dpowell58 Member


  • I'm 5'3, 192 lbs AND 54 years old. I am on week 4 of Insanity. No I can't go near as fast as the young, fit people on the DVD but I do the best I can. In the beginning I had to take a lot of extra breaks too, but now I find I am taking fewer. Just keep at it and do the best that you can do. You will find that you will get…
  • I am just finishing week 2 of insanity. I do my second fit test and measurements tomorrow. It is hard but you feel such a sense of accomplishment when you do better each time. Yesterday I lasted longer during the Pure Cardio than some of the young, fit people working out with Shawn T and I'm 54 years old. I think if I can…
  • I know exactly how you feel. I never exercised, much less ran, growing up or as an adult but in my dreams I could run like the wind. A fellow teacher at my school hosts a running club each year for the 4th and 5th grade students so this year I volunteered to "help" him with the running club. When I started on January 17th,…
  • Sounds like tendonitis in your ankle. I have the same thing. I've read that many injuries, especially in older people (like me) or those who have been not very active, tend to happen in the 8th - 12th week of working out. Mine happened at the end of my 7th week. Started as a burning pain in my left ankle, I kept running…
  • I love my fitbit. I wear it 24/7. It is very good for tracking everyday calorie burn. You can really get a good idea for how many steps you are taking, etc. It is not as accurate for calorie burn with heavy duty exercise, I use my HRM for that. For example: Yesterday I ran for about 40 minutes and the fitbit said I burned…
  • That is AWESOME! I'm 55 and have lost nearly 50 lbs and I still can't do that yet. I can get to my heel but that's it. Keep up the good work.
  • I know for me, I can't eat something that I don't like so I use Miracle Whip but am just careful not to use too much. I don't like mayo at all, especially the "lite" stuff and even the lite MW doesn't taste the same. I put just enough on my bread to taste, and I eat it almost everyday on my tuna sandwich.
  • I completely understand what you're saying. I, too, have the same problem. Some days I have problems just getting to the 1200. I don't even attempt to eat all the extra "exercise" calories that MFP says I need to eat but on those days I do allow myself a little more. My "more" usually consists of a cut up apple and a small…
  • I have a FitBit and have been using it since the beginning of November. It is not real accurate on heavy workouts, especially if they involve weights, squats, etc. but you can input the correct burn into MFP. I use my HRM to get a more accurate read of calories burned for all of my workouts. I have found the sleep pattern…
  • I suggest you get a heart rate monitor and use those results. Depending on your weight the actual calories could be more that both of those numbers. I love my HRM. Most of them are suppose to be pretty accurate. Keep up the good work.
  • I had mine out about 5 years ago, laproscopy, and had it done day stay so I was had the surgery in the morning and went home that afternoon. I rested a lot the first couple of days and then I was fine. Very little pain, no bloating (which I had expected). Hope yours goes as well.
  • I think its great that you have found something that you enjoy doing. It sure makes it easier to keep up the exercise. I'm a teacher and I always made the excuse that after school I was just too exhausted to work out and I was NOT going to give up what little sleep I get to get up earlier to work out. So this summer, when…
  • I feel ya. I actually lost the first 20 lbs pretty easily but then hit a wall and did not lose an ounce during the month of October. I created a spreadsheet and analyzed everything. But everything looked right. I could not figure out the problem. I just kept at and all of sudden it started coming off again, slower, but…
  • Hi, My name is Debbie and I live in Waldo, a small town just north of Gainesville.
  • I did day 2 of level 1 today and was able to do better than day 1. I plan on staying with level 1 until I can do it all well. I've heard level 2 is really hard and has a lot of plank work and with a damaged muscle in my left arm, planks are difficult. Great job to all who are doing this. Keep it up!
  • I am drinking a lot of water, just haven't been consistent about logging it. I am trying to add more healthy calories since several people, and my daughter, think I'm not eating enough, but I also don't want to eat if I'm not hungry. I have never been an overeater. Just seem to have an extremely slow metabolism. My doctor…
  • I have taken measurements, no change. Haven't lost a pants size, although my used to be very tight size 20s are very loose. 18s are still about 4" from fitting. I haven't been eating my exercise calories but I'm not hungry. I eat when I'm hungry and I stop when I'm full. I'm trying to watch my sodium intake, in case that's…
  • I am in my second week of doing the C25K, however I'm still running at week 1. I've got nearly 100 lbs to lose and I working on it a little more slowly. I was able to run for 3 minutes straight yesterday (10 minutes total) and I am walking much faster than I have ever been able to do. My goal is to be able to run a 5K with…
  • I've never done a challenge so this would be my first. I think I'm game. Maybe it will help me get past this plateau I seem to be at.
  • I do! North Central Florida. Small town of Waldo, just north of Gainesville (Home of the Gators).
  • I used them for about 6 months a couple of years ago. I didn't have any of the rectal leaking problems, in fact, I had just the opposite. I was constipated. But after initially using 10 lbs in a couple of weeks, I lost nothing else. I don't recommend them. I have lost 23 lbs in a couple of months just watching portion size…
  • I'm in the same boat. After 2 1/2 weeks, I have only lost 5 lbs. I work out 4-5 days a week and am trying to be more active through-out the day and am eating right around 1200 cal a day. I feel a 100% better so the only thing I can do is keep it up. The weight has to go at some point. Don't give up, keep on doing what…