bump for later
I saw the one that's happening in June, I'd love to do it but I have no one to go with me. Maybe next year though! I am really looking forward to the one I'm doing, If I like it I'll probably do more.
LOVE IT! i always end up spending way too much on groceries
mine is closed because I have a hard enough time eating in public and would rather not share. I eat pretty healthy though, but some days I slip. (i also keep it closed so people cant see what I do as exercise)
spaghetti squash! you can use it as a substitute for noodles in almost any pasta dish
This has been the best way for me so far.
you can add me if you like! you leave for Vegas really close to my birthday!! My goal by that time is to be able to run 4 miles without stopping.. :)
when I lost my weight I gained WAY more confidence. I started going out more, socializing more, and realized I could do WAY better than the guy I was with.. and now I'm still happy and have met someone new and exciting!
you can add me too! I'm always looking for more motivation and to help motivate!
summer is just around the corner, I'm sure there will be A LOT you can choose from. just don't be too picky! good luck though, I cant run for more than 5 minutes!
Born and raised in Seattle, WA I drink coffee, wear flannel on occasion, and I like rock music. so what? hahaha
I have the same snacking problem and these are some great tips! I'll be trying a few of them as soon as I get home
What's your name? Alaina Where do you live? Pacific Northwest! What are your food vices/ cheats? I looove Breads What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? lack of energy and motivation What's your favorite exercise? walking! super silly but I love it What exercise would you like to try this year?…
yea! it looks like a lot of fun. One free beer for entering the race, a beer garden afterwards, AND a Tone Loc concert at the end of the day. be prepared to get muddy!
do it! i'm sure it'll be lots of fun! especially with the free beer involved and the tone loc concert :)
Its a 3 mile, 12 obstacle course, run in Carnation WA. Lots of mud involved. Here is the link to the website: It looks like a lot of fun. I've never done any sort of obstacle course or run for that matter. you should check it out!
wow good job! I've tried insanity and it was HARD. My co-worker and I have a challenge going to see who can stick with it the longest and I am currently losing that battle!
Congrats! I wish I had the confidence to even set foot into a gym!!
I am working towards that goal myself, we can support each other !! (friend request sent)