

  • I'm on 1200 a day and do find it difficult at times, usually through the week im fine as i have a set routine and if i feel like a treat i just make sure its on a day i've done a run or something - its the weekends that i find difficult and very rarely manage to stay at 1200, more like 1500 as routine just goes out the…
  • Thanks guys will give cycling a go this weekend, i love cycling anyway so dont mind doing this as much! I think i just did too much too soon with running so plan to have another few days off then see how it goes, i do love it though so im hoping it wont be too long till i can get going again!
  • Really hot bath, hot as you can stand it, lots of stretches, maybe some light cardio like walking and plenty of rest should do the trick!
  • It depends what you mean by exercise, if its quite intense cardio like running, swimming etc then id say about 4/5 times a week, if its just walking or something then theres no harm in everyday! I tend to run 3/4 times a week for an hour or so then on my 'days off' ill still take the dog out etc so im still doing…
  • Thanks guys, iced them for 10/15 mins each and will do the same tomorrow, going to give myself 2 days off then go out for 20 mins or so and see how that goes, if i'm still feeling pain will give myself another few off. Was going to do the c25k but dont own an i pod and cant run with headphones in (always fall out my ears…
  • I probably have a cheat day once or twice a week, usually on weekends! I usually go about 500/600 cals over my 1200 allowance, sometimes more if i have done a lot of exercise that day. Im not sure if it is slowing down my weightloss or not but i do know that if i dont 'let go' every now and again and have a nice tea and…
  • I once heard from an instructor at a gym that a matchbox full of muscle weighs more than a butter tub full of fat... so looking at it that way could it be possible that you training so hard at the gym has made you gain more muscle so it looks like your not shifting weight? How are your measurments? How are your clothes…
  • Dont get me wrong, it was still unbelievably hard and thought i was gonna die :laugh: but i obviously ran more than the last time as i did it about 5 mins quicker than the last and i did the exact same route! Its brilliant how quickly your body can build fitness isnt it! :smile: Im hoping if i do it about 4 times a week,…
  • Thanks for the replies everyone! Been very helpful! :smile:
  • Wow thanks for the replies! I'll keep it at what it is then for now! I'd rather under estimate my calories burned anyway so im not sneaking over without realising,but good to know some ball part figures for running as i dont have a clue :laugh: I think its definitely worth purchasing a heart rate monitor after reading all…
  • Thanks for the replies guys, i admit i do tend to go over on weekends yes, but compared to the way i was eating before (probably around 2500 a day without even realising) i thought i would've lost a hell of a lot more than i have! Even if i have been over estimating exercise and under estimating cal consumption (which it…
  • Obviously i do have days where i go over, mainly weekends (but not every weekend) but yes, through the week i am very strict and if i do go over 1200 its only because i have exercised so eat back some of my calories, even with cheat days included (say one a week on average, but i never go over 2000... ever!) i still would…
  • i weigh 179 lbs and it tells me 309 cals for 60 minutes walking 3.5 mph Another question on this note... is 3.5 mph about the average speed walking? i say i walk fairly briskly, as in i get a bit out of breath and my heart rate goes right up but i have no clue on speeds or anything!
  • im in the same boat! been eating 1200 a day and exercising 4/5 times a week for about 7 weeks now, i still weigh EXACTLY the same and am still hovering around the same one or two inches everywhere on my body, clothes feel no different either... is it possible that weight loss is just not gonna happen for some people do you…
  • thanks for all the info guys, feeling a bit more possitive about it all now... just very disheartening when you think you've been doing so well and you haven't changed a bit! haven't really noticed a difference in my clothes to be honest, not noticing much at all even though i am sticking to my goal more a less everyday...…
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