What is a cheat day?



  • DinaLKeil
    DinaLKeil Posts: 95 Member
    Sometimes doing the portion sizes is so hard and taste sooo good I just over eat it because I love it

    This is where self control becomes the key to your success. Measure out what you're going to eat and then walk away to eat it.

    For example, I will measure out 1 cup of rice (and put it on my plate), 2/3 cup of veggies (and put it on my plate) and my chicken (and put it on my plate). Now, I will walk into the other room and eat only what is on my plate. This way, I KNOW that I am only eating the amount I should eat. Eat slowly and give your body time to realize you've eaten.

    If you're having chips, don't eat out of the bag. Count out the serving size, put them in a bowl, put the chips away and walk away from them.

    Self control is a tough thing - but for success in this journey? You have to have it.
    I agree. I use measuring cups and a scale too....
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Wow you guys do twice a week. I do it everyday wow maybe that's why I'm losing weight so slow...

    Um. I'm not trying to be rude, but you can't "cheat" and go over your calories everyday and expect to lose weight. That isn't how it works. The goal here is to learn to have a calorie deficit so you'll lose weight. Having a "cheat" day everyday and going over isn't changing your life - it is continuing your life as you were living it before.

    Sorry, but in order to be successful you MUST be willing to make some changes in your life. It's okay to admit you aren't ready to do it, but by going over everyday and not paying attention to your serving sizes or overindulging in things isn't the way the go about losing. I think you should step back and re-evaluate your commitment to this.
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 938 Member
    Um. I'm not trying to be rude, but you can't "cheat" and go over your calories everyday and expect to lose weight.

    Thank you.
  • mistresseeyore
    mistresseeyore Posts: 717 Member
    My Father study Physical Education in college, and is big on cheat days. A cheat day is not something for weak people, it means that the person rewards themselves a little for staying on track. It is proven that if you feel deprived, then you break your diet. It's a treat to yourself, for being good. I mean a treat, not an extravagance. Also, unless a person does a life style change, then in the end, the diet will fail. I've lost 37 pounds, and I have a family. there are cheat days, but I am losing a healthy amount each month and maintaining my loss. Not learning how to eat and fluctuate on a diet and eat right, then you dieted for nothing, because once you are done and you did it the wrong, you can gain the weight back and then some. On my cheat days, I may eat something that I would say is a no no, but I still exercise, and vise versa. Don't listen to strict diet dictators. do what is best for you to keep a healthy eating/exercise habits.
  • rita27ny
    rita27ny Posts: 820 Member
    Some days over, some days under.. I lost 5lbs and making subtle changes. The changes I made i notice I am losing some weight. I am doing portion control but I do over induldge.

    I will use zip lock bags so I don't eat from directly from the potato chips bag.
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 938 Member
    Some days over, some days under.. I lost 5lbs and making subtle changes. The changes I made i notice I am losing some weight. I am doing portion control but I do over induldge.

    I will use zip lock bags so I don't eat from directly from the potato chips bag.

    Perfect. In the beginning some of the changes are hard, then you learn that you don't need those "cheat" days. :flowerforyou:
  • rita27ny
    rita27ny Posts: 820 Member
    Wow you guys do twice a week. I do it everyday wow maybe that's why I'm losing weight so slow...

    Um. I'm not trying to be rude, but you can't "cheat" and go over your calories everyday and expect to lose weight. That isn't how it works. The goal here is to learn to have a calorie deficit so you'll lose weight. Having a "cheat" day everyday and going over isn't changing your life - it is continuing your life as you were living it before.

    Sorry, but in order to be successful you MUST be willing to make some changes in your life. It's okay to admit you aren't ready to do it, but by going over everyday and not paying attention to your serving sizes or overindulging in things isn't the way the go about losing. I think you should step back and re-evaluate your commitment to this.

    I am commited to this. I'm not going to deprive myself I'm going to put stuff I like in a zip lock bag.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    My Father study Physical Education in college, and is big on cheat days. A cheat day is not something for weak people, it means that the person rewards themselves a little for staying on track. It is proven that if you feel deprived, then you break your diet. It's a treat to yourself, for being good. I mean a treat, not an extravagance. Also, unless a person does a life style change, then in the end, the diet will fail. I've lost 37 pounds, and I have a family. there are cheat days, but I am losing a healthy amount each month and maintaining my loss. Not learning how to eat and fluctuate on a diet and eat right, then you dieted for nothing, because once you are done and you did it the wrong, you can gain the weight back and then some. On my cheat days, I may eat something that I would say is a no no, but I still exercise, and vise versa. Don't listen to strict diet dictators. do what is best for you to keep a healthy eating/exercise habits.

    I'm not a diet dictator by any means. I just feel like allowing oneself to have what you want NOW and learning to stay within your calorie goal while enjoying some of life's "treats" seems less diet-ish and more lifestyle change. I wanted some chocolate while I was at work tonight, so I bought a bag of the Hershey's mixed chocolates. I had 5 of the ones I really wanted, I logged them and I went on my merry way. I'm happy to have what I wanted and I kept to my calorie goal while doing it. Now, I'm happy and content and didn't have to wait for a special day to consume them.
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 938 Member
    My Father study Physical Education in college, and is big on cheat days. A cheat day is not something for weak people, it means that the person rewards themselves a little for staying on track. It is proven that if you feel deprived, then you break your diet. It's a treat to yourself, for being good. I mean a treat, not an extravagance. Also, unless a person does a life style change, then in the end, the diet will fail. I've lost 37 pounds, and I have a family. there are cheat days, but I am losing a healthy amount each month and maintaining my loss. Not learning how to eat and fluctuate on a diet and eat right, then you dieted for nothing, because once you are done and you did it the wrong, you can gain the weight back and then some. On my cheat days, I may eat something that I would say is a no no, but I still exercise, and vise versa. Don't listen to strict diet dictators. do what is best for you to keep a healthy eating/exercise habits.

    I'm not a diet dictator by any means. I just feel like allowing oneself to have what you want NOW and learning to stay within your calorie goal while enjoying some of life's "treats" seems less diet-ish and more lifestyle change. I wanted some chocolate while I was at work tonight, so I bought a bag of the Hershey's mixed chocolates. I had 5 of the ones I really wanted, I logged them and I went on my merry way. I'm happy to have what I wanted and I kept to my calorie goal while doing it. Now, I'm happy and content and didn't have to wait for a special day to consume them.

    I think I'm the diet dictator hahahaha
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 938 Member
    Wow you guys do twice a week. I do it everyday wow maybe that's why I'm losing weight so slow...

    Um. I'm not trying to be rude, but you can't "cheat" and go over your calories everyday and expect to lose weight. That isn't how it works. The goal here is to learn to have a calorie deficit so you'll lose weight. Having a "cheat" day everyday and going over isn't changing your life - it is continuing your life as you were living it before.

    Sorry, but in order to be successful you MUST be willing to make some changes in your life. It's okay to admit you aren't ready to do it, but by going over everyday and not paying attention to your serving sizes or overindulging in things isn't the way the go about losing. I think you should step back and re-evaluate your commitment to this.

    I am commited to this. I'm not going to deprive myself I'm going to put stuff I like in a zip lock bag.

    Don't deprive. Have things in moderation. Count it. Don't call it cheating.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    My Father study Physical Education in college, and is big on cheat days. A cheat day is not something for weak people, it means that the person rewards themselves a little for staying on track. It is proven that if you feel deprived, then you break your diet. It's a treat to yourself, for being good. I mean a treat, not an extravagance. Also, unless a person does a life style change, then in the end, the diet will fail. I've lost 37 pounds, and I have a family. there are cheat days, but I am losing a healthy amount each month and maintaining my loss. Not learning how to eat and fluctuate on a diet and eat right, then you dieted for nothing, because once you are done and you did it the wrong, you can gain the weight back and then some. On my cheat days, I may eat something that I would say is a no no, but I still exercise, and vise versa. Don't listen to strict diet dictators. do what is best for you to keep a healthy eating/exercise habits.

    I'm not a diet dictator by any means. I just feel like allowing oneself to have what you want NOW and learning to stay within your calorie goal while enjoying some of life's "treats" seems less diet-ish and more lifestyle change. I wanted some chocolate while I was at work tonight, so I bought a bag of the Hershey's mixed chocolates. I had 5 of the ones I really wanted, I logged them and I went on my merry way. I'm happy to have what I wanted and I kept to my calorie goal while doing it. Now, I'm happy and content and didn't have to wait for a special day to consume them.

    I think I'm the diet dictator hahahaha

    I feel like people have to do what works for THEM. Not for me or you or anyone else. Some people find that cheat days work better for them. They eat cleanly 99% of the time and then enjoy the 1% of the time they aren't. For other people - like me - they just prefer to work in the things they enjoy when they want them vs waiting for a special day to consume them. I tried the all or nothing way (didn't work), I tried the cheat day way (didn't work) and I've tried everything in moderation (and it works). To each their own I say. I don't think anyone is "wrong".
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    I realized I was becoming an *kitten* hole when I started telling other people how to eat while I was on this lifestyle change... So I really work on restraining that.

    Personally, I was borderline eating disorder I believe so me sticking to it religiously is important too me do to my intense inner guilt. So yeah, whatever works for you.

    I find the metabolism jumping is the best thing you can do.

    Sadly I cant even eat my calories without feeling sick, today I burned 700 (more like 500 I think mfp goes way over) and as of right now Im at like 1500 total not even net, says I have 1k left after exercise and I am simply not hungry. I actually have to work on eating more...
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I realized I was becoming an *kitten* hole when I started telling other people how to eat while I was on this lifestyle change... So I really work on restraining that.

    Personally, I was borderline eating disorder I believe so me sticking to it religiously is important too me do to my intense inner guilt. So yeah, whatever works for you.

    I find the metabolism jumping is the best thing you can do.

    Sadly I cant even eat my calories without feeling sick, today I burned 700 (more like 500 I think mfp goes way over) and as of right now Im at like 1500 total not even net, says I have 1k left after exercise and I am simply not hungry. I actually have to work on eating more...

    What about adding in higher calorie, good for you snacks? Like nuts. A handful of almonds is something like 170 calories. They're good for you AND will add to your daily caloric intake. :)
  • mcrmsi77
    mcrmsi77 Posts: 216 Member
    I have cheat day once a month... That way when something comes up like a cake or something I tell myself you don't need that you have x amount of days and you get to have your cheat day! Now when I say cheat day I really mean cheat hour because I ha e one treat and it has to be 400 calories or less! I don't like to call it cheat days because it's a lifestyle change and just because you have a treat every once in a while doesn't make you weak! I think it actually helPs keep you on track! It's a personal choice and people should be so rude about it! If it works fOr you than do it ;)
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 938 Member
    I realized I was becoming an *kitten* hole when I started telling other people how to eat while I was on this lifestyle change... So I really work on restraining that.

    Personally, I was borderline eating disorder I believe so me sticking to it religiously is important too me do to my intense inner guilt. So yeah, whatever works for you.

    I find the metabolism jumping is the best thing you can do.

    Sadly I cant even eat my calories without feeling sick, today I burned 700 (more like 500 I think mfp goes way over) and as of right now Im at like 1500 total not even net, says I have 1k left after exercise and I am simply not hungry. I actually have to work on eating more...

    What about adding in higher calorie, good for you snacks? Like nuts. A handful of almonds is something like 170 calories. They're good for you AND will add to your daily caloric intake. :)

    And raisins! Except, they're high in sugar, too :/
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Cheat days are for people who aren't 100% dedicated and need to have something for an excuse.. In my opinion.

    If a person didn't have an issue with eating badly/eating too much and/or not working out, then they wouldn't be here needing to lose weight. Good luck with depriving yourself of everything you've ever loved eating for the rest of your life and not slipping and gaining it all back.

    Real life involves birthdays and holidays, celebrations and the need for a quick (but not always healthy) bite. A lifestyle change is learning how to still live your life and make it enjoyable but making smarter choices most of the time and being accountable for your actions. Maybe after a year or two of forcing yourself to live up to unrealistic expectations you'll be a little less judgmental toward people who give themselves cheat days when need be,
  • mistresseeyore
    mistresseeyore Posts: 717 Member
    I'm just saying that people that are strict about what you can or can't do and make you feel like less of a person for what helps you lose weight are diet dictators. I keep things under my calorie intake, but I do indulge. I know once I get smaller, I'll indulge less, but still it is something that is learned in time.
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 938 Member
    Cheat days are for people who aren't 100% dedicated and need to have something for an excuse.. In my opinion.

    If a person didn't have an issue with eating badly/eating too much and/or not working out, then they wouldn't be here needing to lose weight. Good luck with depriving yourself of everything you've ever loved eating for the rest of your life and not slipping and gaining it all back.

    Real life involves birthdays and holidays, celebrations and the need for a quick (but not always healthy) bite. A lifestyle change is learning how to still live your life and make it enjoyable but making smarter choices most of the time and being accountable for your actions. Maybe after a year or two of forcing yourself to live up to unrealistic expectations you'll be a little less judgmental toward people who give themselves cheat days when need be,

    Who said I deprive myself? Moderation. I can eat something ****ty for me and stay within my calories and not call it cheating.

    Woof, woof! I'm a prick. Who knew? ;)
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    What about adding in higher calorie, good for you snacks? Like nuts. A handful of almonds is something like 170 calories. They're good for you AND will add to your daily caloric intake. :)

    Ding ding, you turned the light on. That makes perfect sense, thanks for the suggestion.
  • rita27ny
    rita27ny Posts: 820 Member
    What about adding in higher calorie, good for you snacks? Like nuts. A handful of almonds is something like 170 calories. They're good for you AND will add to your daily caloric intake. :)

    Ding ding, you turned the light on. That makes perfect sense, thanks for the suggestion.

    how about a whey protein shake?