After losing have you noticed relationship changes?

hales_04 Posts: 68 Member
I'm sure this had been asked before on here.
What sort of differences (good and bad) have you noticed after a significant weight loss?
I've unfortunately seen jealousy and insecurities in friend's relationships. What sort of things have you experienced?


  • slynn28
    slynn28 Posts: 93
    what i lost is being ashamed to undress in front of my bf and what i gained was more confident.. also with him working out.. i find him more sexy and not just thin.. even though it didnt bug me before bc who he is, is what made me fall in love with him but his body is getting more swollen and i love it!
  • Sugar_Junkie
    Sugar_Junkie Posts: 366 Member
    Sadly I think my boyfriend is less into me since losing my weight --- he claims I am crazy --- Idk after four years maybe he is just comfortable and doesnt want "it" as much..
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    We have been married 12.5 years and have five children together. I have more energy, more playfulness, and more confidence. Seeing the changes in me has inspired hubby to start running and lifting some weights, and these things have put a pep in his step and a twinkle in his eye.
    Definitely has added some fun and passion.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Sadly I think my boyfriend is less into me since losing my weight --- he claims I am crazy --- Idk after four years maybe he is just comfortable and doesnt want "it" as much..

    I feel your pain. I also feel the "we-vibe".
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    my boyfriend is the kind of guy who loves me the way i am, yet understands if I need to lose weight for health reasons. Since I have been losing weight, I just feel more pretty when I'm around him. I feel more secure about how I look.
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,795 Member

    I feel your pain. I also feel the "we-vibe".

  • cwojo
    cwojo Posts: 156 Member
    Friends tend to change as they can't handle that you have done well, spouse on the other hand has gotten much better....All is good. Love being healthier and feeling good.
  • kludgood
    kludgood Posts: 147 Member

    I've unfortunately seen jealousy and insecurities in friend's relationships. What sort of things have you experienced?
    I'm experiencing a slight case of this now! Don't get me wrong it's not horrible just a little teeny tiny
    bit lol && who doesnt want someone to be jealous over them :D
  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    more from a friends heavier friends dont want to hang out....they always have excuses. Or my friends that dont run...we have nothing in common. So..I just go for runs...take the kids family things. Maybe they will come around. sigh.
  • ampa916
    ampa916 Posts: 189 Member
    My husband is very supportive and I asked him once to be honest with me about my weight. He told me he would prefer me to lose some weight and be healthier. It wasn't mean or anything, but what I really realized is that he just likes it when I am more confident and less self-destructive.
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    Good and bad... hubby seems to be noticing now and sometimes can't keep his hands off me which I like. But he also seems to be showing a tiny jealous side that I never saw before and don't like.

    Friends...I think they get tired of me talking about diet and exercise all the time. I can't help it though. I am enjoying my new lifestyle.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    My wife has become a more jealous person when other women talk to me, even though I give her no reason to be that way.
  • I have noticed in myself that I get irritated that my husband wants me to lose weight but does nothing to lose weight himself. He is 300 lbs and I am currently at 237. I have already lost around 11 lbs. He has diabetes and high blood pressure. When he started to lose weight I was thrilled that he was supporting me. He stopped dead in his tracks and put back everything he had lost and more. So, while he was losing weight his diabetes was under control enough that he could stop his pills, now he has to take them constantly no sign of changing his habits. I get frustrated.
  • lucretia86
    lucretia86 Posts: 32 Member
    Definitely my some of my bigger/heavier friend seem bitter about my weight loss... so I have pretty much cut them out tbh. I don't really need 'friends' like that ;-) As for my partner no changes at all really in how he seems to see or treat me. He has lost a lot of weight too though :)
  • tananichelle
    tananichelle Posts: 103 Member
    I have a good friend who is one of those people that needs to be the center of attention and to be admired (especially by men) in order to feel good about herself. She has an admittedly very low self esteem, even though she has a cute, athletic little body.

    The more I have gotten to know her over the past few years, the more I have realized that she literally surrounds herself with "big girls." All of her good friends are chunky chicks - and although I would like to believe that this is a subconscious decision, I know it's because being around people that she deems less attractive makes her feel better about herself.

    And then I realized that I was one of her fatty friends.

    It took her almost 8 months to even acknowledge the changes I was making in myself - although the changes became visible very quickly. When she was forced to acknowledge them (like when other people started commenting on my weight loss in front of her), she would sneer, and make some nasty comment about me becoming a "skinny b*tch" or some other hateful name disguised as a "compliment."

    Our relationship has decidedly cooled over the past 53 pounds lost... And I assume the more I lose, the less of a relationship it's going to be... I guess she's realized that I don't want to be one of her "chunky chicks" anymore...
  • antoniosmooth
    antoniosmooth Posts: 299 Member
    I have noticed in myself that I get irritated that my husband wants me to lose weight but does nothing to lose weight himself. He is 300 lbs and I am currently at 237. I have already lost around 11 lbs. He has diabetes and high blood pressure. When he started to lose weight I was thrilled that he was supporting me. He stopped dead in his tracks and put back everything he had lost and more. So, while he was losing weight his diabetes was under control enough that he could stop his pills, now he has to take them constantly no sign of changing his habits. I get frustrated.

    Strange thing is quite a few guys are the same way as your husband. Personally I don't get it, they'll comment on a woman's weight or even their wife's weight while being overweight themselves. It is a VERY strange and odd situation.
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    I have a good friend who is one of those people that needs to be the center of attention and to be admired (especially by men) in order to feel good about herself. She has an admittedly very low self esteem, even though she has a cute, athletic little body.

    The more I have gotten to know her over the past few years, the more I have realized that she literally surrounds herself with "big girls." All of her good friends are chunky chicks - and although I would like to believe that this is a subconscious decision, I know it's because being around people that she deems less attractive makes her feel better about herself.

    And then I realized that I was one of her fatty friends.

    It took her almost 8 months to even acknowledge the changes I was making in myself - although the changes became visible very quickly. When she was forced to acknowledge them (like when other people started commenting on my weight loss in front of her), she would sneer, and make some nasty comment about me becoming a "skinny b*tch" or some other hateful name disguised as a "compliment."

    Our relationship has decidedly cooled over the past 53 pounds lost... And I assume the more I lose, the less of a relationship it's going to be... I guess she's realized that I don't want to be one of her "chunky chicks" anymore...

    This is NOT a "good friend" as the post starts out. She sounds like a real piece of work if you ask me! I'm thinking you're going to be much better off without her. Hang out with the ones who really are your friends and like you for who you are. Keep up the good work! ::)
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    Um... I'm going through a divorce now, so that's a pretty major change.

    Honestly, that wasn't the reason for the split, but I do have to say that when you work so hard to change your body and get fit and healthy, and the other person isn't on the same page as you are, it definitely does cause an issue.
  • pineapple1989
    pineapple1989 Posts: 195 Member
    Mine and my boyfriend's relationship has seen good changes... even though he has openly admitted in the past that he prefers a larger lady he has since told me that he loves me for who I am and if losing weight makes me happy and I feel better about myself then he is behind me all the way. I was suspicious at first, thinking that he would lose interest in me... but he has been very supportive and really compimentary of my slimmer figure, and always encourages me to get some exercise done.

    As for my friends... 2 of my closest friends are petite... one has been amazing, she has known since day 1, she takes a proactive interest in my progress and is mindful of it if we are socialising... when I hit my goal weight I will owe her a lot for her constant support. The other however, seems to have no interest at all in my diet, never speaks of it or acknowledges any weight loss really. This is a bit disappointing, I know her very well, all her best and worst points, I think she is possibly feeling threatened that I might look better than her when I'm done. To be honest, I arent really thinking about that at the moment and will decide what to do about it when I have had more time to observe her attitude.

    The rest of my family are all obese except for my mum, apart from my immediate family nobody knows about my diet and so far nobody has asked if I am on one. My family are very competitive and can be quite *****y and would rather tell them about it once I am more than halfway to my goal weight rather than be constantly scrutinized. I am doing this for me, not them, and they are too negative so until there are big noticeable results I am keeping it quiet. My parents are being reasonably supportive but I think my mum is fed up with me talking about diets all the time! My mum has a very strict diet to stay slim so knowing her like I do, I think once my dress sizes start to drop her support will become more vocal. I did overhear her telling a shop assistant how well I'd done in the last month for dropping a dress size and it made me feel all warm inside! :smile:
  • CardiacNP
    CardiacNP Posts: 554 Member
    i find i am more outgoing, flirty and get flirted with more
    not complaining!