion sizes is so hard and taste sooo good I just over eat it because I love it

    This is where self control becomes the key to your success. Measure out what you're going to eat and then walk away to eat it.

    For example, I will measure out 1 cup of rice (and put it on my plate), 2/3 cup of veggies (and put it on my plate) and my chicken (and put it on my plate). Now, I will walk into the other room and eat only what is on my plate. This way, I KNOW that I am only eating the amount I should eat. Eat slowly and give your body time to realize you've eaten.

    If you're having chips, don't eat out of the bag. Count out the serving size, put them in a bowl, put the chips away and walk away from them.

    Self control is a tough thing - but for success in this journey? You have to have it.
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 926 Member
    There's no need to attack me, I'm just saying. Why do you need to "cheat"? If you do it weekly, it's not cheating, it's routine.
  • DinaLKeil
    DinaLKeil Posts: 95 Member
    I pretty much decided that Birthdays (mine, my husbands and my daughter) are appropriate cheat days for me. I dont go crazy but I definately go over my calories. I try to make up for by more workouts the upcoming and following week. Since that's only 3 times a year, I think it's ok. Been considering whether or not to cheat on Thanksgiving and Christmas...
  • rita27ny
    rita27ny Posts: 820 Member
    Wow you guys do twice a week. I do it everyday wow maybe that's why I'm losing weight so slow...
  • Everyone has their own opinion/definition of a cheat day. For me, I don't do cheat meals or cheat days. I eat what I want, when I want it. I account for it in my daily calories, log it and move on. I found that a "cheat day" seemed too much like I was on a 'diet'. This isn't a diet for me, it's a lifestyle change. If I want a Reese's Peanut butter cup NOW - I don't want to wait until a specific day to enjoy that Reese's. I'd rather eat it now. I've learned to just enjoy the things I love in moderation. I've also learned what things are worth spending the calories on and what things aren't worth it.

    I don't think that people who have "cheat" days aren't 100% dedicated or in this for the long haul. I think part of being successful in this journey is learning to manage the foods you used to eat in large quantities. I know that I won't go the rest of my life without eating cake, ice cream or other "unhealthy" things. Better to learn to consume them in reasonable amounts than to deny yourself and end up binge eating.

    I completely agree! I used to have cheat days too but it did make me feel like I was on just another diet. Now, it's about eating smart. Two days ago I had an Oreo milkshake which had an obscene amount of calories. Couldnt remember the last time I had one. But so what? I felt a little guilty and naughty but I moved on! The next few days, I just watched my diet a little bit more cautiously and ran a little further. AND the calories in that milkshake was totally worth the effort- it was a damn good one. haha!
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 926 Member
    Everyone has their own opinion/definition of a cheat day. For me, I don't do cheat meals or cheat days. I eat what I want, when I want it. I account for it in my daily calories, log it and move on. I found that a "cheat day" seemed too much like I was on a 'diet'. This isn't a diet for me, it's a lifestyle change. If I want a Reese's Peanut butter cup NOW - I don't want to wait until a specific day to enjoy that Reese's. I'd rather eat it now. I've learned to just enjoy the things I love in moderation. I've also learned what things are worth spending the calories on and what things aren't worth it.

    I don't think that people who have "cheat" days aren't 100% dedicated or in this for the long haul. I think part of being successful in this journey is learning to manage the foods you used to eat in large quantities. I know that I won't go the rest of my life without eating cake, ice cream or other "unhealthy" things. Better to learn to consume them in reasonable amounts than to deny yourself and end up binge eating.

    I completely agree! I used to have cheat days too but it did make me feel like I was on just another diet. Now, it's about eating smart. Two days ago I had an Oreo milkshake which had an obscene amount of calories. Couldnt remember the last time I had one. But so what? I felt a little guilty and naughty but I moved on! The next few days, I just watched my diet a little bit more cautiously and ran a little further. AND the calories in that milkshake was totally worth the effort- it was a damn good one. haha!

  • rita27ny
    rita27ny Posts: 820 Member
    when you restrict or lower your calories you also lower your metabolism, which is not what we want in order to loose fat. to rev your metabolism back up again you eat only 500 cals more for one day each week and then lower back down again for the rest of the week. there is science behind this. i do it once a week and it actually feels good to add a few healthy extra calories in my meal planning. the trick is not to go overboard. you can't just eat anything and everything on a cheat day. :)

    Thanks good idea!