After losing have you noticed relationship changes?



  • sandra80
    sandra80 Posts: 308 Member
    my ex made a point of telling me when i asked for a divorce that i would have never acted like this when i was fat, that i think i'm hot **** now and that no matter what i should know that i'll always be ugly
    nice huh?
  • mericksmom
    mericksmom Posts: 222 Member
    My husband loves women with meat and for me since I started this journey I feel insecure and that he isnt happy with the weight I have lost. Maybe it is because he is insecure himself but to me it has always been hard being around a 6 ft 2 in man who weighs 150 and you are 5 ft 5 weighing closer to 200+. With my friends I havent seen any difference. The 2 I have that I am super close with are also on the same journey and we have bonded more.
  • LilysMom28
    LilysMom28 Posts: 293 Member
    Sadly I think my boyfriend is less into me since losing my weight --- he claims I am crazy --- Idk after four years maybe he is just comfortable and doesnt want "it" as much..

    this has happened to me too. It seems like he looks at me less than before. He also tells me I'm crazy but idk. He makes it known that he hates how much I workout. :grumble:
  • CherryOnionKiss
    CherryOnionKiss Posts: 376 Member
    I only lost 5 pounds so far so no change in relationship with hubby nor friends :wink:
  • JoeyTajzai
    JoeyTajzai Posts: 1,198 Member
    Do any of you ever feel like your significant other doesn't want you to lose weight or is afraid of you losing weight because they think you might leave them for someone else?
  • talzybob
    talzybob Posts: 80
    Sadly I think my boyfriend is less into me since losing my weight --- he claims I am crazy --- Idk after four years maybe he is just comfortable and doesnt want "it" as much..

    after four years of being in my relationship when i started losng weight my ex decided that was no longer interesting. i was giving him what he wanted which was someone thin. Although it was what i wanted more, not to be thin but to be at my ideal weight range instead of being over weight.

    i think after four years the fact he loves you no matter what means you are a very lucky lady and should be proud of him he will be happy though when you are happy when you get what you want.

    i found a new partner and found that he loves me no matter what so i think when we are all at that stage we are very lucky. but when were happier with what we want to be like i deffo noticed myself being happier and my relationship been happier. it just took finding the right man to find that change actually counted.
  • itsalaina
    itsalaina Posts: 27
    when I lost my weight I gained WAY more confidence. I started going out more, socializing more, and realized I could do WAY better than the guy I was with..

    and now I'm still happy and have met someone new and exciting!
  • StatutoryGrape
    With other people, not relationship with myself has gotten a lot healthier, though. My self-esteem is a lot better and I'm no longer ashamed of how I look!
  • Babygirl928
    Babygirl928 Posts: 378 Member
    I have only lost 12 so far so no major changes in my body, but because i excersize now, count and log my calories and eat healthy, I have noticed " friends" that don't want me to lose the weight have tried to get me to stop working out or showing up at my house with chips and chocolate and fast food for me. So I, sadly, have had to put some of them at a distance in order to take care of me. Hubby is on this journey with me so it just gives us more time together which has been awesome. I also noticed that seeing me and hubby happy has also made a few "friends" not so happy and they try to start drama. I hold my head high and say to myself " your heart out...I GOT THIS & you aren't gonna bring me down this time!!" When you try to better yourself and people try to bring you down, it's their own insecurities whether it be a friend or a spouse
  • talzybob
    talzybob Posts: 80
    I have a good friend who is one of those people that needs to be the center of attention and to be admired (especially by men) in order to feel good about herself. She has an admittedly very low self esteem, even though she has a cute, athletic little body.

    The more I have gotten to know her over the past few years, the more I have realized that she literally surrounds herself with "big girls." All of her good friends are chunky chicks - and although I would like to believe that this is a subconscious decision, I know it's because being around people that she deems less attractive makes her feel better about herself.

    And then I realized that I was one of her fatty friends.

    It took her almost 8 months to even acknowledge the changes I was making in myself - although the changes became visible very quickly. When she was forced to acknowledge them (like when other people started commenting on my weight loss in front of her), she would sneer, and make some nasty comment about me becoming a "skinny b*tch" or some other hateful name disguised as a "compliment."

    Our relationship has decidedly cooled over the past 53 pounds lost... And I assume the more I lose, the less of a relationship it's going to be... I guess she's realized that I don't want to be one of her "chunky chicks" anymore...

    i think the fact that she is like i would agree that she has some issues. i say well done to you and congratulations on the loss so far. youve done really well and should and i doubt you are proud of yourself and you should be. the fact she doesnt like it means she is threatened. and the fact she cant support you in your endevor she just wasnt the friend you thought she was in the beginning so you are probably better off without her. youve got your life ahead of you and people like that are not what you need especially when you have a good thing going at the moment. well done to you. and no matter what she thinks youll always be beautiful no matter what. i dont believe in anything physically making someone ugly or unfit in peoples eyes. we all have our own beauty and you have yours. if she doesnt like it than shame on her.
  • lmtrevin77
    lmtrevin77 Posts: 68 Member
    Now that I have started losing weight and talk about it all the time, my boyfriend thinks it's okay to tell me how much weight he THINKS I need to lose. It really bothers me, and yesterday it really hurt my feelings because it makes me wonder what he thinks when he looks at me. It's very hard to hurt my feelings, but it seems like the weight loss topic always does it. I haven't spoken to him since that conversation yesterday so this topic is kinda perfect right now.
  • Nucky719
    Nucky719 Posts: 143
    My bf thinks I'm just doing it for attention. He says since I don't have diabetes or high blood pressure or am not 100 lbs overweight I have no real reason to be trying to get in shape. I say why would I wait until that happens? Why not just get healthy and in shape now and stay that way?
  • swt0pie
    swt0pie Posts: 366 Member
    i try to hide the fact that im losing some weight from my family and bf. i know what im doing and even though i am thin already doesn't mean im healthy and toned. My bf doesn't want me to lose weight and my dad continuously asks me if i'm anorexic (OMG, right?)
  • blueblueberries
    My partner and I broke up- my lifestyle change was one of many contributing factors.
  • SnTsMum
    SnTsMum Posts: 90 Member
    I'm much more interested in sex than I was when I was heavier, libido and self confidence wise (lost 6kg before joining MFP, 8kg total). Also, having just had a second child, hormones getting back to normal etc helps in a big way.
  • MelsieK
    MelsieK Posts: 72
    A few changes, not all good. Mostly I've found new support networks, made new friends I never thought I would. But also getting a bit of drama from others. My hubby is the big one, he's always been into bodybuilding, and yes he's supportive, but I'm noticing that as I'm getting closer and closer to goal, finding a new found confidence and bounce, smashing all my goals and aims, he's changing. Really hard to explain, but the support is different now, he's becoming quite sarcastic. Could go into heaps of details, but don't have time to write a novel lol.

    I let none of it get to me, if it happens to cause hubby and I to drift apart, well I guess I look at it, things weren't meant to be to start with. As for other friends, well their loss really, to lose such a good friend, simply because I'm doing and achieving, what most of them want to and could do with doing.
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    My boyfriend's been really supportive... then the more I started getting active and eating right... he jumped right on the band wagon. He's been running with me at night.

    ...that support of course leads to ---> :love: which then of course leads to ----> :smooched:

    Loves it.
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    My boyfriend has never complained about my weight as I was around the same weight when we started seeing each other.

    He says as long as I don't go stick thin, he doesn't care. I also inspired him to start working out :)
    Even though I LOVE his body just the way it is :). As long as he's happy, that's all that really matters though.
  • VeganPanda
    VeganPanda Posts: 582 Member
    Good good gooooood changes. ;P
  • smkafka
    smkafka Posts: 134 Member
    My husband hasn't said a word about my weight lose and it hasn't changed anything. It is a bite depressing. I am working so hard. I was hoping that he would start being "affectionate" again. No such luck.

    At least my friends have noticed and are happy for me. I have more energy and do more physical activity.