I got nutrisystem recently too, it helps immensely when you don't even have to think about what to do for food everyday
I'm Returning recently as well, if you want we can be friends on here since we're in a similar boat I'll help you and motivate if needed
You look amazing my love, I am so proud of you :) keep it up honey.
Oh me and my girlfriend want a multitude of pets and they will have interesting awesome names. I will tell you them and where they are from lol. 1st we want two cats, which we want a black one named vader, (from star wars of course) and a white one named Artemis (her choice from sailor moon). Then we want a dog named…
Man I cant wait till ME3, the game keeps getting more and more awesome as time goes by
I wish i had a good gaming pc, I would love steam
GASP how could you forget ME3 lol, also I love the fact that you have 2 star wars quotes on your signature. Qui gonn is one of my fav Jedis :)
@xraychick77: which was your fav splinter cell? mine was chaos theory @ohpretty: You thinkin of getting Star Wars the Old Republic?
Ah ok thanks
What is sc? Splinter cell?
Man Beerrunner our questions were totally ignored lol
IMO ME > Dragon Age for sure lol
I dont have experience with those games lol, but i pose another question to go with yours beerrunner, Commander Shepard vs Master Chief >:) answer that people!
@Chunkabutt83: I love all the final fantasys except 13, that was an atrocity to me. And yes I am a fan of Music Games lol, you are the first to mention those on here
@shiggyshane: FF and Mass Effect 2, Great :D I like CoD but i find the multiplayer overated. But I do love the single player :)
I know lol I had to think about this all night, i came too mass effect as a conclusion, see reasoning above ^
@Mixmode: Half Life 2 is also one of my favorites. and Bioshock 2 and Fallout 3 are also excellent. I guess my choice will be... Mass Effect. I have never been more excited for a game in my entire life more than mass effect 3, and there is a reason. The level of immersion you get by playing with YOUR decisions has no equal…
GAAAH so many games coming out that look simply incredible.... I WANT!!!! I mean... theres Mass Effect 3 (my most awaited game) then there is Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrimm (WANT) and Bioshock Infinite (Looks Unreal in the best way possible) also there is Dead Island (Gameplay looks SICK) and Star Wars: The Old Republic…
Here is a challenge for you guys, as true game fans, i know this question will seem impossible, but try your best :) I want you guys to figure out what is the single best game youve ever played. Its hard I know lol but lets see if we can do it! For me.... idk!!! We gotta try to figure out how we felt about this game the…
I know baby, im sitting around all day but I dont have a baby to take care of lol :)
Hey when you lose a bunch of weight doing what youre doing, (which you will) :) and if you do have a little bit of loose skin all you gotta do is work whatever section with exercises specifically designed to tone said areas and you will be all good. Things that help gain muscle in those areas especially. Love you baby :)
@123456654321: oh i will do :D
No no, she is my girlfriend meaning i will not allow her to do mass effect half way lol. She will play ALL of it lol
@Beerrunner: lol yep we do that to people lol.
@babylemonade: Love you too :)
@Dinob661: I like how among all these old classics on your list, Mass Effect is there :) My list wouldve been different had I decided to include games from all time. Instead I made the list for kind of recent games. @bjpetey0306: Hey no prob, for PS2 I think my highest reccommendation is Kingdom Hearts 1&2 if you like…
Dont worry, we will play it one day together, be sure of that :D
Drew Karpyshn