

  • Count me in! Thank you! Name: Whitney Height: 5'2 Starting Weight (1/1): TBA Goal Weight (1/31): 10 pounds loss 1/1: 1/8: 1/15: 1/22: 1/29: 1/31: Loss/gain for the week: Loss/gain for the month so far: Struggles or successes of your week:
  • I am not, but I have roses on me, it represents what I love, I am passionate about red roses. :-) I would go with something that symbolizes you into art.
    in Tattoo Comment by Bambi4U July 2011
  • I am not, but I have roses on me, it represents what I love, I am passionate about red roses. :-) I would go with something that symbolizes you into art.
    in Tattoo Comment by Bambi4U July 2011
  • Definitely try the elliptical again, but listen to the radio, or you ipod, or walk-men or something to keep you occupied, because yes it is boring, running, jogging, or walking in place. But I love the track or walking around the block outside, that is why you have to find something to keep you busy........something you…
  • You should do what YOU makes you happy..........that is why I am trying to lose the 60-70 pounds I've gained. If YOU want to gain weight for YOU then do it, but if you want to lose then do it just for you.
  • You are so gorgeous! I wouldn't worry about the weight! You should be happy with who you are. But if you really want to lose weight and get to the weight you want, just cut your portions and only eat healthy stuff, like veggies, fruit, and meat without bread. It is not too hard, you just have to get in that mindset about…
  • I am happy for you, hopefully I can use your ultimate goal to inspire and motivate me to keep on keeping on! Thank you!