What I LOVE about running

Ok, first I must tell you that I am not a "runner" per se. I am only doing the C25K. But after a few attempts at it I've had this awesome experience happen a few times and it happened again tonight.

I'm jogging along at my usual (very slow) speed. It starts off a bit rough. My calves hurt and my breathing sucks. I'm trying to slow down but still technically be jogging. Then about two thirds of the way in to my run something miraculous happens. All the pain just suddenly goes away and my breathing is cool too!!! Then my pace picks up and I feel as though I can just run till my heart's content. My heart is filled with joy and I feel alive! What is up with that? I love it!!! I wish I could make that happen every time.

Seriously, is there something I'm doing, or not doing, that makes this happen? Do you have any similar awesome running experiences? If so, I would love to hear about them. :happy:


  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 788 Member
    Maybe this is the first time of it happening every time! I remember my first time was W5D3, during my first long run. I have discovered I do NOT like intervals. If I run longer times, I settle in after a few minutes and feel like I could just keep going!
  • Hi,
    That's awesome!! Maybe your body is just starting to adjust to running and you're getting into good running fitness? Or maybe you are a little tense or stressed at the beginning of each run and then it works itself out as you begin to relax and warm up? I've been running on and off most of my life, and I just sometimes have good runs, sometimes sucky runs, sometimes awesome runs like you describe where I feel like I could run forever. I usually (not always) feel better, though, after I run than I do before, even if I've had a bad run.

    One little nitpicky thing, though - don't sell yourself short about "just" doing the C25K. It's a very awesome thing you are doing and you are 100% a runner just as much as the next person, imho. You are rockin it just by being out there logging the miles!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    The first three to maybe... eight minutes are always the hardest for me. It's when that stupid little voice inside my head keeps telling me to stop. After that, I'm able to tell that little voice to STFU. Sometimes I can avoid the stupid little voice entirely if I start with a really, really good song.
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    I wouldn't class myself as a runner yet either but I started the c25k in october and although I didn't finish exactly (went on holiday but kept running just not following the program).... I am still running every second day.... the longest I have run in one stretch so far is 26 minutes (and about 3k).... but mostly i can only get to 20 minutes.... but some days i struggle and go back to walking at 12 minutes.... for me it is such a mental thing.... I also have a few years on you (I'm almost 52).... and haven't run since I was a teenager!... I make sure I complete 5k on the treadmill each time and sometimes I add a few extra shorter intervals to take my total run higher but i am struggling to get either faster or to run for longer.... not sure how long its going to take to be able to run the full 5k but I am quite determined to do it..... and I have had days where I think I am going to have to stop and then for some reason like you say things just settle down and before I know it I am at 20 minutes... I wish i could be like that every time ... hopefully my brain will start believing that I can run soon and that might help!
  • Runners high! :heart: it!!
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    That kick is your body rewarding you for doing something that is good for it; exercise --- it releases a flood of endorphins, which can numb pain/discomfort and gives people that "runner's high".

    Enjoy it, you've earned it!!
  • cavaaller_85
    cavaaller_85 Posts: 94 Member
    Yes, that happens to me! I've been running long enough now that I will usually log 3 or 4 miles, and I find that about 1.5 miles into the run, most of the discomfort just kind of melts away. Good for you!
  • mamitosami
    mamitosami Posts: 531 Member
    I'm a long-time runner... Generally I hate running the first 3k!! But then I am officially in love... :love: It's an addiction! There are days where I feel like I could run forever and some days I go to the end of the block and turn right back and hop on the couch! Sleep well, eat well and rest well and you too will love running...
  • Giraffe33991
    Giraffe33991 Posts: 430 Member
    I love running, but I wish I could stop the dialogue in my head that keeps telling me to stop sooner than I planned b/c "I have a million other things I should or need to be doing."
  • jturnerx
    jturnerx Posts: 325 Member
    I've been running now for several years and have trained for and run countless half and full marathons. I absolutely love running and I do a lot of it. Despite all the experience the first few miles for me always suck. Some days it starts to feel good about a mile in. Other days it's 8 miles in.

    I think one of the hardest parts about starting to run is building up your mileage so you are getting past that starting point where your body is complaining about what the heck you are doing to it. In the beginning you are almost always in the awful zone. Stick with it and it will get better.
  • Ruthe314
    Ruthe314 Posts: 18 Member
    Yep! I can totally relate! I started out running just for the cardio and I'm a total addict now! The runners high is VERY real and not something just marathoners get! Keep running - that 100 cal/mile is just a tiny part of it after awhile!! :smile:
  • TNTwedell
    TNTwedell Posts: 277 Member
    I love running, but I wish I could stop the dialogue in my head that keeps telling me to stop sooner than I planned b/c "I have a million other things I should or need to be doing."

    The only thing that holds me back is the TIME!

    But the RUNNERS HIGH! Thats what we're in it for - that blissful moment when you realize you can run forever & your body can do things your mind never thought possible.
    Let your body go & shut your brain OFF - thats the only way I get through -
    and yea.... Im the same way - the first mile is always the worst! Once I warm up & my body knows we arent stopping - its all easy after that :)
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    I'm doing the C25K as well. I have never been a runner, yet now, I feel like I am (at 57, no less). The other night, I had finished a longish run segment, about 6 minutes, and while walking for 2 minutes, started to worry if I would be rested enough for the next run portion. Sure enough, I heard the chime, and Alison's breathless voice (RUUN!!) and I thought, oh no..
    In two steps of running, my breath returned, and everything was OK!
    It had actually become easier for me to run than it was for me to walk.
    I will be doing this for as long as I can, for the rest of my life if I can!