cavaaller_85 Member


  • Great advice, guys. Thank you for the feedback! I think I will just eat at maintenance for another couple weeks and keep up the working out, then get back to it again when school starts. This was really helpful!
  • I've heard people talk a lot about starvation mode, but I think if you're eating nutrient-rich foods and are getting your full meals in, you will probably be OK if it's not for an extended amount of time. Listen to your body. If you're feeling light-headed, irritable, etc, then you probably need to eat more. I'm sorry…
  • I quit 2 weeks before finding out I was pregnant. Once someone else's well-being depended on me quitting, it was super easy. I got started again after I had my daughter, but I didn't smoke much. Then one day I just thought, "This is so stupid." I just quit cold turkey. I still crave sometimes, but it really helps if you…
  • hahahahahahahaha oh my gosh i also have a 20 month old and i can totally see her claiming her farts!
  • Fat free cool whip stuck between two caramel rice cakes and frozen for a few minutes. Tastes like an ice cream sandwich!
  • I'm training for my first half. I follow a program that looks something like this. Mon: 1 mile as fast as I can + lifting (I do a full body workout, but try to change it up every 6 weeks or so) Tues: 3-4 miles Wed: off Thurs: 1 fast mile + weights OR 6 miles, depending on what I feel like Fri: off Sat: long run (right now…
  • A neutron walks into a bar and orders a drink. The bartender makes it up, hands it to him, and says, "For you, no charge."
  • Thank you for the advice, you guys! I think I will try to increase my healthy calories. Right now my running schedule looks like this: Monday: 1 mile + weights Tuesday: 5 miles Wednesday: 3.5 miles Thursday: 1 mile + weights Friday: rest Saturday: rest or walk Sunday: 8 miles Of course, this changes every week and the…
  • I've asked a similar question on here, and the best I can come up with concerning logging the exercise is to use "calesthenics" or "circuit training". You can gauge how hard you're working by how weak your muscles feel and how hard you're breathing, which will usually give you an idea whether or not you really deserve all…
  • I can only see boobs, so I don't know!
  • If I don't have any calories left, I find something to take my mind off the urge: *read a GOOD book if you have one on hand *do the dishes/clean the kitchen *do some crunches/sit ups *knit something or find a different craft you can turn to *make a list of things that need to be done this week Etc. Just anything to get you…
  • Thanks, you guys! This has been VERY helpful. I'll give these ideas a shot this weekend when I do my 7 mile. And by the way, what is an ultra marathon? Sounds...awful! In an awesome sort of way.
  • Can you recommend a brand of gel? I've only recently even heard of these and aren't sure what exactly they are.
  • 5'6" and 160, and I wear a 12 and on RARE occasions a 10.
  • Hmmm...well, I added to weight-lifting workouts to my running routine about 2 months ago, and since then my running time has improved by almost 30 seconds per mile. I've definitely noticed a difference in strength, although I'm not seeing visible results quite yet, except maybe in my arms. I'm sorry I don't have any…
  • Good idea, ohsweet!
  • I am the same way, and the only thing I can tell you is that the longer you watch what you put into your body, the less often you'll want the bad stuff! Like just about anyone else, I'll give you this advice: If you're having a major craving that won't go away, let yourself eat some of whatever it is. If you can't live a…
  • One thing I try to do to change it up (especially when I feel like cheating) is ask myself, "If I could eat ANYTHING right now, what would it be?" Then I try to come up with a healthier way to prepare it. For example, I was craving a hamburger and fries the other night, so I looked up healthy hamburger recipes and then…
  • Did you watch your calories closely, or did it just happen naturally that you only gained 20 during the 3rd pregnancy? I'm very curious about this. I went from 175 to 210 with my first, and while I was walking a LOT from working as a waitress, I didn't worry about calories or even think about them at all. I wouldn't mind…
  • I'm a teacher, and I have a 14 month old daughter. It's great to have support when you're so busy!
  • Yep, the kind that wrap around the ear are the way to go! They look kinda nerdy, but who cares?! They stay on! Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Well, I've done a 4 mile course and finished that in 39:46. I'm training for my first half in June! I also have a 5 mile coming up in Feb. I really just want to stay under 11 minutes/mile. That seems to be a good place for my body to be at!
  • My goal is only 40 and I am down 17, but I always like to make new friends. Add me if you want!
  • Eek...yeah, I would definitely try to stick to her veggie-based recipes--they are more natural and waaaay tastier! However, I did make a recipe last week with those noodles, and it was the first time I've been able to prepare them in a way that I enjoy! Look up her Noodlicious Zucchini Pancakes. They're pretty tasty,…
  • Yes, that happens to me! I've been running long enough now that I will usually log 3 or 4 miles, and I find that about 1.5 miles into the run, most of the discomfort just kind of melts away. Good for you!
  • You can add me if you want! 26 yr old female from Iowa :)
  • You can add me if you want. Always looking for new friends on here! :)
  • I go to Planet Fitness, and I was wondering what the heck was up with the free pizza. Seems kinda messed up--all these people there to lose the weight and they're waving pizza in our faces! I have to admit that the environment isn't my fave, but we're pretty poor these days and for $10/month and being literally around the…
  • I usually eat my exercise calories a few times a week. The other days I don't. It gives you a little boost now and then as the PP mentioned!
  • 2036.99 + 6 miles = 2042.99