I've had a rough couple of weeks too - but instead of being on my feet all day I'm sitting all day working on projects. I'm back in the saddle too and trying not to dwell too much on the unhealthy eating I've been doing.
My 3 computer science project courses induced terrible sleep schedule is really wreaking havoc on my diet and exercise. I'm just exhausted all the time, and cooped up in the labs working on things. It's frustrating because I really want to take better care of myself, but academics are important and two of them are group…
Maybe if you feel the need to eat "out", take some food you've already made and go on a picnic somewhere. Then you can get the feeling of being out and about, but have food you feel better about.
I do love cold water, but my teeth are really sensitive so having ice in the cup doesn't work out. I'm almost thinking of making a calendar event every so often to remind me.
Man I really need to drink more water. Somehow I just forget until I suddenly see my water glass and realize, oh duh that's why I'm so thirsty. I think a lot of it is having to learn to listen to my body better and having it nearby so I can see it, but does anyone else have advice for remembering to drink water?
This hasn't happened yet, but Sunday is my brother's birthday and he's having what he's calling a "hobbit day." Basically he, his friends, and I are going to eat, drink and play board games all day. His roommate is an amazing cook, so it's going to be a cheat day, to say the least.
I'll be friends with you! I'm at the same weight, and I've also in the past been really good for a couple of weeks and then trail off. This time I'm going to try to be more consistent, for my health and my self-esteem.
If you're having such noticeable problems and you think they may be tied to your surgery, you should definitely go back to your doctor. No one here will be qualified to give you good advice, ESPECIALLY if it could be a complication from your surgery. Make an appointment, express your concerns to you doctor, and see what…
I'm a second year Computer Science/China Studies major. All my gen eds are done so now I only have to finish my major classes. This quarter I'm taking: - Data Abstractions - Foundations of Computing II - Second Year Chinese - History of China to 1276 AD
I'm at University of Washington, Seattle majoring in Computer Science and Asian Studies with a concentration of China. I love it here a UW! It's really easy to live outside of the dorms which gives me a lot more freedom.
What I've started doing is putting fresh vegetables in the ramen, or some chicken if I have it. It stretches out the meal a bit and adds a healthier balance to the noodles.