Video Game Lovers here!



  • MasterXelcas
    MasterXelcas Posts: 130 Member
    Dammit Half Life 3 needs to be announced! GAAH
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Dammit Half Life 3 needs to be announced! GAAH

    yes plz
  • bjpetey0306
    Oh man, I am so happy about this forum! I prefer the XBox 360, but I've got favs on just about every console. I love Call of Duty, Left 4 Dead, Fable, Condemned, Resident Evil, Oblivion... oh and so much more! I'm also a sucker for my old N64 -- I still play my kid games too, like Banjo Kazooie and Pokemon Snap and all those ridiculously embarrasing games. Haha. Go gamers!
  • MasterXelcas
    MasterXelcas Posts: 130 Member
    @bjpetey I know how you feel, i wish i had the ability to list every single game i ever loved on here. maybe i will when im bored one day. Glad you are happy bout this thread, keep it alive by posting all the time! Keep it at the top friends!
  • bjpetey0306
    I have got a problem though... currently I only have a Wii and a PS2 to play on. Anyone know of any good games for either of these consoles? The ones I do have are mostly disappointing.

    P.S. There's a new 360 in it for me when I reach my weight loss goal! Talk about motivation!
  • MasterXelcas
    MasterXelcas Posts: 130 Member
    For PS2, hmm, youve probably played some of these or may not like some of em but heres my fav ps2 games : Final Fantasy 12 (immense amazing game) Resident Evil 4, Bully, the Warriors, GTA Vice City & San Andreas, God of War 1&2, KINGDOM HEARTS IS AMAZING 1&2, (if youre into some violence) Manhunt, Scarface the World is yours, Spiderman 2, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory (Double agent sucks IMO) , Star Wars Battlefront 1 & 2, Urban Chaos : Riot Response. Thats all I can think of right now. For wii i can tell you the obvious lol : Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess, Super Mario Galaxy 1&2, New Super Mario World, SS Brothers Brawl, Red Steel 2, Donkey Kong Country Returns is supposed to be amazing too
  • phnx72
    phnx72 Posts: 47 Member
    I really really can't wait to play Mass Effect 3. I also love the Halo series and Call of Duty.
  • MasterXelcas
    MasterXelcas Posts: 130 Member
    @phnx72 Mass effect 3 will be the embodiment of pure epicosity lol. I can honestly say i have NEVER been more excited for a game release as I am for ME3. Cant wait :)
  • phnx72
    phnx72 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm going to be so mad if Thane isn't a part of your party! He's so cool!
  • MasterXelcas
    MasterXelcas Posts: 130 Member
    @phnx72: you know what I think will be one of the most aggravating things they could do? Not reveal the quarian faces! Which is a possibility because Bioware stated that they are trying to be very careful approaching that subject because so many people will probably be disappointed no matter how they choose to depict them. But I just wanna know! I mean, we are gonna finally see a female krogan before even seeing a dam quarian face?? thats ridiculous lol. But one of the things Im most waiting for (besides the amazing close to this series) is seing how my faithful paragon soldier and Liara end up relationship wise. I hope theres some sort of wedding thing :) . I have another file with a renegade adept who just bangs everyone lmao
  • MasterXelcas
    MasterXelcas Posts: 130 Member
    oh and in response to your post, im not sure if he will be a party member, because they are downsizing the party size (mass effect 2 had a lot), but chances are if they survived ME2 you WILL be seeing and/or working with them at least temporarily. Thane is a special case though, idk if he will die of keprals syndrome before or during ME3.
  • phnx72
    phnx72 Posts: 47 Member
    lol I think they'll keep the quarian face a secret. I still don't know what Master Chief looks like and it's been like 10 years! My Shepard on my paragon play through was a TOTAL slut. I would have banged Miranda if I could lol.
  • dmanic
    dmanic Posts: 7
    Addict......PS3 and PC gamer. On PS3: GT5, COD MW, COD Black ops, SOCOM confrontation, SOCOM 4, and some fifa and madden to boot. Clan Leader of UKM (UK Maniacs)

    PSN D-Manic

    On PC Warhammer 40k Dawn of War and Dawn of War 2
  • MasterXelcas
    MasterXelcas Posts: 130 Member
    Lol, I just like Liara to much for my paragon to be unfaithful... but my renegade.. heres who hes banged (one ME1 & ME2 file character) Shaaira the Consort, Ashley Williams, Kelly Chambers, Jacquelyn Nought (Jack), and Miranda. With more on the way >:)
  • babylemonade
    babylemonade Posts: 250 Member
    All this talk about Mass Effect. I think I'd be missing out on a huge part of your hobbies if I didn't play it someday lol
  • MasterXelcas
    MasterXelcas Posts: 130 Member
    Dont worry, we will play it one day together, be sure of that :D
  • Dinob661
    Dinob661 Posts: 251 Member
    My top 5 Games/ Game Series of All time that are not multiplayer

    1) Final Fantasy 7
    2)Metal Gear Sold Series
    3)Final Fantasy 8
    4)Mario Series (Mainly All the mario's up to mario 64)
    5)Mass Effect Series

    This list needs a asterisk because I mainly play sports games when i do play.... but I can always go back and play these games and still feel the same excitement when I first played em.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    LA Noire
  • chellabella26
    I play a lot of video games (well, not so much now that the kid's here). Most recently Dungeon Siege 3. I'm a big fan of hack n slash rpgs. Played a ton of Diablo 2 back in the day.

    The game I play the most is Magic: the Gathering Online, which I also play in real life. I'm in school for programming, and my end goal is to work for Wizards programming MTGO.

    I love Diablo and Diablo 2...still waiting with anticipation for number 3! In the meantime I play XBOX 360...I'm mostly into RPGs, so my favs are the Fable series, Tomb Raider and right now I'm all about Fallout New Vegas. I also have a Wii and like to play bowling, Dance dance revolution and Super Mario Brothers.
  • bjpetey0306
    @MasterXelcas -- thanks for the reccomendations! I'm definitely gonna get my Zelda on for sure! Haha