Runners Explain...

I'm not a runner...AT ALL. I see people running down the street and always look to see who is chasing them! I have a very hard time running on pavement, treadmills, etc. The only thing I can stand to do is the ellyptical machine and even that gets really boring after about 15 minutes. Any suggestions to liking to run? Has anyone started out hating it and now love it. i know it's one of the best ways to lose pounds but I seriously hate it. My shins burn and I lose breath too fast. I quit smoking about 10 months ago so it should be better to breathe now.


  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    Im not a runner either and sterted the C25K program. I think I now enjoy what im doing because I see it as a major challenge! :) You just gotta get out ther hun :) xxx
  • CaptainAmerica1970
    Me! that would be me.
  • amayzingamanda
    amayzingamanda Posts: 254 Member
    I used to really hate it. For some reason (aside from occasiona pain in my shis) I get major pain in my arches every now and then. I love the elliptical for it's low impact.

    I started out walking with my mom a few years ago when she joined weight watchers. I did it with her more so she didn't have to go by herself (this was when I was in HS and we would go tothe track at my school). So maybe try starting there...and walk at a brisk pace for a while. It could help condition the muscles in your legs to get used to light jogging and eventually running.

    I'm not any type of medical expert...this is just my opinion.
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    C25K is the best way to ease into running. I love it....and hate it. IT is boring you are right, but the thing is it makes you stay alone in your mind for at least a half hour a day. think about what you've got going on, what else you need to do today, watch TV anything and it will get you through it and even relax you. physically it is hard, daunting and exhausting but take your time and you might learn to love it and if you don't ...then you don't but, you might learn that it is something you can add to your routine a few times a week anyway.
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    just tell yourself ~it does not matter how slow i go, as long as i dont stop~
    take it easy on yourself. remember that you are burning off SO many calories (when i finish my run, i usually think WOW, i just burned off a small french fry at mcdonalds!!) run with music, chew some gum if you need to while you run, etc.... the hardest part is really just lacing up those running shoes and getting out of the house. the rest is CAKE
  • takm0527
    takm0527 Posts: 53
    I would not say I am a runner...but I agree...the c25k running program is awesome...after the first two weeks I was hooked! I like that it starts you out nice an easy as you build
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    I started running by walk/running my dogs and before I knew it we had worked up to a 5 mile run. They need the exercise, and working up to the running part kills two birds with one stone.
  • rure13
    rure13 Posts: 86
    I hated running before but now I enjoy it (: I used to run on the treadmill but it was too boring, and I hated that I wasn't going anywhere so then I started running around my park and that made it more bearable. Just find some good music to listen to while you run, good luck on your journey!
  • WildflowerAL
    WildflowerAL Posts: 41 Member
    I have been running for about 8 years. It did not start out fun--but over time it does become addicting. At this time I have a hard time taking off days. I generally run 5 days a week and feel guilty for the two days I take off.

    I did not really like running until I hit the 3 mile mark--then it became fun. It just seemed to be the magic number for me--it was past the pain.

    Then I wanted to see how far I could go, how fast I can run and what challenges I can meet. Since that time I have completed a marathon, several 1/2 marathons, a 200-mile relay (with a team--and I'm doing another one this year), a 25k trail run, numerous 15k, 10k and 5k.

    Keep at it!!
  • OneTonPony
    OneTonPony Posts: 60
    i've always HATED running. the only time i would do it was during soccer as a kid... when i started my weight loss challenge (early june) i would walk every day and try to gain distance and shorten the time. now, i'm starting to add jogging to my walking. I've found it really enjoyable!! In order to keep that up, i don't push myself to the point of hating it...i jog while it feels good and is fun, and if i need to, i stop. I'm not training for a race or anything at this point, so i don't feel the need to push myself...i find though, that while i'm jogging i'll tell myself "just get to that far tree and i can walk" but i end up going a few steps passed the tree!!

    Anyway, hope this helps...start by walking!!
  • bluefever
    bluefever Posts: 93 Member
    I really recommend the C25k program. It starts you out really slow so that you don't burn out or get hurt. I am on week 7 now and I while I don't love it yet, I definatly don't hate it!
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    C25k = awesome. I'm competitive, I can totally do a program. That's what I was telling myself doing W5D3 in 92* heat yesterday. And I completed it.

    Dan Savage and podcasts in general have been my entertainment. Also, 80s glamrock/hair bands are good motivation, and occasionally I listen to some angry T.Swift and I kick booty.

    If you want to work out inside I suggest TV! Pop in a sit com/fav show and run/walk/elliptical while you watch. I used to watch on my iPod when I went to the gym.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I hated running. DESPISED it actually.
    I recently completed 9 weeks of C25K and ran my first full 5k outside (not a race, just a run outdoors)
    i LOVE running now.

    I'm starting to train for a 10k in the beginning of August.
  • Alacey88
    Alacey88 Posts: 487 Member
    I used to really hate it. For some reason (aside from occasiona pain in my shis) I get major pain in my arches every now and then. I love the elliptical for it's low impact.

    I started out walking with my mom a few years ago when she joined weight watchers. I did it with her more so she didn't have to go by herself (this was when I was in HS and we would go tothe track at my school). So maybe try starting there...and walk at a brisk pace for a while. It could help condition the muscles in your legs to get used to light jogging and eventually running.

    I'm not any type of medical expert...this is just my opinion.

    This is what I did with my bf..... as he was training for the Highway patrol....we started out by walking then brisk walking then little running/walking then running....if you are doing it alone maybe you should get some music that is upbeat that will motivate you, but if you are doing it with a friend, make small challenges that you and your friend can achieve.....
  • Bambi4U
    Bambi4U Posts: 8
    Definitely try the elliptical again, but listen to the radio, or you ipod, or walk-men or something to keep you occupied, because yes it is boring, running, jogging, or walking in place. But I love the track or walking around the block outside, that is why you have to find something to keep you busy........something you like too, if you like dancing or anything like that try a Zumba class or Turbo-Jam............anything close to dancing will keep you occupied and you will absolutely LOVE the results!
  • LyneaS
    LyneaS Posts: 22
    #1 It burns a lot of calories. #2 It gives me alone time to listen to music and think about stuff without interruptions. #3 It is really addictive once you get more experienced. I signed up for a 5K months in advance so that I would have to keep myself on track. It really kept me motivated. I also started out by walking and gradually adding short periods of running until I could run a mile and then 2 miles and so on. Good luck!
  • rgunn02
    rgunn02 Posts: 169 Member
    Start off slow and easy - I started by using Couch to 5k. Get fitted at a running store (not a sport's store) for a good pair of runners, download your all time favourite music to listen to and off you go! I started running last January and I love it! I get an extreme sense of accomplishment when I look at my gps and see that I've done 10km and it's that what keeps me coming back for more.
  • ncgatorfan
    ncgatorfan Posts: 517
    Yes, I have a wonderful suggestion - and it works! I HATE running too. But the only way I got it to the time to pass really fast is doing intervals (walk/run) and build it slowly. Great fast music is a must too. I run on the treadmill (can't stand the heat) and the time FLIES by when doing intervals. I started out one week with 10 mins of warm up, 1 minute jog, 2 minutes walking, repeat 10 times, then cool down. I did that 3 times that first week. I wasn't ready to up it yet, so I did it again the 2nd week. 3rd week, I upped it to 1:30 mins of jogging/1:30 walking and did that for 2 weeks. See where I'm going? I can now run for 40 minutes straight and I am overweight! Try it. It blazes calories and makes you stronger for other forms of exercise. Good luck. Here's a great link I found for beginners.
  • LosinMama2b
    I used to HATE it...I mean HATE it...and I would do everything I could to make excuses..."I'm not a runner" or "I can't run" or "I'm just not built like a runner". It was all ridiculous! I started C25K as a sort of challenge to myself...I was tired of my excuses and wanted to prove whether my excuses were the truth or just excuses. I couldn't do that without trying out running. I'm currently on week 5 day 3 and I LOVE it...yes you heard me...LOVE IT. Its such a rush to get past the next know that you did something you thought you'd never do. I can't even describe the feeling really. I have to say that I never would have done it if it werent for the C25k app on my iphone. It tells me when to run and when to walk and works me gradually up the ladder of longer runs than walks. I've also registered for my first 5k ever in September. I CANT WAIT!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I HATED running... even when I was thin .... and I LOVE running now.
    I have found big luv in the run/walk/run formula... knowing that I am just another couple of minutes away from another walk break is the ticket for me.

    I have also found that it takes almost 20 minutes for me to feel good... if I judge any run by how I feel before I hit 2 miles I would NEVER run ... once I realized that and reminded myself instead of freaking out that ... yep every first couple of miles suck... I realized I love it.

    When I ran my first half marathon I even wrote on my arm in Marker ... it all gets better after 2.5 :)