Video Game Lovers here!



  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I'll just answer the same questions you did xD

    -My preferred console is also the Xbox360 but I have and play both 360 and PS3.
    -My favorite developers are probably Square Enix, Naughty Dog, Valve and Bioware.
    -My and My top five (newer) games/series are Final Fantasy XIII, Uncharted 1/2, Mass Effect 1/2, Portal 1/2 and Batman Arkham Asylum. Right now I am excited for ME3 FFXIII-2, Batman Arkham City, Uncharted 3, Gears of War 3, Mass Effect 3, Bioshock Infinite, The Elder Scrolls V ....but many of those I have to wait quite a long time for T_T
    -My favorite Arcade games released recently are Limbo and Tomb Raider: Guardian of light. We just downloaded Bastion last night...haven't tried it out myself yet though.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,046 Member
    Ohhhh Uncharted was FUNNN!! Cant wait for part 3. Also Dead rising 2 was kool too.
    Oh and Madden 2011 is coming up!

    What does everyone think of the upcoming Zombie game Dead Island!!

    I tend to play video games more in the colder months.....And im getting ready!
  • *jumps up and down* Me! Me! :D

    Favorite developers: Valve & 2K

    Top 5 games/series:

    1. Bioshock 1 & 2
    2. Dead Space 1& 2
    3. Borderlands
    4. Warcraft II & III (RoC & TFT)
    5. Okami

    My favorite gaming platform is the Xbox 360 though I used to do a lot of PC gaming before I got one so I'm kind of partial :) Sometimes I break out the PS2 and play older games like Persona 3 or Okami or DDR for exercise
  • Salpica
    Salpica Posts: 205 Member
    I'm a PC gamer but I do enjoy time spent on my PS3!

    I enjoy a good RPG every now and then but I am a CounterStrike Source child for life. I'm running a community for CSS and have had it for almost 3 years and sell mousepads, tshirts....ect. I also pride myself on the fact I haven't had to pay for our website/server expenses out of pocket since the 2nd month of starting the community. Everything else is paid for through donations!

    BIG PC gaming fan , Counter-strike Source ( clanned + in 3 leagues ) portal 2 , Team Fortress 2 , Modern Warfare ( clanned for this also )

    loving me PC games since Half-Life

    What clan are you in for CSS?
  • MasterXelcas
    MasterXelcas Posts: 130 Member
    @123456654321: You love many of the same games I do as well, I CANNOT WAIT for ME3, Skyrimm, and Arkham City. Bioshock Infinite too, though I will say FFXIII Ruined the series for me, sorry lol i know you prolly hate that i said that because you have lightning as ur prof pic lol. But I just abhorred the gameplay, story, level design, and characters. XII and IX are my favs, I mustve put over 200 hours into XII

    @Beerrunner: please no more flirty posts lol, but yea I think me and my girlfriend are gonna love Dead Island. My gf is a major zombie buff and I love em too.

    @pumpkinmoccasin: Bioshock is just great, cant wait for infinite. Do you think there venture out of Rapture was a good idea? I also love 2K Games, and they are owned by Take Two who also own Rockstar :D. Take Two knows how to work lol. I also loved borderlands at the time I had it, lesee what borderlands 2 has in store for us.

    @Salpica: I assume since you said you enjoy a good RPG every now and then that youve played Mass Effect ? lol
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I will say FFXIII Ruined the series for me, sorry lol i know you prolly hate that i said that because you have lightning as ur prof pic lol.

    I do not hate people for having a different opinion then my own......but obviously my opinion is right xD heheh

    ...but no, I loved the game. The battle system was Bad *kitten* imo. It was beautiful and had some of the best physics I have ever seen in a game. I really loved all the characters and it had one of the best endings to a game EVAR. I myself didn't mind at all that it was linear most the way through because I kind of like being pulled through a story at the creators pace. The only thing that bothered me about it was the over complicated menu systems.....but that's the Japanese for you, for some reason they seem to love doing things the hard way like that.
  • Love the xbox360. Pretty much addicted to the call of duty games right now :-p
  • MasterXelcas
    MasterXelcas Posts: 130 Member
    ...but no, I loved the game. The battle system was Bad *kitten* imo. It was beautiful and had some of the best physics I have ever seen in a game. I really loved all the characters and it had one of the best endings to a game EVAR. I myself didn't mind at all that it was linear most the way through because I kind of like being pulled through a story at the creators pace. The only thing that bothered me about it was the over complicated menu systems.....but that's the Japanese for you, for some reason they seem to love doing things the hard way like that.

    The graphics are great, but thats the only thing i liked about it. As for physics, im not sure if a FF game has much to do with that, so what did you mean? Cause physics wise, Red Dead is best at that for sure lol. All the things you love about XIII seems to be what I love about XII lol
  • I am looking to be a game artist/animator too. I got my BA in May so I am putting in apps right now. I spent a lot of time with the Super Nintendo as a kid. I love cute things, which Nintendo has a lot of. I've also played the online mmorpg Maple Story for 6 years, but I've been in a huge lull in the past year, just have too many more important things to focus on so am unable to justify playing it. :C
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Big gamer here. I have a PS3 and Wii, and also a beefed up PC for gaming. I'm an RPG addict and I've played alot of them. Favorite console out of all I've played is SNES when I was a kid. Man do I love that thing. Favorite game of all time? Man, I don't even know. My opinion changes frequently. I'll note a few I played ALOT: Earthbound, Tales of Symphonia, Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy VII, Secret of Mana, Breath of Fire II... man, good times.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    ...but no, I loved the game. The battle system was Bad *kitten* imo. It was beautiful and had some of the best physics I have ever seen in a game. I really loved all the characters and it had one of the best endings to a game EVAR. I myself didn't mind at all that it was linear most the way through because I kind of like being pulled through a story at the creators pace. The only thing that bothered me about it was the over complicated menu systems.....but that's the Japanese for you, for some reason they seem to love doing things the hard way like that.

    The graphics are great, but thats the only thing i liked about it. As for physics, im not sure if a FF game has much to do with that, so what did you mean? Cause physics wise, Red Dead is best at that for sure lol. All the things you love about XIII seems to be what I love about XII lol

    What do you mean what do I mean? hahaha I mean the game physics. The movement of the hair and clothing. Also the expressions of the lips and eyes and the movement of their was perfection.

    ...I guess we are equal though because I felt that Red Dead was waaaaaay overrated.
  • MasterXelcas
    MasterXelcas Posts: 130 Member
    @123456654321: GASP how dare you say that about red dead lol. But the eye and facial movements are more in line with graphics then physics, however the hair is part of physics. In a game physics generally mean what happens when things like characters falling down or reacting to the outside stimuli. Like in gta for example, if a pedestrian gets run over. Physics can be preanimated or Freeform, so thats why I was confused lol. Red Dead and Gta have about the most impressive freeform physics ive ever seen, while I believe most of FFs is preanimated
  • mrdavidjk
    mrdavidjk Posts: 105
    i am a huge pc fan, i have an xbox 360, but use it as a media centre.
    i have been playing online since unreal tournament.
    i love the Call of duty games
    rock star games. gta San andreas is just so much fun
    i also like the need for speed games

    currently i play call of duty 4 or call of duty black ops mainly
  • annrum
    annrum Posts: 144
    PC RPG's forever :smile: Waiting for Skyrim to arrive, love bethesda's games. Not entirely sure I've actually finished one... but clocked hundreds of hours in morrowind & oblivion hehe.

    Bioware are also huge favourites of mine, looking forward to seeing SWTOR when it finally arrives!

    Oh, occasionally strategy games if I'm in the mood for building huge civilisations (thanks for stealing hours of my life Sid Meier). Someone also mentioned the heroes of might & magic - great fun & nice universe.
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    i've only used a friends nintendo game cube and I own the Wii
    i like online games, Wii games and mmorpg's..
    Wii Fit, Wii sports, Deca Sports, Wii Play...
    I've thought about WOW but just can't bring myself to try it.
    I've been playing Runescape for just over 5 years LOL
    OHHHh and looking forward to GW2 to come out.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    @123456654321: GASP how dare you say that about red dead lol. But the eye and facial movements are more in line with graphics then physics, however the hair is part of physics. In a game physics generally mean what happens when things like characters falling down or reacting to the outside stimuli. Like in gta for example, if a pedestrian gets run over. Physics can be preanimated or Freeform, so thats why I was confused lol. Red Dead and Gta have about the most impressive freeform physics ive ever seen, while I believe most of FFs is preanimated

    I get what your saying. I was talking more about the moment of the clothing and stuff. I just threw in the animation stuff too because I forgot to add that above. I've seen some awesome graphics with really crappy face animation. This game had good both.

    ...back to the physics though. I just remember being captivated by the movement of their clothing and lightnings cape flowing. Even her the way her holster moved was so natural. I don't know why I noticed it so much....but it just really impressed me.

    and yeah, I get a lot of crap about Red Dead. I just didn't think it was AS great as it was hyped up to be *shrug* each their own I suppose!
  • Mixmode
    Mixmode Posts: 332
    Yeah as previously stated, there is another gamer thread. But I will entertain this one.

    Strictly PC gaming for me. Wii for my daughter (and sometimes me)

    PC Specs
    Intel i-3 ~ 3.0 Ghz
    6GB RAM
    1GB DDR5 GPU

    Crysis series
    Bioshock series
    Fallout series
    Half Life series
    Unreal Tournament series
    Batman Arkham Asylum
    etc............ pretty much shooters all the way!

    Wii is softmodded with 190 games on external HDD
  • MasterXelcas
    MasterXelcas Posts: 130 Member
    I get what your saying. I was talking more about the moment of the clothing and stuff. I just threw in the animation stuff too because I forgot to add that above. I've seen some awesome graphics with really crappy face animation. This game had good both.

    ...back to the physics though. I just remember being captivated by the movement of their clothing and lightnings cape flowing. Even her the way her holster moved was so natural. I don't know why I noticed it so much....but it just really impressed me.

    and yeah, I get a lot of crap about Red Dead. I just didn't think it was AS great as it was hyped up to be *shrug* each their own I suppose!

    I will agree that FFXIII Had very beautiful graphics, there is no denying that, but you cant deny the same about Red Dead lol
  • Mixmode
    Mixmode Posts: 332
    Crysis = best graphics across any platform. STUNNING.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,046 Member
    I love me the Zombie games.....But the spookiest game I played back in the day(12 years ago or so..) was Silent Hill 2!

    creepy game!

    Anybody ever been spooked with a game???