Video Game Lovers here!



  • datzun
    datzun Posts: 198
    I love me the Zombie games.....But the spookiest game I played back in the day(12 years ago or so..) was Silent Hill 2!

    creepy game!

    Anybody ever been spooked with a game???

    Back in college, we'd turn out the lights, cover the windows, and play SH/SH2 with the music up. Spookiest games I've ever played.

    Also, the original Resident Evil when the dogs bust through the window...almost pissed myself!

    And on the PC, 7th Guest and it's sequel the 11th Hour were both pretty creepy (puzzle games).
  • pumpkinmoccasin
    I love me the Zombie games.....But the spookiest game I played back in the day(12 years ago or so..) was Silent Hill 2!

    creepy game!

    Anybody ever been spooked with a game???

    Silent Hill 2 is SERIOUSLY creepy. I was creeped out a lot playing Dead Space because of the camera angle, monsters & and the environment (not so much Dead Space 2 for some reason, I've only jumped a couple of times), Bioshock is a little creepy until you get used to it, hehe :3
  • MasterXelcas
    MasterXelcas Posts: 130 Member
    I love me the Zombie games.....But the spookiest game I played back in the day(12 years ago or so..) was Silent Hill 2!

    creepy game!

    Anybody ever been spooked with a game???

    I remember how many resident evil crap yourself situations happened, it made you cautious walking through anywhere lol it was great. Like in RE2 one time in the police station interrogation room i passed a one way mirror thing, when i was gonna exit the room a dam licker breaks through it. And resident evil 3? Nemesis would fricking pop out of EVERYWHERE!!!
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    I love me the Zombie games.....But the spookiest game I played back in the day(12 years ago or so..) was Silent Hill 2!

    creepy game!

    Anybody ever been spooked with a game???

    Back in college, we'd turn out the lights, cover the windows, and play SH/SH2 with the music up. Spookiest games I've ever played.

    Also, the original Resident Evil when the dogs bust through the window...almost pissed myself!

    And on the PC, 7th Guest and it's sequel the 11th Hour were both pretty creepy (puzzle games).

    Good so it wasnt just me who got all spooked about SILENT HILL 2 !! AND yesss the original resident evil had its spooky moments too!!!
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I get what your saying. I was talking more about the moment of the clothing and stuff. I just threw in the animation stuff too because I forgot to add that above. I've seen some awesome graphics with really crappy face animation. This game had good both.

    ...back to the physics though. I just remember being captivated by the movement of their clothing and lightnings cape flowing. Even her the way her holster moved was so natural. I don't know why I noticed it so much....but it just really impressed me.

    and yeah, I get a lot of crap about Red Dead. I just didn't think it was AS great as it was hyped up to be *shrug* each their own I suppose!

    I will agree that FFXIII Had very beautiful graphics, there is no denying that, but you cant deny the same about Red Dead lol

    hahaha No, the game looked great. I suppose I'm not quick to be impressed with graphics though. I blame Uncharted for that. DAMN YOU NAUGHTY DOG RAISING THE BAR SO HIGH!!!! lol But no, that game has seriously spoiled me.

    I think maybe Read Dead just didn't have the fun factor for me (which is weird because I love cowboys and the old west) .... It could have been my mood at the time, but I just didn't get that into it. I by no means am saying the game was crap by any means, I just felt it was overrated. I will admit though, I'm quite picky... I generally won't bother to put the time into a game if I don't have a blast playing it. I see a lot of people love Dead Space. I see why people like it, and I had fun with it for a while....but then it just got too repetitive. It was just too much of the same thing without having to really think about it. Even the scary aspect wore off pretty fast for me and I ended up getting bored with it.

    So yeah, it's probably me being picky more then anything else. xD
  • MasterXelcas
    MasterXelcas Posts: 130 Member
    hahaha No, the game looked great. I suppose I'm not quick to be impressed with graphics though. I blame Uncharted for that. DAMN YOU NAUGHTY DOG RAISING THE BAR SO HIGH!!!! lol But no, that game has seriously spoiled me.

    I think maybe Read Dead just didn't have the fun factor for me (which is weird because I love cowboys and the old west) .... It could have been my mood at the time, but I just didn't get that into it. I by no means am saying the game was crap by any means, I just felt it was overrated. I will admit though, I'm quite picky... I generally won't bother to put the time into a game if I don't have a blast playing it. I see a lot of people love Dead Space. I see why people like it, and I had fun with it for a while....but then it just got too repetitive. It was just too much of the same thing without having to really think about it. Even the scary aspect wore off pretty fast for me and I ended up getting bored with it.

    So yeah, it's probably me being picky more then anything else. xD

    Maybe since you love cowboys you should one day give it another go, though if you find dead space repetitive then youd prolly find red dead to be as well lol. I can relate though, something being overrated generally turns me off a game. But the thing is i love Rockstar so i usually follow their news and had been looking at updates for red dead a while before it was out. But i know what youre saying because I find things like CoD and Halo to be massively overrated and it just makes me like the game less itself
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I love me the Zombie games.....But the spookiest game I played back in the day(12 years ago or so..) was Silent Hill 2!

    creepy game!

    Anybody ever been spooked with a game???

    I remember how many resident evil crap yourself situations happened, it made you cautious walking through anywhere lol it was great. Like in RE2 one time in the police station interrogation room i passed a one way mirror thing, when i was gonna exit the room a dam licker breaks through it. And resident evil 3? Nemesis would fricking pop out of EVERYWHERE!!!

    OOO I <3 the RE games...too bad I wasn't so impressed with 5 though T_T

    Did you hear they are redoing RE4 and Code Veronica? Both of those were awesome and super creepy! I remember Code Veronica being really twisted. I had nightmares from both games actually.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    Masterxelcas.........................yes I totally forgot about Nemesis creeping the hell outta me!!!
    RE3 was indeed also creepy! Nemesis popping out everywhere was creepy!!

    But I shut off SILENT HILL 2 a couple of times cause I was creeped out bwahahahahha OR i would playit with music in the background!
  • Humphrizzle
    Humphrizzle Posts: 60 Member
    i play super smash bros 64 competitively.

    i play mvc3, bioshock 1 and 2, fallout, any good rpg,

    video games are fun.
  • MasterXelcas
    MasterXelcas Posts: 130 Member
    OOO I <3 the RE games...too bad I wasn't so impressed with 5 though T_T

    Did you hear they are redoing RE4 and Code Veronica? Both of those were awesome and super creepy! I remember Code Veronica being really twisted. I had nightmares from both games actually.

    YEEEESSSSS!!! I cannot wait to download RE4 on xbox. I loved it, as for code veronica, i always wanted to play it but never got the chance, so i look forward to that too. I liked 5 because i had fun playing the coop with my girlfriend, though you are right, it didnt hold up to the earlier games. Coop was neat but i hope they dont make it a habit of needing to put that in all their games.
  • MasterXelcas
    MasterXelcas Posts: 130 Member
    @Humphrizzle: yes... yes they are fun
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    Awesome thread man!!!!!
  • MasterXelcas
    MasterXelcas Posts: 130 Member
    @Beerrunner: Thanks :D
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    OOO I <3 the RE games...too bad I wasn't so impressed with 5 though T_T

    Did you hear they are redoing RE4 and Code Veronica? Both of those were awesome and super creepy! I remember Code Veronica being really twisted. I had nightmares from both games actually.

    YEEEESSSSS!!! I cannot wait to download RE4 on xbox. I loved it, as for code veronica, i always wanted to play it but never got the chance, so i look forward to that too. I liked 5 because i had fun playing the coop with my girlfriend, though you are right, it didnt hold up to the earlier games. Coop was neat but i hope they dont make it a habit of needing to put that in all their games.

    I couldn't agree more. I think co-op is fun, but when developers feel the need to jump on these trends they tend to slack on other parts of the game...probably due to money, space, time...etc... When I really like a series I just assume they keep perfecting what they do best instead of jump on bandwagons "just because." Of course, if it's possible to do without sacrificing from anywhere else, then by all means.....have at it! As far as co-op goes, not all games need it. Some games are better off being a single player experience imo.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    OOO I <3 the RE games...too bad I wasn't so impressed with 5 though T_T

    Did you hear they are redoing RE4 and Code Veronica? Both of those were awesome and super creepy! I remember Code Veronica being really twisted. I had nightmares from both games actually.

    YEEEESSSSS!!! I cannot wait to download RE4 on xbox. I loved it, as for code veronica, i always wanted to play it but never got the chance, so i look forward to that too. I liked 5 because i had fun playing the coop with my girlfriend, though you are right, it didnt hold up to the earlier games. Coop was neat but i hope they dont make it a habit of needing to put that in all their games.

    I couldn't agree more. I think co-op is fun, but when developers feel the need to jump on these trends they tend to slack on other parts of the game...probably due to money, space, time...etc... When I really like a series I just assume they keep perfecting what they do best instead of jump on bandwagons "just because." Of course, if it's possible to do without sacrificing from anywhere else, then by all means.....have at it! As far as co-op goes, not all games need it. Some games are better off being a single player experience imo.

    Uncharted is an awesome single player need for co-op there!
  • MasterXelcas
    MasterXelcas Posts: 130 Member
    I thank the gaming gods that they left mass effect single player, yes it has coop potential, but that wouldve taken away from the experience it already is. And god forbid they make a competitive multiplayer lol. But yes mass effect 3 will be pure single and that makes me happy!
  • babylemonade
    babylemonade Posts: 250 Member
    bump for my video game playing boyfriend :)
  • hstallings13
    world of warcraft, but that's about it and not so much anymore :)
  • babylemonade
    babylemonade Posts: 250 Member
    I love Resident Evil 5, as you can see. I also loved Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, Left 4 Dead 1 and 2, and laugh if you want, I ****in LOVED Guitar Hero.
  • MasterXelcas
    MasterXelcas Posts: 130 Member
    babylemonade is my girlfriend, the reason she now likes games is cuz of me! :)