ShabbyAbby007 Member


  • Hi Bluey, Welcome! Becoming a mummy is an excellent motivator. I have no doubt you'll do it! I'm just starting out as well so add me if you like.
  • Hi Trina, I'm in the UK. South West Devon. I'm a mum of two teenage girls. Add me if you like. :)
  • You really are an inspiration! You're also beautiful. Hope you know it!
  • I was listening to some Sister Hazel songs that I hadn't listen to in years and there is one called "Change your mind". The chorus to this song is "If you want to be somebody else then change your mind"! This really hit home with me. Concentrate on changing your life instead of changing your weight. Start thinking like who…
  • Another idea, since you already walk home...wear you workout shoes home and start jogging/running that stretch. But keep it to 45 minutes. So if after a few weeks you find you're able to run home in 20 minutes, keep jogging around the neighborhood until the normal time you'd be home if you had walked. That's not time…
  • NOTHING TASTES AS GOOD AS SKINNY FEELS! A friend of mine said this to me once right before I was about to take a big bite out of a snickers bar and it worked I put the offensive chocolate in the bin! Now I tell myself this all the time when I'm tempted by something. MOST of the time, it works. Just think about how good you…
  • Hi ya, A Gin and slimline tonic is 65 calories. Also if you prefer something a bit sweeter rum and diet coke is also 65 calories. They have to be singles though. If you're drinking doubles it's double the calories for half the drinks! Good luck!
  • I have two daughters with hefty appetites!! LOL But it keeps well in fridge for a week!
  • I have a great recipe for Chilli! I large bag of Quorn Mince (meat substiute- I'm in England, don't know if it's available in the US) 2 cans Red Kidney Beans 1 can of sweet corn 4 cans of chopped tomatoes 2 packets of Old El Paso Chilli Seasoning. Cook the Quorn mince, dump in all the other ingredients bring to the boil…