Has anyone tried the Fitbit Ultra Tracker that connects with

Has anyone tried this? It seems interesting to me, being that it adjusts your calorie intake on MFP based on your activity. Is it worth the money?


  • dpowell58
    dpowell58 Posts: 23 Member
    I love my fitbit. I wear it 24/7. It is very good for tracking everyday calorie burn. You can really get a good idea for how many steps you are taking, etc. It is not as accurate for calorie burn with heavy duty exercise, I use my HRM for that. For example: Yesterday I ran for about 40 minutes and the fitbit said I burned 301 calories. My HRM said I burned 900. The fitbit doesn't track heart rate so HRM is better for anything that really gets your heartrate up but for everything else, including sleep patterns, its great.
  • LixxiLees
    LixxiLees Posts: 41 Member
    I've just got mine, so I couldn't tell you right this second if it's worth it. But it has made me up my calories because I'm burning alot more than I realised as I walk 8-10 miles a day and was only eating 1200 calories.

    But I am loving it, works with MFP quite well.
  • kerriavr
    kerriavr Posts: 20 Member
    It was great until I lost it. It came out of the supplied clip so I am rather disappointed with it in that aspect. It did provide some great info not to mention motivation.
  • sharonloraine
    sharonloraine Posts: 69 Member
    Jess I have had on for 2 months now and wear it faithfully. I lost it for 2 days and ordered another one...I just felt lost and didn't know where I stood at the end of the day. i got my second one in and low and behold i found the first one clipped on my seat belt....anyway I highly recommend....
  • 2FattyXFatty4
    2FattyXFatty4 Posts: 215 Member
    Love, love, love my fitbit! I wear it 24/7 and only take it off when bathing or to charge it up (which only takes an hour and can do so while I update MFP). I read horror stories about people losing theirs so when mine came I decided to wear it in the sleep band all day, every day. When that started getting grubby and ragged, I bought a couple of these wristbands with zippered pockets. Works like a charm.
