StrengthCoach0702 Member


  • The original question was "what burns more fat?". Separate the two if your goals are specific to getting better cardiovascularly or trying for a max effort lift. If your main goal is simply maximal calories burned, then why the need to separate? You will still be efficiently burning maximal amount of calories in a shorter…
  • If Met-Con, and people such as Steve Maxwell, are wrong about the benefits of such as opposed to separating the two, then I don't want to be right. Sprinting and heavy lifting are muscle sparing/building activities, which add to lean mass, which then ups your BMR, making you a more efficient calorie burner. Steady state…
  • "If sufficient rest is not included in a training program then regeneration cannot occur and performance plateaus. If this imbalance between excess training and inadequate rest persists then performance will decline. Overtraining can best be defined as the state where the athlete has been repeatedly stressed by training to…
  • They arent using this time to play a sport or activity. They are using it for high impact activity. All 3 hours of high impact activity, 7 days a week for a regular joe is absolutely over training. Even athletes leave a day for rest. Youre using yourself as an example after telling me that I shouldnt base this on my own…
  • If you want to become a better runner,cycler,swimmer, do them first. If you want to become a stronger lifter, lift first. If you want to lose weight then doing metabolic conditioning is the way to go. The people pushing sleds and performing farmers walks etc. aren't worrying about losing weight or getting stronger because…
  • Energy efficiency. These are not athletes we are talking about. Their bodies do not know how to properly spare the appropriate macro nutrients for chosen activity yet. It was a general statement. Not stating a FACT at all.
  • Good at what? Overtraining? What is this persons goal of doing all these activities? Risk/Reward...Greater risk in training like that, then the reward you will get out of it.
  • Your thighs will not grow unless you are feeding them. If its a matter of getting rid of the last 10 lbs of stubborn weight, and it just so happens to be in your thighs, thats a different story.....first place to gain, last place to lose. I guarantee the latter is not you. Are you logging all of your work outs and food on…
  • Eat less, Move more.
  • Continuous exercise over 45 minutes to an hour and you will probably be burning protein stores, not fat or starches. Keep it short, simple, and effective.
  • Steve Maxwell, Mike Mahler, Anthony Delugio are all respected kettlebell instructors. They all have dvd's and youtube pages. Id highly suggest that you make sure you can do ALL the basic movements properly before beginning a routine. You NEED to have scapular and shoulder stability as well as proper spinal and hip…
  • Why someone would train for 3 hours a day if they were not an athlete is beyond me. Just move for 45-75 minutes a day and you'll be ahead of 85% of the population. Do whats right for you and your goals, and ignore this type of stuff that makes you side- tracked and confused.
  • Why separate the two? Keep your HR up while you weight train with compound movements. Problem solved!
  • Eat less, move more applies here. There is no miracle movement to save you from Bingo arms unfortunately. You can't turn loose skin or fat into muscle.
  • Don't invest in equipment just yet! A great starting tool would be to read up on Egoscue Method. This will give you some excellent starting exercises that are VERY safe and effective. I would then move onto using Isometric training to build a foundation of strength, and then finally thinking about picking up a weight. You…
  • These programs are marketed toward the general public, yet the general public has no business starting out with such intense programs. There are plenty of better training ideas online....try, its a great sight and is specifically geared toward women. They crush a lot of misconceptions.
  • Looked at the Matt Roberts routine. Not bad. The only thing i might add to that routine would be extremity work (hands/feet). I do a lot of Indian Club swinging for wrist mobility/strengthening. I also do a lot of toe/arch curls and ankle stuff with the feet. The one thing I would subtract from that routine is foam rolling…
  • The toxins being released theory is definitely bogus.
  • I agree with the rest. Listen to your body. Im not diagnosing, but could it be that blood pressure spiking from hot yoga is causing your migraines? Not to mention dehydration, and being upside down for a lot of holds. The only way to know is to stop the activity and monitor strength and occurrence.
  • You were doing rows? Did you possibly happen to do side planks/hip lifts as well that day? That could account for strain on both your shoulder girdle and LB/Obliques/QL. If you had heavy rotation while doing rows (incorrect form), that also may have caused the strain. Something I've noticed in the short time that Ive been…